Who is in a Junkfood diet?

Has anyone here in a junkfood diet? Im mean not so bad food but not veggies? Just following the 1200cal? And no exercise has someone lose a lot of weight on that diet here?


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    A person can eat whatever the heck they want to lose weight because all that is needed is a calorie deficit. However, nutrition is another story and so is exercise for fitness.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    You can eat whatever and still lose.

    I just don't think it's beneficial for overall health to eat mostly crap. Plus it feels like you can eat so much more when you include veggies and fruit and stuff. But that's a personal choice, and I don't judge other people's food choices.

    Is 1200 enough for your activity level?
  • shaleenacupicupsantos
    Yes im 5'7 21yo 161 lbs my bmr is 1571 this is the first time i tried dieting i hope its gonna work i need to lose 50lbs and when? If i eat 1200cal without exercise..
  • Christine61314
    Christine61314 Posts: 47 Member
    You do not need to lose 50lbs. At 5'7 the recommended weight is 118-159lbs. You should really combine healthy eating and exercise not only to lose weight but increase muscle mass to tone up which would be more important since you are already so close to the reccomended weight based on your bmi.

    Oh and yes I eat junk food but I also eat a balanced diet with fruit and veggies.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    Havent had veggies in months. Not my thing, ill just take a few multi vitamin and mineral pills over a bowl of rabbit food.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Yes im 5'7 21yo 161 lbs my bmr is 1571 this is the first time i tried dieting i hope its gonna work i need to lose 50lbs and when? If i eat 1200cal without exercise..

    Sooooo you're eating UNDER your BMR? Your BMR is the amount of calories you require just to keep your organs functioning.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    <<<raising hand for junk food>>>
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I lost almost 50lbs eating fast food, lean cuisine frozen dinners, sugary snacks etc etc. But, I did it with alternate day intermittent fasting. Now I eat much differently, because I'm now focusing on better health, but I have no regrets losing the weight the way I did it. If I had tried a super strict 'healthy' diet from the start I know I would have failed, because mentally I just wasn't ready for it yet. I had to do it in baby steps and in the process I lost the weight and I'm now keeping it off effortlessly :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yes im 5'7 21yo 161 lbs my bmr is 1571 this is the first time i tried dieting i hope its gonna work i need to lose 50lbs and when? If i eat 1200cal without exercise..

    firstly, you shouldnt eat under your BMR

    Secondly you should not be trying to lose 50lbs when you are 161lbs to start with

    thirdly, whether you are losing wieght or not exercise and a nutritionally balanced diet are good for your health!
  • shaleenacupicupsantos
    may i ask how long you lose all 50 lbs eating junk food, yea like you said im not ready on a healthy diet like full veggy and i don't plan to do that ,
  • phdiva12
    phdiva12 Posts: 79 Member
    Unfortunately, I am one of those people! I rarely get all my veggies in and don't drink nearly as much water as I need to. However, I would highly, highly recommend eating your fruits and veggies and avoiding processed foods! I'm trying to avoid the junk from this point forward- it would have been much easier to do this, had I adopted these habits earlier on. However, I think it is important to know that you don't have to eat perfectly ALL the time. Sometimes, you have to let yourself enjoy food or else you won't be able to stick to it long term. It's all about balance. Good luck
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers eating junk (and some good food too of course). Problem was because I learned nothing about nutrition and proper eating habits, the weight didn't stay gone. I found the 30 I lost, and ten of it's friends to go with it.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    may i ask how long you lose all 50 lbs eating junk food, yea like you said im not ready on a healthy diet like full veggy and i don't plan to do that ,

    OK. I understand there is a communication barrier coming into play here....but is there a reason why you are not willing to eat vegetables? or is it that you don't want to eat all vegetables? The reason I ask, is because you have posted this thread and then another one asking about "Asian food." There is a way to eat a wide array of food in order to lose weight. A calorie deficit is all that you need, but as others have said, 50 pounds is quite a lot for your height. Also, eating under your BMR is not a recommended approach.
  • yes i posted the other one , i really can't eat veggy i vomit with it because ever since i never eat veggy and i can't afford to buy it because here in philippines we cook dish my mom cooks for us i don't think it's a junk food but i called it as a junk because it's not nutritious like veggies,,, but it's a meal like pork mechado, adobo chicken, we eat it with rice but i don't pass 1200 cal and thanks to myfitnesspal because i can see how many calories in my food even filipino dishes