I recently weighed close to 200 and am now down to 170. my goal for now is 150. i have a hard time sticking to a diet and most of my friends and family are drinkers. ive actually gained 7 lbs now is the time to get back on the wagon. i need support big time. or atleast friends to show up in my news feed so i can see their progress which will be good motivation for myself. i am 24 yr old mother of 1 (he's 4), im 5'10' and 170 lbs. looking to be 140-150 lbs. anyone feel free to add me and share ur success......


  • janel867
    janel867 Posts: 53
    Just sent you a friend request. We can all use more friends! I've logged in for 200 days in a row and would be happy to have a new friend to motivate :)
  • mrsohlson
    mrsohlson Posts: 9 Member
    I sent you a request too. More motivation is always welcome!
  • Hey There. I will send you a request. I am here daily and log everything I eat. I was 149 in May and as of today I am lost 12#, 10", 5% body fat, and went from a size 14 to 12. Never thought I could do it.

    I have been focused on eating healthy first and foremost. I drink Shakeology everyday and it helps with weight loss, cravings, and digestive system. I have found an at home workout that I LOVE TO DO.I am part of a challenge group and we hold one another accountable.

    Please check out my facebook page for daily motivational post.

    Look forward to chatting and seeing your journey unfold. Please let me know if I can help in any way.
  • Cheilsea
    Cheilsea Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, I just sent you a request also. I just started a 50 mile challenge for August if you'd like to do it with me. I made a facebook page for it also if you'd like to check it out. Good luck to you! :)
  • Lucy3410
    Lucy3410 Posts: 35
    Just sent you a friend request. We are all in this together and we could all use a little extra support. I've been in and out of MFP, but this is the mose consistant I've been in a while. And also it's a first for me to join in the "community" aspect (i.e. message boards, friends, etc.), and I love it!!
  • shmtb
    shmtb Posts: 5 Member
    Also dealing with friends who are drinkers as I used to be a heavy drinker myself...still succumbing to peer pressure from time to time. Anyways, have added you! Let's do this :)
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    I just sent you a request too! I also have a 4 year old, they are busy little things aren't they! :)