Weightloss on a SERIOUS budget?



  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Why do you want to be a member of a gym? What would you use it for? Just wondering b/c i'm a bit different. I prefer to work out outside and just use my own body weight for strength building. A lot of people on MFP love to lift weights, is that why you are looking for a gym?

    I used to go to a gym and I felt that I lost more weight when I did. I don't want to be a body builder so lifting weights is out for me! :) I prefer cardio. I do love outdoor exercise too! I just for some reason feel more motivated to go to the gym. One, because it is practically my alone time (I am ALWAYS surrounded by people I have to talk to for my job) so it's basically an escape, and two it's less of a hassle to workout indoors since I live around such a busy area. I just prefer a gym. It's relaxing (weight, right?). I don't have any kids or a husband so I'm set in making time for me. For a lot of my older teenage years I went to the gym 5 days a week just because I enjoy it, then college came about and I gained weight, not. So I guess maybe I just like familiarity.

    Thanks for the food tips! I eat pretty healthy for the most part (I have an allergy to a lot of processed foods!) so that's not the issue, just the price would be nice. How can a supermarket charge so much for a vegetable?! It's cheaper to buy food like Ramen and oreo cookies than it is to buy fresh food because those last, unlike veggies and meats.

    Oh my.. You have the wrong perception of lifting weights. But I won't even go there...

    good luck

    I was making a joke about being a body builder. I have the correct perception of lifting weights, and I obviously have done plenty of that in the past. I know what it can do for the body. I, however, want to stay on more of a cardio track (obviously I'll include weights..) but I'm looking to get more fit and heart healthy than to bulk up. People always go wrong and do weights, weights, weights, instead of getting on a treadmill or even getting outside to ride a bike.

    Lifting weights improves body composition, cardio does not.

    Lifting weights gives you the thighs, glutes etc that I know you want.

    Lifting weights does not "bulk" you up, especially not women. If it did, everyone would be "bulked up"
  • bcarman86
    bcarman86 Posts: 51 Member
    If you don't want to do a gym membership, you can get workout DVDs from your library to see what you like and what works for you..
  • Hi! I'm new too and I can relate on having a tight budget for sure. I used to belong to Planet Fitness years ago but I got tired of trying to make my schedule match their down times and if I tried to go when it was convenient for me, it was so packed that I couldn't use any of the machines I needed. I ended up going for a few months but then I gave up because it was too difficult to get there and get off to work on time. I'm focusing more on losing weight and changing my eating habits now since I have some health issues so at this point, it's more about buying quality foods. When I do work out, I use small weights to increase lean muscle since that helps burn more calories when you're at rest and as far as cardio, I used to like to walk. At my local mall, if you hug the walls all the way around, it's 1 mile. I like being outside but my allergies get the best of me so being inside where it's cool in the summer and warm in the winter, is a plus. I plan on going back to walking the mall very soon. Plus, it's free and since I'm not working, I can't afford a gym right now.

    I find that buying frozen organic berries at my local grocery store is more cost effective than buying fresh pesticide treated berries. I like the frozen because my husband abhors fruit so it tends to go bad before I can eat it all and I don't have to worry about that with frozen. It's awesome thawed with a little lite cool whip or you can make smoothies with yogurt or even frozen fruit pops. I also find that frozen veggies are more cost effective for me that fresh as well. I wait for a sale on them and I stock up. I find I save money cooking from scratch as well. If I want pasta with sauce, I make my own sauce since pre-made sauce tends to be loaded with sugar. I also use 2% cheeses because I find that they're the same price as the regular cheese and they taste the same. I tried fat free and I didn't like it and sometimes they cost more. As far as fresh produce, I buy what's on sale using the flyers (a budget conscious girl's best friend!) and Walmart has excellent and affordable organic options as well. I do a lot of comparison shopping and sale watching. Also, my town and surrounding towns have farmer's markets and you can't beat the price of the produce! Plus, you get to eat locally grown food and meet the farmers. Meats and the like tend to be more expensive so I either buy what's on sale at the local supermarket or I check out the specials at my local butcher's and fish shop (I love in Maine and fresh seafood is easy to come by and affordable if you know what you're looking for). I love Sam's too (big box store you need to purchase a membership for but it's worth it for me). I use Arnold 100% whole wheat sandwich thins instead of regular whole wheat bread and they're 100 calories a roll and you can get a big bag of them for much less that other places. Depending on how many people are in your household, you may not want a big box store membership but a lot of grocery stores sell their own brand of sandwich thins so you can save money that way.

    Anyway, sorry for the novel, I just got so excited to meet someone who wanted to talk about losing weight on a budget that I rambled. Honestly, if you want to join a gym, good for you. Maybe it would be helpful if you could go in and check it out to see which one you prefer. Some gyms have free day passes or free trial periods (sometimes it's a temporary promotion but it doesn't hurt to call and ask!). I wish I had scoped out my local Planet Fitness better; I would have chosen another gym that wasn't so overcrowded. And, if you would like to add me, I'd love to have someone to help motivate and who helps to motivate me! :smile:
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    can you get a free month membership to either or both? tell them your dilemma and that you want to check it out. even 2 weeks will help you decide. the atmosphere can help you make up your mind! you may decide you like one better and the price and or drive time may not make a difference.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    A gym is really unnecessary. You can work out at home with videos (lots of youtube, from what I've heard), running, body weight exercises, etc.

    A few obvious tips:

    Buy in bulk. Buy frozen veggies.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Are there other areas of your budget to reduce? No $5 coffee at lunch, fast food, etc.?

    Go to youtube. There are tons of workout videos of all kinds for free.

    Go to a farmer's market and get fresh produce cheaper.
  • CeeBee88
    CeeBee88 Posts: 33
    Dedication is what makes the difference with weight loss - whether you join a gym or not! I'm confident you'll be just fine from everything you've said... You certainly seem like you've got your head screwed on.

    As for budget eating, this may help http://agirlcalledjack.com/category/below-the-line-budget-recipes/ Its from the UK, but she has a near cult following for her ablity to make great, healthy food from a nearly non-existant budget. She has some great recipes.

    Echoing what other people have said:

    *buy at markets wherever possible
    *buy and cook in bulk and freeze
    *portion control and self-restraint are keys
    *change what you like to eat to healthier options
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I workout walking with my mom, DVD's like Leslie Sansone, 10 minute solutions pilates and yoga. There's also workouts on the internet. Someone on here mentioned Fitness blenders on youtube. You can find some really popular stuff on youtube like 30 day shred.

    I have some workout stuff at home, but not much. A medicine ball, some hand weights and good shoes. I do body weight bearing exercises to help strength. Pilates helps tone.

    We're so tight on money right now, we're not buying much food this month but we have a garden and have some stored stuff. I cook and bake, so I can use what we have and are growing for nutritious meals. There's seven in our family, so this is no small feat.

    Using MFP to count calories and to keep myself accountable has been invaluable. I changed my nutritional settings to reflect how I want to eat (lower carb, higher protein then the standard setting. I also am tracking carbs, fiber, iron because those are important to me).

    You really can do a lot on a little. Good luck.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...I don't want to be a body builder so lifting weights is out for me! :)...

    I lift heavy and I'm not a body builder. Check out my profile pic - I don't even look like I lift, but I do. It takes an incredible amount of training and effort to "look like" a bodybuilder. I'm a runner, and lifting weights has really improved my performance by making me stronger and less prone to injury - plus, it helps me maintain my lean mass even when training for marathons. Don't fear the weights, lift them! :drinker:
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    youtube has some great workout videos, like the 30-day shred. I've bought a couple of very inexpensive DVDs that also are mainstays for me, and I walk, hike and take yoga through the city rec dept.

    Food can be another expense, as you move from cheap processed foods to more fresh produce and protein sources. You're in an urban area and so I'm sure you have ethnic groceries in your area. I find their prices on produce and some other things are half what supermarkets charge, and they expand my eating options in healthy, new areas.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Some of my quick thoughts (sorry if any are repeats)
    Lift common heavy household items - I think somebody mentioned this.
    Cook your own food - as scratch as you can manage - you control the ingredients and calories this way
    Buy meat on sale (sometimes bulk packs) and repackage for meal portions and freeze
    Beans - cheap, high fiber high protein - use dried - easy to make - lentils have become my go to
    Yardsales and sale ads for home gym equipment - I got a bike this summer for $30 - needs minor work - ride-able. Also consignment stores, flea markets, junk shops - I'm currently hoping for dumb bells - and I'll probably find some if I tried much. I love that somebody paid full price so I can buy them later for cheap. Facebook has a yardsale page in many places - put up on "In search of" list and see if anyone offers you anything.
    cook extra and freeze leftovers for lunches later
    Use coupons if you can and match to sales to optimize - many people are accustomed to buying as they need and usually paying more that way - buy it when it's cheap and it's already there when you need it
    If you have an Aldi's in your town - it's the cheapest produce I can find - and it has great deals on most other items - including some lower calorie versions
    I too am reliant on cardio right now, but planning to start adding some strength in soon. I bought one of those ring sets to play with. Muscle burns calorie - therefore I want more muscle.
    Try walking where you need to go as much as you can - that's always free. Take the stairs.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I read an article about a guy who lost a ton of weight buying his food at the 99cent store: http://health.yahoo.net/experts/yourbestfitness/99-cent-diet-could-it-work-you

    If you have a farmers market near you, check that out for good, inexpensive healthy foods. Lots of times if you go at the end of the day, vendors will discount their food further because they don't want to haul it all back.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You don't need any special food. Just cut down on what you know is total junk food, and eat a bit less of whatever your regular food is, add seasonal or frozen veggies for good measure.

    I disagree with everyone saying you don't need a gym....My gym membership is the absolute last thing I would ever give up.

    but, OP you should really reconsider your stance on lifting weights!!
  • Sassyandsexymommy
    Sassyandsexymommy Posts: 6 Member
    Someone mentioned portion control. I totally agree. My food scale is the best investment I made for mt kitchen. Cost was about $25.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Tuna + ramen Noodles
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member

    Lifting weights improves body composition, cardio does not.

    Lifting weights gives you the thighs, glutes etc that I know you want.

    Lifting weights does not "bulk" you up, especially not women. If it did, everyone would be "bulked up"
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member
    PF is 20 minutes away and only $20 a month, whereas Snap is 7 minutes away but it's $40 a month!
    You say you are wanting to do Cardio mostly
    Just a question
    How much could you buy a second hand bike for?
    I would humbly suggest that instead of driving 7-20 minutes, running on a treadmill (if it's free) for twenty minutes and then driving home
    you could spend that time and that money cycling for an hour.
  • Hello!

    I understand your dilemma, I was also in the same predicament when I first started out, but I'm cheap. I don't go to the gym, instead I find whatever I can around my house. I've used a couple of goya bean bags and rice bags as makeshift weights (no joke!) and do my cardio/HIIT at home. So far I lost 4 lbs and gained a little muscle.

    As for food, cut down and use portion control. I wish I had a budget to buy more fruits and veggies but sometimes you have to just make due with what you have. Hope that helped