Adding things to water...

My friend does this already, and I wanted to get some input on it because I want to try it...

In a gallon of water, slice up 2 lemons, 1 lime, and use 8 mint leaves. I would drink this throughout the day, since I am not a huge fan of plain old water. I have read that the lemon and lime help with metabolism, and obviously drinking water has benefits.

My friend is able to reuse the ingredients for about 5 days before having to put new in, and she says the flavor is still good after the 4th day.



  • MorningWhispers
    I put lemon in my water all the time, I love the idea of lime and mint leaves, I am going to try this.
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    I have heard of adding many things. Cucumbers, watermelon, oranges. I like the subtle flavor it gives it :)
  • Mag1215
    Mag1215 Posts: 4
    I am a lime lover but I had not thought of the mint leaves I will give this a try!