Starting to resent myself

I just binged around 3000 cals today. I have at least 1-2 days each week where I am eating around 2500 cal. I guess this explains why my weight has stayed the same these past 3 months. I'm so tired of my lack of self-control and I know it's only me that can change. I'm starting to resent how I can't seem to control my eating for more than several days at a time. I don't understand why I can't just eat well 7 days straight. I feel like it's such a waste that I eat well/workout 5 out of 7 days but let it all go to waste...sigh I don't know what to with myself anymore. It's starting to drive me crazy.


  • roonaldo720
    roonaldo720 Posts: 5 Member
    I know exactly how u feel. I keep having really bad days that i dont even bother to fill my diary in. I go away in 4 weeks and feel mad and low that im gonna look horrible xx
  • I lost 20lbs on here and then binged it all back so I'm starting over :( I know how you feel.
  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    I'm in the same boat here! For the past two weeks I've been eating over 2000 calories most days and have gained back a few pounds. Don't know why I can't just stop :(
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    *hugs* I'm totally an emotional eater and know how you feel. I can't really offer any real advice since your profile/diary are completely private, but maybe you need to redefine what you mean when you say that you "control" your eating for several days - do you need to adjust your "normal" calories? Are you being too restrictive on what you're eating? Is there a certain trigger that leads to these binges?

    Don't give up, and DEFINITELY don't beat yourself up too much. You CAN recover!
  • We have all had these moments! Don't worry about it at all :) Learn from how you feel now, in this moment and think about it when you get the feeling to binge. Allow yourself small bites of the food you like and try to have frequent meals to keep you full and help you say no to the unhealthy foods that taunt you. Don't stress to much because tomorrow is a new day and food is not the only thing that matters in life.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I always wonder what is wrong with me, that I can't do this. I have friends on here that have consistent results. They are dedicated. I feel like such a lazy, good-for-nothing. I wish I could post something positive about myself. But I know we can all do this. I do well for awhile and feel so good about it, then do something stupid. I feel weak and powerless. But I still think we have the power within ourselves to change. I am determined to move forward, and take better care of myself.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    Since you don't know why you can't control your binges, have you considered speaking with a mental health professional? A competent counselor could really help.
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    i know how you feel just today I became angry at work and ate three cookies knowing damn well i didnt need them, what i do is buy low cal chocolate, and low cal snacks, find a fruit that you really like for example dark chocolate covered bananas. you work out hard and i know you must beat yourself up, you need to pin point the problem why your throw it down the drain everytime and really ask if you are ready to lose weight cause if you are then buckle down and seek some help if needed, i wish you lots of luck girl. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the support everyone! I feel like I eat to procrastinate or when I'm feeling down - it's very emotional. During these times I also fool myself into thinking ok I can eat one chocolate bar. But i should know better because I have a HUGE sweet tooth, and so I feel eating that sugar just makes me want to eat more sugar. When I don't eat artificial sugar are the days I feel I am usually at my best...I do need to buckle down/I might seek help back at school.