Anyone with 40lbs or more to lose?


I've lost 11lb but have another 42lb to lose.
Just wondering if theres anyone else or anyone thats already lost that amount.
How long did it take?

All advice, motivation and friends adds welcome and needed haha.


  • CindaWhite
    CindaWhite Posts: 104 Member
    Hey Slim,

    I have also lost 11 lbs. since I started on 1 July of this year. I have about 47 to go. I am looking forward to sharing in your journey.
    Add request sent.
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    I have lost 10lbs as well since I started on July 12th. I have 38lbs to go. I want to get myself down to 150, and Ill see how I feel at that weight, and maybe lose 10-15lbs more if I feel like I need too. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • itsscottwilder

    1. Learn to love water
    2. learn to love salad
    3. learn to love chicken and turkey
    4. get a pedometer and don't go to bed until you've walked your 10,000 steps
    5. Lift something heavy several times every few days

    I'm currently 175 on my way to 140.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Make this journey a life change not a diet. You have to change the aspects of your life that need it. It maybe your eating exercise many things effect it. Little changes go along way. We did. It out on the weight over night so relax and know that the weight won't come off over night !! It takes time dedication and a lot of hard work !! Keep at it am you will succeed !! :) x
  • weavemyway
    weavemyway Posts: 24 Member

    1. Learn to love water
    2. learn to love salad
    3. learn to love chicken and turkey
    4. get a pedometer and don't go to bed until you've walked your 10,000 steps
    5. Lift something heavy several times every few days

    I'm currently 175 on my way to 140.

    Definitely agree with this. Also, incorporate some exorcise. The pedometer is a great tool. Start slow, but make sure to pick up the pace gradually if possible. If you're going for fit, a healthy heart and lungs is always a good thing. I started my weight loss by changing my eating habits (I needed to do loooots of reasearch on what healthy eating was because I didn't have a clue!). Once the weight started falling off, I decided to add exorcise (I HATED exorcise, so the desire to try it was surprising to me). I started by walking a few blocks, then a mile, then two. Then I thought, "hey, I wonder how long I can run?" First I couldn't make it around the block, but little by little I added jogging into my walks, and now I run 3-4 miles 4-5 times a week. NEVER thought that would be possible.

    Another tip, get a close friend or family member to join you in the journey. They can offer tips and motivation.
    I hit a 8 month plateau in my weight loss after losing 35-40 pounds, and am currently trying to get back on track to getting to my goal! sw: 210 approximately. cw:165-70. gw: 145
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    Definitely here to lose 40lbs... Welcome to MFP. Feel free to friend me. I totally agree with the learning to love water, chicken and salad parts hahaha. Ive been active now for a week and have lost 5lbs... Still trucking... 40 more to go

  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    I've lost 60 and looking to lose another 80!!
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    Lost 84. Working on losing another 80. add me!
  • Yefi
    Yefi Posts: 17
    I've got 120 lbs to lose :grumble:
  • jainm1234
    jainm1234 Posts: 49 Member
    I've lost 22 so far. 41lbs more to go!! Feel free to add me :)
  • downeyek
    downeyek Posts: 41 Member
    Almost 30 down, about 50 to go! Feel free to add me :-)
  • sarahmaryjane
    sarahmaryjane Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all - 11 down, 64 more to go. Always looking for new friends! :)
  • MsDkis1
    MsDkis1 Posts: 24 Member
    I've lost 20 pounds so far but for my goal weight I need to lose another 40-45 pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • joker5122
    Oooh ooh ME! Looking to lose another 57 lbs! I just started with MFP again. Used to use it an abandoned my healthy ways. This time around I'm sticking with it. Feel free to add me everyone. :-) Let's go on this journey together.
  • slflorian
    I've lost 35 total and would love to lose another 40 - 45. Feel free to add me!
    I agree with finding someone who has the same goals as you - it certainly helps!
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im on the journey to losing 40-50 more. Feel free to add me.
  • vtotheicky
    vtotheicky Posts: 62 Member
    I'm aiming to lose about 40lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Looking to lose around 50lbs - feel free to add me for support.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    The how long it takes depends on how aggressive you are being with your weight loss. Other than vacation that I took this summer, I have averaged 10lbs lost per month since December when I started or 2lbs per week. My weight loss has been totally diet modification (I am not on a diet, I am eating more healthy and with proper portions) and walking on a treadmill for exercise. I still have about 60lbs to go until I reach my total target but only 33 left to go in 2013 for my 2013 target which was 100 lbs lost in 1 year.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    feel free to add me