Has anyone given up smoking on this?

moniapp Posts: 13 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all,

I am going to try this week to go cold turkey on the smokes!!! I smoke about 7/8 a day and want to get more into my running and general better lifestyle.

Am concerned that is is going to be harder to loose the Lbs but figure if I do enough exercise it might balance out the weight gain associated with stopping.

Any suggestions?


  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    When I quit I did gain a few pounds and was watching my food and exercise. But after coming here figured I was still eating wayyyy to many calories. I am sure if you truly log every bite you eat and stay in your target calorie range you will be fine. Eating many small meals is really important as when you quit smoking I am thinking it really does slow down your metabolism. Since I ahve started eating 5 or 6 times a day I ahve lost 25 pounds and feel much better, I ahve constant energy and never even think about smokes any more...I ahve been smoke free since March 16, 2010. Good luck you will feel so much better!!!!
  • Jaq63
    Jaq63 Posts: 13 Member
    HI gave up smoking three weeks ago today... putting the weight on has been one of the main reasons ive gone back and the fact that felt was giving something up... before you give up read a book called easy way to stop smoking by allen carr..., it is amazing and trust me it is just as he says EASY, i have had no withdrawals, no cravings, not replaced my smoking with food and for the first time ever have the mind set of a non- smoker...wish i had read this book years ago...
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    When my mom quit she started running. Anytime a strong craving hit her or she found herself being really irritable because of withdrawal she just ran it out till she felt calmer. She said it was the only thing that helped and really got her through it. She never gained a pound, in fact I think she lost a few and 15 years later she is still smoke free.
    My husband and I are also talking about quitting. Unfortunately I can't run because of knee probs but I'm hoping other cardio will provide the same results. Really appreciate the post about that book - planning on trying that too. Best of luck and post about your progress if you don't mind - I could use the inspiration - part of me is dreading it:(
  • I quit smoking almost a year ago....and it has NOT been easy for me. I replaced cigarettes with a bag of licorice/day and gained 50 lbs...which is one of many reasons I am on this site now! I am trying to lose the weight I gained, along with the weight I had ALREADY needed to lose!! Anyhow, that is my sad story.....I figure the weight gain I can deal with - I needed to quit smoking for myself and my family! I can lose the weight.....I can exercise better now that I can BREATH!! 8-) Good luck!
  • ghalliday
    ghalliday Posts: 46 Member
    I have recently stopped smoking.....never been a big smoker....only really 2 or 3 a day & more in social situations. I am worried that stopping will effect weight loss!!!! So reading some of the replys to ur post has helped!! :-)
  • Jaq63
    Jaq63 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi i have knee probs so cant go running or do high impact exercise but make sure do something every day , but because i have changed my mind set about smoking ive not craved or replaced... and lets face it if cigs kept ya slim i wouldnt be on this website now, its amazing how the addiction monster keeps ya hooked...any excuse and yes ive used them all...lol
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Great jobo n deciding to quit!
    Today i am 4 months smoke free and I haven't gained a bit. I also haven't lost a bunch either. But I have had a great increase in my energy levels and I'm much more in tune with being active than I was as a smoker. Before I would rather sit and watch the day float by rather than get up and join in the fun the day has to offer so regardless of the weight issue, I'm feeling better tahn ever. i know the weight will come off later.
    BUT! My weight staying the same has been my fault entirely, not a result from quitting. I have indulged too many times, had too many late night snacks and drinks. All things that if I pushed, I could really do without, I just haven't made it my priority. So it can be done.

    And...if you did sxlow down your weight loss...the haelth benefits are much more important than having a smoke. one place I foudn taht helped me quit is quitnet.com. The daily emails have been great! i also used Nicoret Lozenges for the first few weeks to get through the worst of it.

    Good luck to you!
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I have also read Allen Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking, it was very helpful, too. I read it a couple years ago and tried to quit (and failed) but the words of the book never left my mind. That and being truely ready made this quit my last!
    You can find that book on line with a free download, makes getting it much easier!! I heard that his family put together a Losing Weight The Easy Way, using his same ideas and approach to losing weight as he had for quitting the Ick Sticks.
  • moniapp
    moniapp Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone, really feeling I can do this. Going to get that Alan Carr book and "run " crankiness out of me........Tomorrow in work will be hard, but if I can get thru one day I can get thru 2 and then 3.....................................................Thanks peoples :)
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Once you read the book it really puts the cravings into perspective and trust me...they do go away with time. just be patient with yourself!
  • Jaq63
    Jaq63 Posts: 13 Member
    wait till you got the book before you give up..no point in making it difficult for yourself and he prefers you to keep smoking till ya finished it..
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi all,

    I am going to try this week to go cold turkey on the smokes!!! I smoke about 7/8 a day and want to get more into my running and general better lifestyle.

    Am concerned that is is going to be harder to loose the Lbs but figure if I do enough exercise it might balance out the weight gain associated with stopping.

    Any suggestions?

    I useto smoke between 40 and 50 ciggies per day. I would do running but could only run for one or two minutes at a time and then I would have to walk for a minutes, then run for a minute, then walk, then run etc etc.

    However, I stopped smoking and now can run for an hour non-stop, I don't even get out of breath anymore! It is a miracle I tell you a miracle! :flowerforyou:

    What I am trying to say is that if you stop the smokes, you will be able to train more intensely and for longer and that will keep your weight off if you watch your calories at the same time :flowerforyou:
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I didnt quit smoking per se. I quit the regular cigarettes and am now using an electronic cigarette. It produces a water vapor similar to smoke, but it still has nicotine in it( there are non nicotine flavors also). It doesnt have all the nasty toxins that tradtional cigarettes do(that is the claim anyway). I can breathe much much better now, i know tha, and, I dont smell like an ashtray, and I can help curb my bad food cravings. I dont ever want a normal cigarette. There are tons of different flavors from banana creme pie, to traditional cigarette flavors. Also If I a craving something sweet, all I have to to is put a few drops of the banana creme pie, or german chocolate cake flavor. and no calories.. lol. feels like I am cheating but I am not. I have been using mine for over a year. I dont really want to quit now though, cause all of what I thought the negatives of cigarettes were arent there anymore. That is the bad I guess.

    Just an option.
  • moniapp
    moniapp Posts: 13 Member
    Day one over 24 hours without smoking or nicotine products.....................decided it is worse for 3 days to go cold turkey, but in long term it will work for me I hope......................................................... ;0.
  • Jaq63
    Jaq63 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck, it so worth it,
  • Jaq63
    Jaq63 Posts: 13 Member
    HI hows the no smoking going?
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I quit a month before I restarted MFP and I am down 46 pounds.
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