over 50 with 100+ pounds to lose? Looking for support...

Hi - I've recently joined MFP and have had a 4 lb. weight loss on week one. I'd like to keep it going, and I'm looking for encouragement and support from like-minded folks. It's tough over 50!!


  • sunryse00
    sunryse00 Posts: 36 Member
    You can add me. I'm 54 and had 120 lbs when I started.
  • Hi, I'm a new MFP/Fitbit user. I have 100lbs to lose. :( I am only 23, and need to take control of my life/weight now. Encouragement will be good for me. :)
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'll send you a friend request. I'm almost fifty one. I've lost 35 pounds so far but have 85 to go.
  • I am 47 with over 100 to loose and I am trying to so yes I will be glad to offer encouragement any way I can
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I'm 62 and just started my 100+ journey about 10 days ago. Do friend me!
  • Hi there! I am 71 and have about 50 lbs. more to go so I can relate to you.
  • Linda5678
    Linda5678 Posts: 32 Member
    You can add me! Turning 50 in June and have 50 lbs to lose.
  • cluthab
    cluthab Posts: 48 Member
    I became over 50 18 years ago :-(

    You've found a great site for advice and encouragement, good luck.

    My wife and I are getting on well with the plan so far.

    I managed to persuade her to get the app on her smartphone and now she's off and running.
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sure it is tough at that age but I know you can do it...It won't be easy but as long as you never quit and really want it.. it can happen!! You got to have faith in yourself and with the help of your friends on here, you will find success! :)
  • I am turning 50 this year and am new too!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm 64 and had over 80 to lose and am almost at my goal. I lost for several months doing weight watchers on my own, but joining MFP has definitely been better. I have not been this low in weight and fit in years. Feel free to friend me.
  • kimsabin
    kimsabin Posts: 1
    44 and have lost 120lbs and 15 more to go it has been a 2 year journey and it will continue for the rest of my life good luck
  • I have close to 100 lbs to lose. I hit the "morbidly obese" BMI this past year, which was also the year that I turned 55. Taking care of parents and my job sucking the life out of me in front of a computer for 12+ hours a day and its come to this. So, I buried my last parent on 1/3/13, quit smoking at 2:30 pm after the funeral lunch and a week later, joined the gym. My daughter and her husband have been an inspiration to me. They both have 200+ lbs each to lose and have been successful. I quit working long hours and am being very selfish, not allowing anything to get in the way of my gym time. I am a dance fanatic and have been taking 1 hour dance sessions (zumba and hip hop) daily. So, the journey started on 1/3/13 with smoking cessation and then the weight and exercise on 1/15/13. I feel like I should have lost much more than is showing on the scale. I have gone down 2 sizes, but why the heck doesn't the scale say that I've lost. My daughter tells me not to pay attention to the scale, but in how I fee and that I'm going shopping in my closet. I'm digging holes and lifting heavy rocks where a year ago I couldn't, so there is improvement. Is the problem that I need some weights to go along with the aerobics? Should I be doing more than an hour aerobics every day? Is it that my age just makes it all happen much slower? Is it that smoking cessation slowed down an already sluggish metabolism so my body had to adjust to that? I'm not going to give up because I know the gym is the rest of my life; but am feeling a little discouraged by the scale. BTW, I don't weigh myself weekly. I've been weighing myself about every 2 - 3 weeks.
  • mert1958
    mert1958 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am new here and i am 55 with over a 100 lb to lose, I have had weight issues all my life I understand the loss of parents and family members my dad pass a few years back I lost both my son and husband before that so I get how that all play a part in our weight struggles. I question if at this age and with this much weight to lose how realistic is it that it can be done with out weight loss surgery. But we are all in the same struggle together standing strong supporting each other is a must.
    :smile: Happy to be your friend.
  • Hi, I just join 4 days ago. I'm 58 and need to lose also. First time I have posted anything. You can friend me.:smile:
  • debhema
    debhema Posts: 8 Member
    Add me I'm 50+ I could use a few friends for support.
  • ilove2weave
    ilove2weave Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm new too and could also use some support. I lost 100 lbs about 10 years ago and have gained 48 back. At 71 it has been a struggle but this site is very helpful. Good luck to everyone.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Well..not over 50...but I am 48 so close enough! I know it seems like a lot..but take it 10 pounds at a time and before you know it you will be there. I still have 60 to go, but I will get there!
  • Raizie
    Raizie Posts: 11
    Hi. I'm pushing 50 and have lost 52 pounds, with more than 50 left to lose.

    I did MFP a year or so ago when I was hoping to track my food in order to work towards getting WLS. Well, that most likely won't happen because of finances, so I've been working on doing it on my own.

    Would love some people to talk to on this journey.
  • Please help me with this !!!! I am not really a computer person and don;t really know how to navigate well on sites. I am 53 and have 100 lbs to lose. My problem is sweets, I joined weight watchers and didn't stick to it. Couldn't stick to it, don't know why ? I hate looking into the reflection of myself in the mirror because I have never been this big. When I look into the mirror I don't really see how big I am, but when I see pictures of me I get really upset. I stopped smoking and that wasn't really hard for me but losing the 60 lbs I gained from doing so is. I love sweets and crave them. Trying this before i agree to weight loss surgery because I know that works but I also know you you give when you get, meaning the other health issues. So if anyone out there, can give some advice on how to make this work I would really appreciate it. I am sick and tired of being this heavy. When I work out I can do it 6 days a week but then something happens and I stop and it's really hard to start again.
    Thanks so much for letting me vent.