1200 Calorie a day diet-- Need some insight :)



  • verodzrosas
    verodzrosas Posts: 84 Member
    I'm also on a 1200cal per week. My strategy was to become mostly vegetarian, sometimes I cheat with tuna and I haven't stopped eating eggs or milk but as for meats I've set them aside for a while... It's been great for me, I'd done this before 8 my friends played a bet on me once that I couldnt stay vegetarian for three months and I did), i also lost like ten pounds and obviously I love veggies so its easier.
  • I am also on a 1200 calorie diet. I limit myself to 90g protein /day, 50g carbs /day and 30g sugars /day. I eat protein every 3 hours that I am up and snack on low glycemic fruits and veggies. I have lost 7lbs so far and my belly fat has reduced dramatically. I used to have insomnia very bad, and since I started eating this way I've been sleeping soundly. The first week was the most difficult with not eating refined carbs and starches, but now I dont miss them at all. I do have a cheat day where I will eat a small bowl of ice cream or a piece of garlic bread. I wish everyone in here good luck and love watching everones progress
  • merinefer1972
    merinefer1972 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I am fairly new too. Started @ 189.5 lbs & want to get down to 135!
    I am currently following the 1200 calorie diet. I try to get at minimum, 30 minutes of exercise per day & 5 days a week. I do add some of my burned calories back in on some days but not always. I try to stay away from saturated fat & sugar. But I don't really limit myself to much as long as I stay within my calorie count. It is working out well for me, loosing about 3lbs per week.

    Good luck & friend me if you like. We can all use extra tips & motivation. :flowerforyou:
  • Elysium618
    Elysium618 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm currently on a 1200 calorie/day diet too! 2 years ago, I was really determined to lose weight after I got back from a trip to Paris. I was 162 lbs then. I worked out 5 times a week (30-35 min) treadmill-running on the weekdays before work (no weight training) and eating salads for lunch and dinner. If I were to eat starches, I would eat a small portion of rice of not more than my cupped palm. I would give myself some cheat opportunities on the weekend but I would go right back on Monday. I found that doing these 2 simple things really made a difference:

    1. Weighing myself Monday AND Friday mornings after doing bathroom things and before I changed into my gym clothes. This made me motivated to stay accountable and if I messed up on say, Tues, I could adjust my intake to still do well on my Friday weigh-in!

    I was able to lose 2 lbs between my Monday and Friday weigh-ins and if I was absolutely disciplined on the weekend, I would lose 1 pound as well. So 3 pounds by the next Monday.

    2. Drinking at least 8 cups of water per day. It is highly important to drink ICE COLD to COLD water as your body take more energy, therefore burns more calories heating it up to your body temperature. You may think that it doesn't count for much but in a week, you lose 70 calories doing just this. EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS!

    When I got used to running on the treadmill, I started including a little incline of about 1-2%. Good training to challenge your body and I was doing this to improve my stamina for the Grouse Grind in the summer.

    I noticed that the pounds came off slowly but steadily, 2-3 lbs per week (not crazy amounts like what you see on the Biggest Loser ie. 10lbs/week). Slowly but surely the scale reflected a smaller number and I weighed in at 142 lbs after the summer doing the Grouse Grind. My ultimate goal has always been to be 120lbs. Sadly, I went through some family financial issues that really got to me and I threw my plan aside and gained all the weight back in time.

    Now, I just have to follow what I did before and not let anything stop me. Just sick and tired of this downward spiral in life and I'm turning 30 next year.

    Good luck girl! We can do it!! I know it can be done!
  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 103 Member
    I have cut out junk food. And during the week I don't eat fruit or starchy carbs. I eat veggies, beans/lentils, and protein for every meal. Have a 'cheat' day once a week. I work out 6-7 days a week. I eat back some if not all of my exercise calories. I started on 1/1/11 at 303.4lbs. I am currently at 192.2lbs (down 111.2lbs). I'm 30 years old, 5'6''.

    WOW girl! I just wanted to say that you are doing a wonderful job! Keep it up! Inspiration for sure!
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Congrats!! Good for you!! I'm currently at 194lbs and would like to get down to 150lbs. I really want to do this! I'm so motivated. I'm tired of feeling bad about myself. I don't even like to go out places, I'm so insecure. Thanks for your reply!

    Sounds just like me. I was so self conscious about my weight, whenever someone said the word fat, i assumed they were talking about me. I started at 223lbs now I am at 197. My original goal was 150, but now i am chaning that to 130. I am 5'2. I figured if I am going to work this hard why not get the results I want, instead of settling.

    I have tried everything in the past. This time around if different for some reason, but i am not going to complain. I started out using this site just to count calories but not changing my eating habits except for portion control. I quickly learned that changing what I ate allowed me to eat more during the day. I started slowly with the exercise and moved it up a notch little by little.

    Some days are easy , more days are hard. I lost that 18 lbs quickly at first. Now it is more slow, but I am also learning the the scale can be my enemy (check out recent post). It is more about how clothes are fitting because of inches lost.

    Keep at it. We can do this.

    Add me if you like. I would be happy to have another person to compare with.

    Sound EXACTLY like me! ;)
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    I can honestly say during the first few weeks of a 1200 diet, you can easily lose 3-4 lbs a week. I did. I was 233, and it dropped off once I finally used portion control and weaned off of diet pepsi! Don't expect it to continue though! When I hit "onederland" it slowed tremendously, and I had to adjust my calorie goals. I'm 10 lbs from my goal, and I haven't lost in two weeks, so it's going to take an act of God to get these off! LOL! Good luck! :D
  • cathygp58
    cathygp58 Posts: 8 Member

    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet now. I've read that if you weight less than 200 pounds, it's safe to lose at most 2 pounds a week. My goal is to lose about one pound a week, and usually it's a little less than that. I would of course recommend exercising too, simply because then you can eat more to make up for the calories that you use. I'm not a nutritionist or expert here, but I would recommend setting your goals to lost 5 pounds at a time, and to plan on losing only 1-2 pounds a week. It can be daunting wanting to lose a lot of weight quickly.

    I think this is all really sensible advice. If you lose weight reasonably slowly it is more likely to stay off permanently. Dividing up your goal into little chunks does feel more productive, too. You still notice the difference quite quickly! And if ever you feel discouraged or unmotivated- get online and chat to somebody! Good luck.
  • Same boat.. I start my 1200 calorie diet today..a little concerned as to what to eat.. I plan to exercise 3 times a week.. I hope
    To loose 20 pds.. I weigh 167 and my height is 5'5...
    I hv a terrible time with my sweet tooth..I luv chocolate.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member

    ....is this English?
  • I started my diet on January 1, 2013, but I was all over the place as far as what I ate. I ended up combining every type of weight loss plan there is and I didn't lose any weight at all, but I certainly was stressed out over what to eat.

    I started here on February 1st, and I went with the 1200 calories a day. I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Cardiac Arrythmmia, Insomnia with Sleep Apnea, and a few other things to go along with it. I can't exercise at this point, I can hardly walk or make it up or down stairs without a lot of pain. I tried exercise and end up in bed for days, plus I feel like any energy I can muster needs to be spent taking care of my daughter and trying to keep my house clean. I didn't see anywhere here to count calories burned for household chores and shopping, so I count zero for exercise. I've gained 60 pounds over the past three years, from lack of exercise and eating to comfort myself. I just recently accepted the fact that if I can't move around very well the only way to lose is to restrict my calories and it very well may be forever. I'm hoping that if I'm not dragging around those extra pounds I will be able to move more easily and my other health issues may improve, but I don't know that yet. I haven't had trouble keeping to the 1200 calories, at least so far.
    RLRRGJ Posts: 4 Member
    Hi...I'm new here as well and just now branching out to the blog. I've been doing the 1200 calories for 4 weeks. I've lost 7 lbs in that time. 4 was the first week! Then..I'm to a snails pace. I will lose 4 oz, gain 8. I'm up and down even though I'm exercising and eating consistently. I stopped counting my exercise because I thought they over estimated the calories burned. So my 1200 is my 1200 with or without a workout. I was hoping to be down 10 lbs by now! I've thought of going more of the South Beach approach, while counting calories. Trying to stay motivated....
  • blend7J
    blend7J Posts: 1
    Yes the 1200 calories diet is working for me. You just try to exercise as much as you can, you should be good.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    Change your goal to one pound a week, eat a a moderate deficit, and incorporate foods you like into your diet. As you get closer to goal, you'll want to drop down to .5 pounds a week. It will take some time, but you'll feel great and look great :)