Anyone else have dramatic weight loss in their 1st week?

I still don't believe that I lost 10 pounds in my first week here! It feels wierd to even write because I didn't do anything terribly dramatic. I didn't feel deprived, I didn't over-exercise, I didn't obsess over my food. Just followed my calories and did 3 hard elliptical sessions during the week. I know it's going to slow down soon and I'll be perfectly satisfied with a pound a week. But Has anyone else experienced this?


  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Losing a lot of weight is common in the first week of a new eating plan. A lot of it could be water weight, so don't be too disappointed in the weeks to come when your loss normalizes! A loss of 1-2 lbs should be more common from here on out. Congrats on a great start!
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    I lost 5 pounds my first week and my husband lost 7.
  • Pinky_Calhoun
    Pinky_Calhoun Posts: 125 Member
    That's AWESOME! Way-2-Go. I lost 5 pounds my first week.
  • Pinky_Calhoun
    Pinky_Calhoun Posts: 125 Member
    That's AWESOME! Way-2-Go. I lost 5 pounds my first week.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    yeah i rememebr being really surprised at the time, but i guess its a suden change to your body so theres a big loss. Someone told me it was water or something, i dunno!

    anyway, great way to kick start! hopefully the weight will keep coming off (maybe not so much every week)

    well done :)
  • annie008
    I lost 9 lbs on my first week. I wish it could be so EVERY week! ...but I'm afraid it's mostly water weight, and it would not be healthy to loosing that much weekly. It should begin to normalize. But great job on the head start!
  • Megooo19
    I agree the first week is a lot of water weight. When you eat healthier you also eat a lot less sodium so your body seems to go through a debloat week. I think its a good thing. Just dont be dissapointed if you only loose one or two lbs next week.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's absolutely normal to have some big losses for the first few weeks. I lost about 9 pounds my first week. Pretty soon it'll average out to be 1-3 pounds a week (depending on your starting weight and how much you told MFP that you wanted to lose each week) Good job!
  • danmullen
    I lost 10lbs in my first week too, although I know from past experience that it's quite normal to lose a lot in the early days. If I can lose 1-2lbs a week I'll be very happy!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    I felt the SAME way!! My 1st week I lost 7lbs and was flabbergasted! There wasn't much of a change I made since I was already watching what I ate, eating healthy, and exercising 5 days a week. The ONLY difference was joining this site and holding myself more accountable to my calorie intake. I'd always heard you'd be more successful with weightloss by keeping a journal of everything you eat. I tried it once and hated it.

    Hated having to try and remember what I ate, trying to measure everything out, or trying to find out how many calories everything added up to. I figured this site would work better since I'm on the computer all the time for my college classes anyways, it'd be easier to log everything. I never realized everything this site would provide....I LOVE IT HERE!!! I finally SEE that light at the end of the tunnel that I have been chasing for over 8 years now!

    My next weigh in I lost 3 lbs, but I had a break in momentum since I had to travel accross country for a funeral. So I missed a weigh in and missed exercise days....I still ate as best I could while traveling, I didn't eat anything unhealthy, but eating from fast food places or gas stations leaves you with VERY little to choose from. I didn't eat enough, but I was really proud of how well I did considering. I knew I wouldn't lose another large amount, but I would be happy with 1-2 lbs a week. I think that's a healthy goal that is obtainable. Congrats on your first week....I hope you continue to see the numbers decrease!! :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yep. I lost around 10 pounds my first week here in September 2009. It's a combo of some fat and a LOT of water weight, so don't be upset if you don't lose 10 pounds next week or (in my case) in any other week ever again (which is fine with me because that would be an awfully unhealthy pace to keep up!). :tongue:

    I had a crazy eating weekend last weekend and was up 8 pounds from my lowest weight. Then I lost 8 pounds this week because the weight gain was almost all due to water retention (which for me was mostly caused by eating too much sodium last weekend).

    Great job and keep it up!
  • somethingvague
    I lost 11 pounds in the first 4 days. And so far 22 pounds in about the first month. The bigger you are, the faster you lose at first (usually)...but I know it will slow down soon enough.
  • precioustypeoflove
    i lost six in the first week ! it normal
  • DavefromPhilly
    When I first started my weight loss journey (a couple of years ago), I lost about 10 pounds in my first week. Its a great feeling! Congrats!
  • SaveTheDrama
    I lost 14lbs the first week of my journey! Its really very common to drop big numbers at the begining. Most of it is water weight and the not to be a downer, but it slacks up once your body adjusts to the new life style.