
I suddenly hit a wall. I work the overnights so I know what it feels like to be tired. I get that I have to sleep in the middle of the day. But I started this job at the end of May and this exhaustion that I am feeling now is different. I am actually working less now than earlier in the summer, but this new exhaustion has been around for about a week/week and a half.

At first I though my body just needed to rest/recover, but this has gone on long enough. I can't get through my usual hour of cardio and even on my days off I am taking these ridiculous naps. My appetite lately has not been as good, and I think it is because I would rather sleep than make an actual lunch, etc. Though I do make sure to eat enough.

I am not anemic in any way and my regular blood work is normal. (I did not think to test for mono when I still had my samples, though the other test results do not indicate that that is the case).

Please look at my diary as this is my last resort before making an appointment with my doctor. I know I need more veggies, but I don't think that that would cause my sudden exhaustion, I have always been this way.


  • littlebee26
    I think you may need to up your calories. Now, I am one to talk. I'd say our calorie intake is quite similar. I am 5 4, weigh 128 pounds and eat 1200 - 1400 calories a day give or take. I feel tired quite a bit too. But I know its because I'm eating at a calorie deficit. And now queue the haters giving off about freaking starvation mode. Before any of you go off on one, ive lost 8 pounds in the last 4 weeks and 2.5% body fat. That is pretty great for a lady my size. And I have managed to lose that fat without losing any muscle (I workout with free weights 4 times a week). I'm doing juuuuuuust fine :))))
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I suddenly hit a wall. I work the overnights so I know what it feels like to be tired. I get that I have to sleep in the middle of the day. But I started this job at the end of May and this exhaustion that I am feeling now is different. I am actually working less now than earlier in the summer, but this new exhaustion has been around for about a week/week and a half.

    At first I though my body just needed to rest/recover, but this has gone on long enough. I can't get through my usual hour of cardio and even on my days off I am taking these ridiculous naps. My appetite lately has not been as good, and I think it is because I would rather sleep than make an actual lunch, etc. Though I do make sure to eat enough.

    I am not anemic in any way and my regular blood work is normal. (I did not think to test for mono when I still had my samples, though the other test results do not indicate that that is the case).

    Please look at my diary as this is my last resort before making an appointment with my doctor. I know I need more veggies, but I don't think that that would cause my sudden exhaustion, I have always been this way.

    Nothing wrong with making an appointment with your doctor. I can tell you the high heat days of summer wipe me out. I don't go to my mail box and back with out water. I also make sure I keep moving as much as I can. If you have tried all your own self motivating steps (mine include standing up and hopping or skipping) then it really is good to get assurance from a medical professional nothing else is wrong and it may just be seasonal "funk".
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I feel tired quite a bit too.

    I'm doing juuuuuuust fine :))))

    well which is it!?
  • littlebee26
    I feel tired quite a bit too.

    I'm doing juuuuuuust fine :))))

    well which is it!?

    HA!! I knew it :P Whats wrong with feeling a bit tired while you are cutting? Surely thats understandable. If you gave your body all the fuel it needed it would not be cuttin/not losing fat/not tired. Anyways, I am both. I am getting the results I want at the pace I want and I am more than happy to put up with some tiredness to get there. No pain no gain. So, how are you? Happy? Content? :P
  • ChiManLifts
    Do you take any pre or post-supps? It could help.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I looked at your diary and your goals are set for the equivalent of a high carb low fat diet. that' won't work. move to low carb high fat and your system will begin to draw on the fat stores for more consistent energy. the high carb low fat routine is a recipe for the crashing you've been experiencing.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    . So, how are you? Happy? Content? :P

    just peachy, thanks for asking!
  • MelissaDoc
    MelissaDoc Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied. My problem is not losing weight, as I was and still am, but I would rather not feel this awful. This past week is not a good representation of my diet or exercise, as I said I have little appetite and only eating so that I don't pass out at work or anything like that. Also, my cardio has gone down from one hour to 30 minutes.

    I don't take any pre/post sups but I do take some time to rest and have a Greek yogurt in between strength and cardio, if I do those in the same day/session.

    I didn't notice my diary set to high carb, that is just what mfp originally set me to. I updated it to 50/20/30.