Friends with similar goals needed

MYWILLS Posts: 12 Member
I am a 46 year old mom and wife with a desk job. Just got back on MFP recently. I love team exercise. I do water Zumba and boot camp right now. Nothing motivates me more than other people sweating along side me. I find all the stories on MFP to be inspirational. So many journeys intersecting. Would love to have some compadres!


  • SimonRStacey
    SimonRStacey Posts: 5 Member
    Not sure about water Zumba or boot camp, but am slowly trying to grind myself back into shape. Hard yards ahead, I am sure... I started this gig about 25kg above my BMI, and have only lost two so far. Good luck... Add me if you'd like to encourage a more sedentary type of dieter :)
  • chickadee1166
    chickadee1166 Posts: 27 Member
    I am also a 46yr old wife and mum with a desk job. Not a great one for team exercise I must admit, but I can offer support and encouragement and log in regularly so feel free to add me if you wish :smile:
  • brahma14
    brahma14 Posts: 37
    Ill actually turn 50 in eight days, Good luck on your journey, Feel free to add me for support... Have a great day
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    I love bootcamp!
    MYWILLS Posts: 12 Member
    Water zumba is something fun for a hot TX summer. But boot camp.....nothing makes you want to stick to eating right as much as sweating outside in 100 degree sun for an hour. I have lost and gained and lost the last three weeks. In the end it hasn't been a significant amount. But i am down a pants size and I can see the difference.
  • debhema
    debhema Posts: 8 Member
    Add new I'm 50+ and could use a few friends too.
  • ElanaBr
    ElanaBr Posts: 47 Member
    I would definitely love some more pals to help each other along :)

    Feel free to friend me!