Addicted to food.. really.

Okay, so I can exercise like nobody's business. I like to work out actually, but I also like to eat... a lot... Not because I'm hungry, not because I'm thirsty, not because I'm craving anything in particular... I just do, and I don't know why. I always start the day doing pretty well. I have to eat and snack pretty regularly due to blood sugar issues and borderline diabetic issues, so even eating healthy snacks, I pretty much use up my alotted calories by dinner time. But then, I just keep eating. And it seems like later in the evening I give over to eating the things I shouldn't and end up doubling my intake for the day, ruining all my hard work after exercising and just feeling ashamed. I don't know why I do it, but I've been like that for years. The only time I wasn't was when I was smoking which I haven't done in almost 9 years. It's like I just swapped one bad habit for another. So is it just me? Does anyone else have this problem? And what do you do about it? I have tried telling myself I will have some tea or veggie sticks or something else, but then I just end up having tea, veggies, a couple of cookies, a coke, and whatever else until I'm full. Suggestions? If you have/ have had this problem, PLEASE add me as a friend because I really need some help and would love to try and support back. Maybe it would be easier if I wasn't feeling all alone in this.


  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Few possible tips:

    Plan your meals the day before.

    Log your food BEFORE you eat it.

    Log everything you eat. Everything. Even if you are hopelessly over. In fact, especially when you are over. When you actually see the calories consumed every day, day after day, it hits home.

    Feel free to add me.
  • edeeramirez
    Oh man... seriously.. I logged all day today and then when I killed it I thought about not bothering with the rest, but I made myself log it all anyway. It was brutal! Yeah, that might acually help. Thanks.
  • itsscottwilder
    I agree, log everything until your fingers fall off.
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    I know how you feel. I'm an emotional eater, and I did what you talk about for many years. What you just did was your first big step - you logged what you ate. I agree with others - logging is the key to overcoming this. It worked for me.

    This is all about your mind set. It begins with one step, one day of logging, with the commitment that no matter how bad it gets, you will log. And, that doesn't mean a quick calorie add. Measure your food and be accurate. It's incredible that accurate logging on MFP played such a big role in my overcoming years and years of late-night eating and binges. I left that behind, as well as a few other things - shame, a bunch of weight, sadness, fatigue, health issues. If I can do it, so can you. Good luck!

    P.S. Feel free to friend me if you plan to log daily. Happy to help.
  • LillyWillow
    I can say that I have been addicted to food. I would be full and just keep eating, sometimes I still do. To break the habit, I had to ask myself why I was still eating. If it was because I was bored, I would go do something like ride a bike or go for a walk - even if it was midnight. I had to keep junk food out of the house - no cookies, no chips, no ice cream, nothing that would be fun to binge eat. If I wanted a treat, I would buy something in a single serving. This also kept me from eating junk because I was too lazy to go out and get something (lol). Some nights after I've eaten a healthy dinner, I have to tell myself that I'm okay and I'm not going to starve to death. My husband has also been great support keeping me within my calorie range. I'm by no far perfect and have a lot of weight to go, but I do feel that I have binge eating a little more under control.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    I was always wanting more food, even when my belly felt full.
    I once read that one craves the foods to which one is allergic.
    Therefore, I did some research online and figured out what were my food triggers.
    It helped to remove those things from my food choices.
    My triggers can be found in a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich: wheat, dairy, and sugar.
    I'd have to eat at least three.
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    You're welcome to add me as a friend.
  • 123dmc
    123dmc Posts: 13
    Your message really spoke to me, as I too have the same struggles. Start out strong then by dinner/evening I am like a different person. It is frustrating and I hate it. Makes me sad and angry as I feel that all of my hard work with working out is then negated by damn food. Have you read any of Geneen Roth's books? She also has a website and you can get her powerful newsletters. Or get her feed on Facebook. Powerful stuff. She is so motivational.

    I wish you the very best as you continue.

  • edeeramirez
    I agree, log everything until your fingers fall off.
    Dude... totally want to keep my fingers. They are useful. :) But I promise to start logging. Sounds like that suggestion was unanimous!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Usually when you're genuinely hungry, you need to eat.

    Perhaps you should try something filling for breakfast? I eat oats, with fruit (I use almond milk as opposed to cow milk with my oats) and it really is filling. I can go all the way to dinner before I eat again.

    Also, try eating apples, as they have pectin in them, which is a natural appetite suppressant
  • edeeramirez
    Thanks everyone! I actually feel better already. It is nice to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for the tips too, and good luck to you all!
  • AmeliaLynnPanda
    I joined overeaters anonymous. I am definitely addicted to food.
  • edeeramirez
    I joined overeaters anonymous. I am definitely addicted to food.
    Is that a real thing? I didn't know that existed!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Here's something to try: Set your MFP goal to maintain your current weight. Then, give yourself whatever calories the program gives you. THEN... eat 150g protein each day. 100g as a minimum. I guarantee if you eat that in food you will be too full to overeat the rest of the time.

    Try it.
  • edeeramirez
    Here's something to try: Set your MFP goal to maintain your current weight. Then, give yourself whatever calories the program gives you. THEN... eat 150g protein each day. 100g as a minimum. I guarantee if you eat that in food you will be too full to overeat the rest of the time.

    Try it.
    That is the weirdest suggestion ever, just weird enough to be worth trying! Cool. Thanks.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    Here's something to try: Set your MFP goal to maintain your current weight. Then, give yourself whatever calories the program gives you. THEN... eat 150g protein each day. 100g as a minimum. I guarantee if you eat that in food you will be too full to overeat the rest of the time.

    Try it.
    That is the weirdest suggestion ever, just weird enough to be worth trying! Cool. Thanks. described me to a T. I am exactly the same way--I rock it during the day, but come evening it's all over...even after I work out! I live alone and I've noticed that on the nights when I get home from work and working out I usually don't feel like cooking a decent meal and I start the evening off by snacking...then more snacking....and before I know it I feel like Garfield when he's over-stuffed on lasgna. Tonight I plan on grocery shopping for "dinner meals" and I'm hoping that if I can get myself to actually cook decent / filling dinners that it will diminish my night time binging.

    Thanks mrsbigmack for the suggestion!! I might try that myself if the above doesn't work for me!
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    I know I do most of my eating and snacking at night so I leave most of my calories for then. That way if I feel like an extra treat, I've saved enough calories for it.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    That was (and often IS) my main problem. I can exercise fine once I get to it, but I am used to not only eating whatever but whenever and for no reason. I'm only breaking out of that habit now and have been much better by using MFP to track my diet. There are definitely still days when I struggle, but planning things out and holding myself accountable has definitely made a huge change already!
  • itsscottwilder
    I agree, log everything until your fingers fall off.
    Dude... totally want to keep my fingers. They are useful. :) But I promise to start logging. Sounds like that suggestion was unanimous!

    Once you see how your food intake numbers interact with your exercise numbers for a week or two, everything will start coming into focus. I felt like at around week three, I had a pretty good understanding of how my daily walks affected my calorie goals.
  • seniorbug2003
    seniorbug2003 Posts: 67 Member
    I find that putting my food in for the whole day helps me not munch as much through the day. Also it helps with my portions so I can play with the numbers to keep me under my daily goal.

    I also have a spreadsheet that I keep with my daily calorie intake so that even if I go over one day I can make sure that I stay under my goal for the whole month. But I like that kinda of thing.