
kats2 Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

Todays the day Ive decided to change my life......

In so many ways I feel my life is perfect, I have my dream job, I have a lovely home, Ive achieved so much...yet theres one thing that hold be back from being the person I want to be......I'm fat!!!

Ive done it before, yet let it all go....I want to be the person people talk to at the bar, I love meeting new people yet dont have the self belief anymore.

I have decided to join myfitnesspal.com, as for some reason I feel easier talking to strangers about this as all my friends think I am the happy go lucky person who doesnt care want people think................Im not......I'm the person who wants to be thinner and realise the full potential I know I have. I want to have fake tans, nails, beauty treatments, yet I cant without changing my weight first


  • NavySailor
    NavySailor Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you. If I can be of any help at all please let me know.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome to MFP. There is an awesome amount of support on this site, great tools, and success stories to motivate us all.
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey! You will find so much support here on the way xxx
  • Hi and welcome to MFP! The people on this site are friendly and full of great advice!!
  • Jaq63
    Jaq63 Posts: 13 Member

    ive only recently joined to, it a great site really friendly and lots of great advice,support and encouragement..

    good luck..:happy:
  • Welcome welcome! I'm a fairly recenter joiner and have to say - the community here is badass! You can do it!
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome to the site!
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