Thin girl trapped in a fat girls body....1st weeks weightlos

Hello everybody! I have just joined myfitnesspal hoping to find motivation to keep me on track to reach my goal weight and become a much healthier person.......Im starting off by following a Rosemary Conley eating plan for one week as a kickstart, and was wondering what a healthy goal for my first weeks weight loss is please?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions! Hope you are all well!


  • rastrillo
    rastrillo Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome Avalon!
    Myfitnesspal rocks because first you may not even know how many calories you consume. Soon you will see how much you eat and change your habits resulting in finding the thin you. The only suggestions I have are; set a realistic goal weight even if it takes longer to get where you want. I've seen people trying to survive on 1500 calories a day, that's setting up for failure. The other is don't lie to your food and excercise diary.
    Stick to 1 pound a week, so shoot for 5 pounds lighter than you are now. In 5 weeks go 5 lighter and so forth.
    My best to you
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It has great tools and wonderful support!:smile:
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Hi Avalon!

    First welcome to MFP and good luck on your weight loss journey! My Fitness Pal rocks and the community on the forum boards is an awsome resource feel free to add me as a friend if you like.

    I have to agree with what's already been written here I stick to a pound a week. It's working for me. Then sometimes if you loose more than that it's a complete bonus. But at the end of the day this is your journey and the best thing about MFP is that you do it your way with all the tools and resources of the website to help you x
  • Beebee78
    You will find no end of support here!

    As for first week weightloss it really does vary from person to person.

    Good luck on your journey xxx
  • kristendunbar
    Welcome! I cant believe how easy it has become to have self control once I am seeing how much I am eating in my food diary. It is so much easier to make healthy decisions when you know where you are at for the day! And when you know you have been good all day and have a lot of calories at dinner time you can eat a piece of pizza without feeling guilty because you know you will still be under your goal!!

    Tip: When you finish entering food in your food diary, click complete the entry at the bottom. When you do you will get a message that says 'If you everyday was like this you could weigh xxxlbs in 5 weeks' That is good motivation for me when I see that lower number!

    Haqppy journey!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    Hello Avalon!
    Everyone is right, MFP's community will give you all the support you could ever hope for. The people here are amazing and they will certainly motivate you through this journey! As for setting a goal for your first week's weightloss, I agree with others, it will vary person to person. I have seen people lose anywhere from 1-10 lbs their first week. I lost 7 my first week and was absolutely floored!

    Just remember, if you do see a large number, it will usually decline in the following weeks. A realistic goal is 1-2 lbs per week....a lot of which will depend on your efforts and commitment. Especially the foods you choose to eat. My rule of thumb is to log absolutely EVERYTHING I put into my mouth. Even if it's just a handfull of something or a condiment on a sandwich. I agree with rastrillo, be true to your food and exercise diary, it makes a difference! Good luck on your journey...and welcome to MFP!! :flowerforyou:
  • Avalon203
    Thanks very much everyone!! Im definately going to be using the food and exercise diary, think part of my weight gain problem before was not actually realising how much I did eat before.....and obviously not working out enough (or at all if Im being totally honest) BUT that will change and ill work for the 1lb weightloss per week that youve all advised, slow and steady wins the race after all :-) Possibly a little more in the first week.....7lbs like you Brenda would be FANTASTIC but obviously any loss is a step in the right direction!