
I'm having a hard time getting the calories that I need without going over on sugar, any tips?


  • Sweetie1429
    Sweetie1429 Posts: 24 Member
    Add some fat and protein rich foods like nuts,seeds,eggs, fish and meat. Try to go easy on fruit and add vegetable sauté or raw to meals.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I don't have any specific suggestions (other then lots of fat) but I track sugar and my diary is open if you want to take a look.

    Or maybe sugar is set too low for you? yarwell put together a great sugar FAQ that might help.
  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    The MFP sugar intake is set as way too low. I stopped tracking it because I would go over after breakfast from eating fruit :grumble:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't track sugar, I just set my carbs to the right level for my goals and make sure that I stay under on that. Sugar is a subset of carbs anyway, and MFP's sugar limit is set to the recommended amount of added sugar anyway, so I think tracking sugar is sort of pointless unless you've got a medical issue.

    MFP's carb recommendation is pretty high though, so what I'd do is think of protein and fat as minimums and carbs as a maximum, or reset your macros:
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    This may not work for you, but I always drink diet soft drinks, never regular. I also eat dark chocolate because it is bitter with nuts. I eat fresh fruit for a sweet tooth often. When I try a slushy - can't stand them, too sweet. I think its because I been away from sugary stuff for so long.
  • lindseys84
    Definitely but the Carbs is set WAY TO HIGH!!!
  • tannas25
    tannas25 Posts: 13 Member
    The sugar setting is actually ridiculously low here. You can change the settings and hide the sugar tracker. You're likely doing better than you think if it's only the sugar that is high on mfp. There's another thread talking about this right now.
  • xxmarysmxx
    xxmarysmxx Posts: 199 Member
    I'm having a hard time getting the calories that I need without going over on sugar, any tips?

    Change your sugar to fiber. That's what I did. They don't give you enough sugar, 2 apple and your over. This has worked for me.