Help to eat more...

Hi this is the first time I've started a topic on here.

I have been trawling these forums reading all the arguments for eating more to lose weight and eating back exercise calories and I have used all the online tools to work out my BMR etc so I have all the info but I am struggling in one particular area and that us getting my net calories up.

I am eating a lot during the day (mainly salads, protein and fruit) and I am nearly hitting my little pie chart goals but I can't possibly see how I can up my calories as I honestly feel sated and full on what I eat and if I try and add more calories I end up going over my fat totals.

I have been seriously tracking and working out for only a week even though I've been on here for ages (just got 30 day shred DVD) and I'm averaging about 800-900 net calories. I'd love to up it but I sit here staring at my screen at a loss as how to add more food!

I don't want to sabotage any weight loss but I also don't want to end up forcing myself to eat when I'm really not hungry.

I know I'm going to get a telling off but isn't me being full and having the energy to exercise every day a sign I'm eating enough?


  • gillmitch
    A small 50g snack bag of nuts and seeds will range from about 200-300 calories if I get to about 9 pm and im really low on my cals I just grab some and eat them :)
  • gmarshal02gmailcom
    Your beautiful baby looks quite young. Are you still nursing? The proteins and calcium needed to put a new Mom back into shape and to provide nourishment for a growing child are higher in calories than veggies and fruits, but have necessary components to prevent your body from losing muscle at this time in your life. You could by weakening your bones without proper dairy (or other calcium-rich foods) and your muscles need the selenium that you can only get from protein-rich foods. Experiment with variety to keep yourself in good health. You'll be wanting to play at the park or beach, go on hikes or lovely walks with your family in the years to come, and your muscles will need to be strengthened from the inside, as well as through exercise, at this important time in your life.
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    If you're full on the calories you're eating at the moment, I'd suggest protein shakes, they won't make you over your fat and also aren't too filling, will get your protein up too :happy:
  • fatsofets
    listen to ur body if u have energy to train and your sleeping well and feel full then you must be eating enough, the calorie guides for what you need and what you burn are just guides so dont worry too much as long as you are still seeing results.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't be concerned about fat. Dietary fat does not equal body fat, and MFP's fat goal is pretty low anyway. Your fat should be somewhere around .35 grams per pound of body weigh minimum.
  • Slappydap
    Slappydap Posts: 36 Member

    If you open your diary, we could have a look & see if we can help you where to add cals....I am very similar to you always trying to add more & I have found adding nuts/seeds/avocado has really helped, but be careful not to overdo the nuts.

    I don't know what type of foods you eat, but I would suggest kicking out any "diet/low fat" type stuff & using "normal foods" which actually are much better for you & contain way less sugar.

    Not sure if any of this helps, but best of luck, I am sure you will get lots of other good advice.

    BTW, I have been tracking religously for the last 10 days, you are very welcome to have a look at my diary, for ideas :-) - It's not perfect, but I'm doing the best I can.
  • curly1980
    curly1980 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for the replies,

    I like the snacking on nuts idea and I refuse to eat 'diet' foods I just have 'normal' food but smaller amounts.

    My baby is nearly 2 now so not bf.

    I think I will listen to my body and as soon as I start feeling lethargic I will up my food as much as I can.. I'm hoping all the strength training will make me hungrier!