Why am I gaining weight?

I started counting calories about 4 weeks ago. I did so well the first three weeks and was down 7 pounds! However, in this 4th week, everytime I step on the scale, the number is going up. I have no idea why this is happening. I am eating and exercising the exact same that I have done in the last 3 weeks. I am getting married in October and my bridal shower is August 18th. I really wanted to be down 10 pounds by then, and I thought it was totally doable, until I started gaining weight back this week. Any ideas?


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    my first thought is if you did well for 3 weeks and week 4 is not going so well, well, that's about the same timing as a menstrual cycle so is your TOM due this week/soon? It's common for us ladies to gain a pound or two or three+ around that time of month due to hormonal changes and water retention and such. If that's the case, never fear for it will drop off again when TOM leaves.

    If that's not it, though, I suggest you open your food diary so we all can get a better idea of what you're eating, as it's kind of hard to offer advice without any knowledge of what is currently NOT working!

    eta: to open it go to Food>Settings>Diary Settings> select Public
  • Nenny1985
    Nenny1985 Posts: 122
    Maybe try changing things up a bit food and exercise wise. Even just changing one thing yr eating or changing one small part of yr exercise can make a big difference. And maybe try adding some light weights too if you aren't already. Good luck!
  • kmkacz
    kmkacz Posts: 5
    I think I just opened it.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    You did :)

    So before I jump on anything, can we have some stats? Height, current weight, goal? It kind of looks like most days you're not eating enough - but that could be untrue if you're very short for example...
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    Are you drinking the suggested water and not logging it, because water is actually a crucial part of the weight loss process. It keeps everything working correctly. It even washes sodium out of your system, which can make you retain.
  • kmkacz
    kmkacz Posts: 5
    I am 5 foot 1. Currently 157 pounds. I started at 163. My goal is 130.

    I haven't really been paying attention to how much water I am drinking. I always have a water bottle with me, but I can certainly start to track how much I am actually drinking. Probably a lot less than I should be.
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    Do you drink tea or coffee? That's not listed and some people leave it out because they don't figure the cream or sugar adds up to much.
    I notice your sodium has been over the 'limit' often. That will make you retain water, too. I'd advise cutting down on some of those high sodium foods and replace them with more veggies. You can never eat too many vegetables! :) For your health if nothing else...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my first thought is if you did well for 3 weeks and week 4 is not going so well, well, that's about the same timing as a menstrual cycle so is your TOM due this week/soon? It's common for us ladies to gain a pound or two or three+ around that time of month due to hormonal changes and water retention and such. If that's the case, never fear for it will drop off again when TOM leaves.

    If that's not it, though, I suggest you open your food diary so we all can get a better idea of what you're eating, as it's kind of hard to offer advice without any knowledge of what is currently NOT working!

    eta: to open it go to Food>Settings>Diary Settings> select Public

    Is TOM her fiance?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how much do you exercise? Frequency and type?

    could be water retention but if you have only been at this for four weeks maybe not.

    how often are you weighing yourself ...your weight can fluctuate +/-5 pounds over course of a week...
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    PMS can definitely do it. I'll have 3 good weeks then I ignore the scale of the 4th week :). Keep pushing forward and you'll probably see changes next week.

    Edit:looked at your diary. Increase your calories. I found that TDEE-x% is much easier to follow than trying to change my goals every day based on exercise.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I would suggest incorporating more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet. They act as a really great low calorie snack.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    gee... i wonder what happens to women every four weeks that makes them bloat a little??




  • kmkacz
    kmkacz Posts: 5
    Unfortunately, my menstrual cycle was last week. Not this week. Which is why I don't understand the scale!

    Also, what is TDEE?
  • Make sure you are getting ENOUGH to eat and try switching your proteins around...meaning more in the morning at breakfast. When i was on WW and hit a plateau they suggested I do that and it worked. And if you are new at exercising it could be muscle weight. Not an expert but have lost weight many times in my life...just old and health problems have me back to square one again...lol Best wishes with your wedding!
  • Are you gaining muscle? It's heavier than fat by the pound.

    It's confusing to why your gaining weight if you've been doing everything the same. But from what I can see in your diary, you could definitely incorporate more fruits and vegtables. I started getting a good dose of them in green smoothies. At first just as a snack, then sometimes part of a quick lunch & breakfast with some type of protein. I'm sure that if you replace the bread and cheese with leafy greens and such you'll see results before the big day. plus these nutrient dense foods will propel you into exercise bc you become full of energy. And I'm definitely not saying to replace all the bread and cheese you eat, just on a few days try too. I don't eat cheese anymore and I limit my Ezekiel seasame slice every other day or so.

    Other than that congrats on your success and I'm absolutely positive you will find a solutions! :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Are you gaining muscle? It's heavier than fat by the pound.

    No, just no.
  • Jsneel
    Jsneel Posts: 24 Member
    My Mom brought the sodium to my attention the other day when we was shopping,I was getting some canned veggies WOW check it out on the label now I try to buy frozen bc they have to freeze it soon or it goes bad not only is that better for our bodies bc it's fresher and it's lower in sodium/salt! I gotta say my Mom knew what she was talking about with the frozen compared to canned! Ok this being said change up your food...yesterday I had 1/4 dry oatmeal I added water and after it was microwaved I add fresh/frozen blackberries and we drink our coffee blk. Lunch was subway and it's shocking...1/2foot long turkey with cheese n veggies only was 320ish wow that's a good thing for me! Then last night I had 2cups of homemade chilli at 300cals ea cup! I found that I need food that sticks to my ribs! I hope this helps ya out!

    Sounds like your making progress tho!!! don't through in the towel!!! I understand what u r going thru I gained some due to muscles increasing when I first started exercising too. And now I'm 3 lbs away from reaching my 90 lb. goal. The weight dint come on over night so I had to have patience with myself it takes time! (I'm very thankful&blessed) anytime U need help I will try to help if I can!

    Hope I encouraged ya! ????

    *had fix what spell check tryed to fix! Don't we just love spell check lol????
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Unfortunately, my menstrual cycle was last week. Not this week. Which is why I don't understand the scale!

    Also, what is TDEE?

    you mean FORTUNATELY it was last week, right?? cuz you know, CONGRATS ON NOT BEING PREGNANT!!!

    the menstrual cycle effects different women differently. you might bloat before, after, during. your appetite can go out or down. trust me, i know what i'm talking about. all these threads about TOM on myfitnesspal, and i've started to bleed out of my *kitten* monthly.

  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring food? Most of us are horrible at eyeballing portions. It's really important to be accurate. The first couple weeks you generally lose big because a lot of water weight comes off then the hard work begins of taking off the fat.

    Also are you measuring your exercise with a HRM or taking a number off the machine or MFP? Machines are notorious liars and give exaggerated numbers so you want to be careful eating those calories back.

    Some of your food choices aren't great but you stay in budget so it shouldn't be making a difference weight wise.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What kind of weight gain are you talking about? Weight loss isn't linear. You can retain water, or not poop, and gain 2 lbs in one day.
  • I don't have you added so I can't see your diary but someone mentioned above that you have a high sodium intake. Try to cut back on that and drink a lot more water -- 8 8oz servings a day. You should drop some water weight.

    Also, if you've done the same workout routine for the past month, you need to switch it up. You probably have some muscle memory going on. A routine is only good for a few weeks before your body gets used to it and it's no longer effective. And remember that you need to replace what you sweat out when you work out (with water, not Gatorade or anything like that). Not drinking enough water on a normal day is one thing, but not drinking enough when you work out is just asking to be dehydrated and bloated.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Unfortunately, my menstrual cycle was last week. Not this week. Which is why I don't understand the scale!

    Also, what is TDEE?

    you mean FORTUNATELY it was last week, right?? cuz you know, CONGRATS ON NOT BEING PREGNANT!!!

    the menstrual cycle effects different women differently. you might bloat before, after, during. your appetite can go out or down. trust me, i know what i'm talking about. all these threads about TOM on myfitnesspal, and i've started to bleed out of my *kitten* monthly.
    Oh my...you are funny :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    ^^ I've been weight lifting every other day for a month and a half and doing at least 30 min of cardio a day and haven't gained any weight back. I'm a newbie at this but muscle conversion doesn't quite work like that.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    More cal for breakfast, less sodium, more fruits and veggies. Try that for a couple weeks.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You aren't consistently logging, or some days, you have 1.5 meals...

    Your sodium is high.

    You said you aren't sure about how much water you are drinking - I say the gain is from the sodium.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat?
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am 5 foot 1. Currently 157 pounds. I started at 163. My goal is 130.

    You need to change your pounds-per-week to 1.. no, it doesn't look as good as saying you'll lose 2lbs per week, but it is more sustainable (and you get to EAT!!)

    I'm 5'3, 162lbs (from 220), and I'm at 1775 a day for cals (mind you I just bumped them again after injury and illness. Bring on the food!!). 1200 cals a day doesn't work for many
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hi There: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
    Your body has hit a plateau.
    Try this Cleansing Diet for a week-please check out
    This is a delicious soup and vegetable diet-no depriving oneself-Just a good cleanse.
    Good Luck!

    NONSENSE. Ridiculous, against the guidelines, bulls*it. a) 1 week does not constitute a plateau. b) just no. no. no. no. NO.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi There: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
    Your body has hit a plateau.
    Try this Cleansing Diet for a week-please check out
    This is a delicious soup and vegetable diet-no depriving oneself-Just a good cleanse.
    Good Luck!

  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    Hi There: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
    Your body has hit a plateau.
    Try this Cleansing Diet for a week-please check out
    This is a delicious soup and vegetable diet-no depriving oneself-Just a good cleanse.
    Good Luck!

    NONSENSE. Ridiculous, against the guidelines, bulls*it. a) 1 week does not constitute a plateau. b) just no. no. no. no. NO.

  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    If it's not related to that your time of the month, than I would recommend changing up your exercise routine. You mentioned you've been exercising the same for the last 4 weeks. Your body falls into a routine eventually, once it knows what's coming it's way, it doesn't have to work as hard, which results in fewer calories burned. Try to change up your exercise routine about every 3-5 workouts. It keeps things fresh and interesting for you, and also keeps that body guessing!

    Good luck!