NROLFW and non-lifting days

Guys and gals, after buying the book what feels like a million years ago I'm FINALLY starting Stage 1 of NROLFW.
For some reason, though. I can't get my head around what is/isn't beneficial to do alongside the lifting. Stage 2 includes interval training, I know, but nothing for Stage 1? (I've probably missed something in the book!)
I was thinking of running on the non-lifting days and having a rest day on the weekend - would the running slow my muscle recovery time down? Would it be better to lift and run on the same day? What could I do on days off?

I really want to get maximum results from this program and don't want to jeopardise my progress in any way.


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    In Chapter 10, Lou says that you can do any number of things on your off days, with recommendations in Chapter 12.

    Instead of posting exactly what he says here, I'll just recommend you go back and re-read those two chapters.
  • kpritchard87
    kpritchard87 Posts: 6 Member

    I've also read the book as well as the supercharged version. Im on my 5th week and feel really good and already started seeing results.

    I think it depends on what your day to day activity is like. For example, I commute to work every week day which totals up to about 1 hr of brisk walking as well as any other walking I do throughout my work day which I find is plenty.

    I don't do any other cardio and weight train 3 days a week Monday/Weds/Friday and this is enough. For the first few weeks you will probably find that you need the day off after lifting as you will be hurting and need to recover to get the best out of your next workout. I would say if you lift heavy enough you will appreciate your days off.

    Do a couple of weeks without and see how it goes?
  • KintsugiCurlyQueen
    KintsugiCurlyQueen Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks - guess I just didn't read up well enough! Will just 'trial and error' it for the first couple of weeks and see how it goes.