New to the site

My name is Jennifer, and I am 24 years old. I will be 25 in December. I have been overweight as long as I remember and have desired to weight but have failed numerous times, that is if I even started the diet. My motivation is being in love with for the first time and wanting to healthier (as well as myself) and our future. I am also going on vacation this year and want to be in better shape for lying on the beach and getting my tan (burn is more like it) on. My breaking point was when I was trying on clothes and nothing fit. I almost tired of having this extra tire around my waist. Basically I have just rambled, but I just want to feel better about myself. Any encouragement is appreciated.


  • andeeinevansville
    Hi and Welcome! This is the right site to be on if you're looking for support and encouragement...
    Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can support each other..Good luck on your journey :)
  • G_in_Austin
    Hi, welcome to MFP. You've made a great first step. I joined a couple weeks ago and it's been helpful to have an easy site to log my calorie intake and see exactly how what I'm eating adds up. The first day when I punched in my favorite burger it was a real eye-opener. It's helping me choose much more healthy eating habits. It does work, I'm meeting my goals. Best of luck to you! Friend me if you'd like some extra support.
  • carlita231
    Good luck on your journey! We are all here to support you! I joined about 2 weeks ago and ABSOLUTELY love MFP! It is such a great help!
  • yoken1
    Just read your posting..Hope we all get results and stick to our guns...This is a great site to go to also fun to log in daily results, a real eye opener. Hope to hear more....YL
  • BeingFit4GOD
    Jennifer, you are going to do just great. All you need is determination. Be sure to log on as often as you can for those words of encouragement. You have a fitness family all over the world cheering for you, offering advice and recipes. This is not a new diet. It is a new way of life for the rest of your life. By December, you will see a wonderful difference. Add me as a friend.
  • yoken1
    :smile: Thanks for the great words of encouregment...Went to the gym tonite added this to the program so hope all of this will make me a new person...Yo: :