Feeling low today and demotivated



  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I also sent you a friend request. I'm just starting back up after months of over eating and I have lots of motivation and I'm willing to share! You can do this, look back at all you have accomplished over the past weeks!

    I recently learned this with weight loss. If you take your goal weight, mine is 140 and you multiple that by 10 then you come up with your daily calories you should be consuming up to. So if I did that my total is 1400 calories per day. Obviously if you are more active you can eat a few more calories. Try switching up what your eating and changing things out that you have grown used to.

    Shake up your exercise routine...try walking a different route, Go for a hike, go apple picking, etc. You can do this!! Don't give up!!!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Also try catching an eposide of cook yourself thin on Lifetime. Such a great show. and they have some great low calorie recipes. Here is the website: http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/cook-yourself-thin
  • mrocka
    mrocka Posts: 55 Member
    Just make up in your mind that you wont quit sure you will have your off days but if you know in the back of your mind that quiting is not an option it will keep you charging ahead even when you mess up!!! Or at least thats what im doing i have only been here a few day & since then have not made all the right choices but im doing better! just take it ONE DAY AT A TIME

    Im going to send a friend request now!!!!
  • i love cook yourself thin!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,023 Member
    When i joined this site i got off to a great start. i was very determined and motivated, i've been working extremely hard but finding it so difficult keeping to 1200 calories a day. I rarely have any calories left late in the evening and end up going to bed hungry or going over my calorie intake and feeling like such a failure. As well as that weekends can be difficult, i tend to go visit friends at the weekend, maybe stay over and they would not be dieting so making healthy choices is not easy. There just seems to be so many obstacles. i feel like i'm fighting a losing battle. (add me as a friend i could use the support)
    I firmly believe that you shouldn't be making yourself miserable to lose weight. In fact, I think the harder it is, the less likely it is to achieve success. If you are going to bed hungry, then I really don't think 1,200 calories is enough for you. I used to go to bed hungry too because I thought that was how I was supposed to feel while losing weight. It's hard to get over that mindset, but I am so glad I did! I'd strongly encourage you to change your weight-loss goal to no more than 1 pound a week and then eat all your exercise calories. Try it, and see how it feels and how it works. I can almost guarantee you'll feel better AND get the results you want. If you want to be really daring, set your goal to 1/2 pound, and bump your activity level up one notch. I changed mine from sedentary to lightly active even though I have a desk job because I was still too hungry. And guess what? I still lost weight. The easier you make this on yourself, the more likely you will be to stick to it. Good luck, and I hope that helped!
  • Fit4Penny
    Fit4Penny Posts: 75 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. I know how you are feeling. You can do this!!
  • Hang in there! I am on the same diet and it is was rough one night. I seem to do a lot better when I have a piece or two of Holsum Lite'r Bread for my breakfast count. It is only 35 calories a slice and I put promise fat free butter (5cal) and mix splenda and cinnamon and sprinkle it all over. I keep a loaf in the car for when I stop at a fast food restaurant. I have had a had a junior whopper or a jr. bacon cheeseburger and just slide them on a piece of bread and saved more than half the calories. Kemp"s ice cream yogurt is great also the strawberry is only 80 calories a servings. That is my late night snack! For all the people who say 1200 is to low COMMMMMMEEEE ONNNNN,(mad tv) lol. Its the path we chose and want support not the obvious thing we heard a thousand times about being not being on that diet.
  • Girl, I have the same problem. It seems like during the day I can semi-easily follow the calorie/diet plan. When night comes, I'm always looking for snacks! This is why I've started waiting and saving my snacks for night time. I'm sure it's not the smartest route, but I'm able to stay under my calorie intake. I sent you a friend request.. You can do this! You CAN! You CAN! :)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,023 Member
    For all the people who say 1200 is to low COMMMMMMEEEE ONNNNN,(mad tv) lol. Its the path we chose and want support not the obvious thing we heard a thousand times about being not being on that diet.
    I wasn't at all trying to be unsupportive by suggesting 1,200 might be too low. That seems to be a magic number that a lot of people shoot for. It may be the right number for a select few, but more often than not, it's lower than anyone needs to — or should — go for weight loss. It's possible that it's the right number for the OP, but I'd still encourage her to explore the option of eating more than that, especially if she's feeling crummy doing what she's doing.

    Edited to add: I've seen so many people try to do too much too fast and then just crash and burn. Some cut calories too drastically, some exercise an insane number of hours, and some do both. If I can help somebody avoid that scenario, it makes me a happy Jill. :smile:
  • 1200 calories is very low for a young person...I would increase to at least 1400...also be sure to use all your fat and protein grams...don't give up...it will pay off!
  • For all the people who say 1200 is to low COMMMMMMEEEE ONNNNN,(mad tv) lol. Its the path we chose and want support not the obvious thing we heard a thousand times about being not being on that diet.
    I wasn't at all trying to be unsupportive by suggesting 1,200 might be too low. That seems to be a magic number that a lot of people shoot for. It may be the right number for a select few, but more often than not, it's lower than anyone needs to — or should — go for weight loss. It's possible that it's the right number for the OP, but I'd still encourage her to explore the option of eating more than that, especially if she's feeling crummy doing what she's doing.

    Edited to add: I've seen so many people try to do too much too fast and then just crash and burn. Some cut calories too drastically, some exercise an insane number of hours, and some do both. If I can help somebody avoid that scenario, it makes me a happy Jill. :smile:

    Thanks for the advice. I agree with you i was setting my goal to high. I had set it at a 2lb loss a week which is a little much for me as i would not be very active throughout the day. I've now set it for 1lb a week.
    Also today tried i to eat smaller meals but eat more regularly and i can feel the difference already. This time yesterday i had used all my calories and i was still hungry, today i've felt more satisfied all day.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,023 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I agree with you i was setting my goal to high. I had set it at a 2lb loss a week which is a little much for me as i would not be very active throughout the day. I've now set it for 1lb a week.
    Also today tried i to eat smaller meals but eat more regularly and i can feel the difference already. This time yesterday i had used all my calories and i was still hungry, today i've felt more satisfied all day.
    Yay, I'm so glad you're having a better day today! :happy:
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