What drives you bananas?

fat_forever Posts: 56
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
As we go through life, we frequently experience things that irritate us. I figured this would be a good place to share those irritants. (Warning: This thread can be habit forming.)<g>

To get started, it drives me bananas when people talk on their cell phones loudly in public. Why do they think we want to hear their conversations? It's especially annoying when the person has long hair and is wearing a blue-tooth headset in their ear that you can't see. They'll be standing there and suddenly say "Hi", and you think they are talking to you.

Another thing that bugs me are people who drive a hybrid car and speed. Why drive a hybrid car if you are going to waste gas by speeding?

One of the worst irritants are rebates. We all know that the manufacturers of products make you jump through hoops to get a rebate, and by doing that, they hope you won't bother or will do something wrong that will cause them to reject your rebate submission. It should be illegal to advertise something saying, "NOW ONLY $49.95!".....and at the very bottom of the page it says, "with $20 rebate." They should be required to advertise it as, "NOW ONLY $49.95 WITH AVAILABLE $20 REBATE!"


  • starlitkate
    starlitkate Posts: 28 Member
    My pet peeve is similiar. I hate looking at the local ads such as Rite Aid and see that all the good discounts go by if you use a sing check or a mail in rebate. Irks me!
  • Another thing that bugs me, and everyone else in the world.....telemarketers. There isn't one single person in the US who likes telemarketers, so why do they exist? Doesn't the majority rule here? If no one wants them, then it should be illegal to telemarket.

    The phone I pay for is mine to use as I see fit. I'm not paying for a phone so that some idiot can call me up to sell me something or to solicit something from me. When they do that, they are abusing my phone service and as such, they should be fined and jailed.
  • When you see some one do some thing right in front of you, and they deny it!

    When you wait in a long line at walmart, and the person in front of you not only wants to write a check.. but wants to tell their life story to the cashire!
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    My pet hate is when a car pulls out of a junction right in front of you (making you brake suddenly) even though there were no vehicles behind you...... and then drive at some ridiculously slow speed holding you up completely! Drives me insane every time :wink:
  • My pet peeve is similar. I hate looking at the local ads such as Rite Aid and see that all the good discounts go by if you use a sing check or a mail in rebate. Irks me!

    Then to make it worse, when you apply for the so-called rebate, it turns out to be a prepaid credit card, not cash. I can't put a prepaid credit card in a parking meter or vending machine, I have to use it at a place that accepts that credit card.
  • I was in a small restuarant the other day, and there was a guy and girl at the table next to my and my family. The guy was talking on his cell phone with the speaker phone on! It was a lengthy conversation he had and we heard every bit of it, and he wasn't talking quietly either... SO IRRITATING!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    People who do not use there turn signals and expect you to just know they want to turn - or worse - get in front of you! Also people who slow down just at your no-sight line (next to you but a bit behind you) in the next lane and want you to let them in. I have had people flip me off or honk - but I cannot even see them, let alone their turn signal! Also people who get onto the freeway at 20 mph! I could go on and on!
  • - When people on the road tailgate, pass then drive SLOWER in front of you that you were going in the first place

    - When my significant other only listens selectively

    - When a "superior" at work asks you to do something that is really their job - but they just don't want to do it.
  • I'm sure that there will be a lot of posts that relate to driving.

    One that bothers me, and most people do this for some reason (maybe they were taught that way), is that when they are driving on a high speed roadway, as they approach the off ramp or turning lane, they slow down in the flow of traffic. I mean, they are approaching an off-ramp or turning lane....those are both where you are supposed to slow down, not in the flow of traffic.

    What happens is as they approach the turning lane....say it's a left turn lane, then that means they are in the fast lane of the roadway in order to make a left turn. As they approach the turning lane....or as I call it, the slow down lane, they begin to slow down in the fast lane. When they do that, the drivers behind them have to hit their brakes. If there is a lot of traffic, this will cause a massive chain reaction, usually with the cars in the back slamming on their brakes to avoid hitting the guy in front of him.

    If the person making the turn would maintain his speed, turn into the turning lane, THEN slow down, there wouldn't be a backup. So many accidents are caused by people slowing down as they approach the "slow down lane."
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    People who do not use there turn signals and expect you to just know they want to turn - or worse - get in front of you! Also people who slow down just at your no-sight line (next to you but a bit behind you) in the next lane and want you to let them in. I have had people flip me off or honk - but I cannot even see them, let alone their turn signal! Also people who get onto the freeway at 20 mph! I could go on and on!

    OOhh yes to all!!!!! lol :explode: :mad: :laugh:
  • Oh, and when you're in a restuarant and there's a screaming child at a table near you, and their parents just ignore them and let them scream instead of taking them out until they can calm down. Very Rude!
  • I found a place advertising all 4 brakes (and all other brake work) for $99.88, so I go... Well That only applies to about 70% of cars on the road... mine is not one of them, They quoted me $300.

    I hate it when guests/huband/roomate leave the toilet lid up and/or use all the tp and don't replace it.

    I hate it when someone rides my bumper, and then passes me only to slow down less than the speed limit.

    I hate when my husband and buddies are playing modern warfare when I'm trying to sleep and I constantly have to "remind" them to stop yelling. (next time i'm unplugging the tv :devil: )

    Another thing, when parents bring crying infants to the movie theatre... really, I paid to see the movie... I'd like to hear it too.
  • Ditto for the "lould talkers" on cell phones in public,especially when they are in a store and the clerk is ringing up their stuff and they are totally ignoring the clerk.
    Ditto also to the folks who pull out in front of you and there isn't a car in sight behind you.
    And have you noticed how everyone drives in the left lane? there will be a line of 10 cars or so cruising in the passing lane and the right lane is wide open.they're like sheep,really irks me.
  • I hate it when you are watching a TV show and the station runs an ad for an upcoming show in the bottom part of the screen. I mean really? Do they have to advertise their shows while you are watching a show? Can't they just do that during a commercial like they used to do instead of interfering with the show you are watching?
  • I hate when people put up a sign and don't read it, or if they do, they don't see how ridiculous it sounds. I know there have been many signs I've seen like this over the years, but I saw one the other day that made me want to laugh. It said: Ears Pierced While You Wait!

    Okay, what other choice would you have?
  • People who pull their car out in front of you when there is nobody behind you and then go 5 miles under the speed limit. Come on Bozo... if you're a slowpoke, get behind the car that's coming, not in front of it. Even worse is people who pull out in front of someone causing them to hit their brakes and then they turn off the road in just a hundred feet or so causing the person behind them to slam on the brakes again. In a case like that I think homicide might be justifiable.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    oh lots of things...people who dont clean up after their dogs.

    people who listen to bad music on the bus.

    skinny people who can eat junk food and not get fat!
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    People who pull their car out in front of you when there is nobody behind you and then go 5 miles under the speed limit. Come on Bozo... if you're a slowpoke, get behind the car that's coming, not in front of it. Even worse is people who pull out in front of someone causing them to hit their brakes and then they turn off the road in just a hundred feet or so causing the person behind them to slam on the brakes again. In a case like that I think homicide might be justifiable.
    i have to agree here. also people who talk on their cell phones and cant drive the speed limit or theyre texting. or the BOOMBOOM stereo systems like i want to hear that crap.
    my husband leaving the seat up in the bathroom.
  • - repetitive noises
    - slow drivers
    - people they ride on your @$$ only to go around you and slow down
    - people that talk/text while driving instead of paying attention the the road
    - every slow cashier at walmart
    - when you're at walmart and have to stand behind 20 people because there is only 2-3 checkouts open
    - people that argue on the phone LOUDLY in public
    - people MAKING OUT in the middle of an aisle at walmart ... really? get a room!
    - when you're at a store and someone is standing in your way and no matter what you do they ignore you :devil:
    - the noise that your cell phone makes when its dying (told you i hated repetitive noises)

    ... and the list goes on.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Thefact that my phone vibrates every 5 minutes to tell me the battery is dying!!! WELL IF YOU STOPPED VIBRATING YOU WOULD LAST A HELL OF A LOT LONGER!
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