
TheNewJessieMae Posts: 767
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Attitude Is EVERYTHING. Your mind has control over your health and happiness as well as capable of making decisions that will impact your wellbeing. The choice is yours. Right now I chose to wake up. Quit sulking because I am sleepy (it was my fault for staying up late anyhow)~and get MOVING. Start my day and make it a good one.
What do you chose to do?


  • Thanks! I really needed this message today! Have a good day.
  • Today I chose to not step on the scale for 2 weeks. The numbers are driving me insane and effecting my attitude. I started at 128 and I would like to get down to 120. I don't want the scale to effect my attitude. I actually put the scale in the closet this morning and in place of it I hung my favorite shorts that I know exactly how they fit me at certain weights. That will be my scale at least until September 23, 2010:wink:
  • I choose to quit focusing on how much weight I've got to lose and how fast I can lose it. So what if it takes me 2 years to take it off! Instead I'm going to focus on one day at a time because today is the only day I can control. One day at a time, one workout at a time, one healthy food choice at a time and one pound at a time.
  • Today I chose to not step on the scale for 2 weeks.

    I make my husband hide the scale from me so I will only weigh in once every 2 weeks. I think it's a wonderful idea. I would step on it 3x a day if it weren't hiden. LOTS of stress reduced since I made this decision.
  • Thanks! I really needed this message today! Have a good day.

    You are very welcome!!! Sometimes we need a little push. I had mine and I wanted to pass it along!
  • One day at a time, one workout at a time, one healthy food choice at a time and one pound at a time.

    This is wonderful! That's all you can do. Stay focused. Keep your mind on it and your body will follow!
  • kadaolmi
    kadaolmi Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 20 pounds this year, then over the month of August due to some health issues, I gained 5#. I have been busting butt all this month - jogging 5-7 miles, biking 25-30 miles, ellipitical, and weight training. My diet is around 1300 calories. I cant get that scale to budge for me. sits there and sits there. I thought with all this variety and my diet I should be losing and I'm not.

    The scale is a catch 22, I fear it, and love it on different days. I face it daily to keep myself in check. but, the number game does drive me nuts. I like that you chose a piece of clothing as your guide. It's good when you can figure what works for you and stick to it.

    Also, I am pretty emotional as next month i am having a total hysterectomy. That is another whole situation to deal with. I will take that day by day.

    I am happy and know I am better for the activity. I'm 45. Every morning I wake up and it's mind over matter - push myself. keep up the good work, thanks for listening.
  • kadaolmi
    kadaolmi Posts: 5 Member
    you are right too! I was out for a walk the other day and this lady passed me, she was jogging, and she was around 60 years old. At that moment looking at her it really hit me that is about a life goal and not just about the quick fix for today. she was very inspiring.
  • OMG thats an awesome idea :laugh: Im going to have to have my boyfriend do that for me :smooched: Thank you for the suggestion.
  • OMG thats an awesome idea :laugh: Im going to have to have my boyfriend do that for me :smooched: Thank you for the suggestion.

    You are very welcome!! If I can get to it I will weigh myself as many times as I see the scale.
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