Wheat free

Has anyone had any luck going wheat free?

I have tried everything I lost 14 pounds and then put it back on. Feel like I am stuck, so today is my first day of going wheat free. Going to try it for a month and see if there is any changes, figure it can't hurt.


  • I'm gluten free because I have to be.

    The main reason why people who go wheat free have so much success is because they can't eat things they used to like pizza or pretzels or cookies. My problem with that is that it's not realistic. Sure you'll shred the weight quickly, but are you willing to go without bread for life? Weight loss should be a lifestyle change if you want it to last longer than the current diet you're on.

    With all that said, if you're using it more as a kick start for you eating LESS wheat then I'm sure that's fine. I'd just hate to see you go wheat free, lose weight, and then not be able to maintain it.

    Best of luck! <3
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I did very very well on Primal (which is wheat free) but then had a bit of a crisis, plus we were having huge pressures on our time as we were trying to manage two houses, commuting big distances and working long hours, and then I ended up back to resorting to quick pasta or rice based meals, sandwiches on the run etc. it did me no favours whatsoever, so I'm getting organised again.

    Friend me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • MerlinWilliams
    MerlinWilliams Posts: 92 Member
    Going wheat free helped me break my sugar cravings. I'm grain-free now, aside from the occasional bit of rice with sushi.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    I went wheat free because I was having headaches and generally felt like crap every time I had a big meal that contained wheat. Probably part carb, but since going wheat free, I feel 100% better. Better energy, better workouts, and the weight has finally started to come off. I don't intend to eat wheat free forever, but I will certainly eat a lot less of it from now on.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I went wheat free because I was having headaches and generally felt like crap every time I had a big meal that contained wheat.

    Same here... I am perfectly capable of falling asleep within 15 mins of a pasta or rice meal... even when we have guests or are watching a good movie... :huh:

    It wreaks havoc with my energy levels.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    Wheat brings on congestion for me. It's almost like I have a short-lived cold with a stuffy head and cough. I go pretty much wheat free. I revisit the wheat every once in a while, perhaps due to denial, but the results persist. I'm not sure it's had any impact on my weight loss, because I do sometimes eat a piece of rye bread or something, but I specifically avoid or severely limit my wheat consumption.
  • Jennlc033
    Jennlc033 Posts: 28 Member
    well I have been feeling like wheat might be the cause for my stomach issues, and I definitely feel tired and get headaches after eating it. A Doctor I use to work with told me I should try this and I put it off so figured maybe I would give it a try. I have no energy and I am tired all the time. Really hopes this will help, now just have to stick to it.

    Thanks for all your posts :smile:
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    I notice that I never have heartburn anymore. I can't say that it was just wheat though, as there are many other things that I stopped eating along with it. Pasta Sauce, would be a big one. I had some so lower GI issues as well.

    It wasn't that easy for me to just quit eating wheat. I had withdrawal symptoms for 9 days, and really felt quite ill.
  • For the better part of a year, or more, I have been suffering with stomach issues, new allergy issues (only just turned 27) and always feeling sick. I used to drink milk all day, from the store or right from the farm... But about two months ago we started to realize how sick i would IMMIDIATELY get after drinking milk, so that was cut out. Then it was dairy in general... so no more DQ :-(

    My fiancé and I have always tried to eat gluten free pasta, but now I cut "Wheat" out of my diet, and for the last week I have felt amazing! I did not cut gluten or flour totally out, just wheat. Having low calorie Rye bread only, limiting the starches to the bare minimum and it has made a BIG difference!! so... no more dairy products, no more wheat! Its working! I am going to stick with this...

    Coming from a large Agricultural background, I am a big supporter of the farmers. But, there is something to be said about the food we eat and how it is processed. This is not at the "Farmer" level, it is the steps past that. Funny to think that 10-20 years ago, no one had really heard of Gluten intolerance or Wheat issues... there is definitely something to be said about how the food we eat is actually made
  • Jennlc033
    Jennlc033 Posts: 28 Member
    So cut out wheat for a month so far lost 13.4 pounds, but definitely noticed a change in inches. Feel like I am not as bloated and feel like I have more energy. So far so good. I accidentally ate something with wheat in it and noticed 2 minutes after cause I felt so tired and had a massive headache :(