New to this site :-)

Hi, My name is Bethan and I've just joined this site, have also got the iphone app :-) Which I find super helpful!!!

Not quite new to diets as I tend to start one every Monday haha, however this is the easiest site i've found by far, after looking at Tesco Diets and others such as that. Its nice to find a free site that will help you track weight loss :-)

If anyone has any tips for me please pas them on, as I have a serious lack of willpower :-p

Thanks :-) xx


  • Beebee78
    Welcome to the site! You will find now end of support here and find it really easy to suceed on your journey xxx
  • Jensjoy1073
    This site has the best encouragement around!! We are all in this together, if it were easy, no one would be overweight! Hang in there and you will succeed.