Fast Food Baby



  • emlott88
    emlott88 Posts: 75 Member
    Wow. The problem is, the younger generation (and yes, I can say this, as I'm 25) haven't generally been taught how to cook! I wasn't taught by my mum, I learned from a room mate who was an amazing cook.

    I am one of the few spouses I know in my age range that can cook dinner for my husband every night, with variety. It boggles my mind. I know plenty of women who buy take out every night, simply because they don't know what to serve up.

    It's sad :( Cooking classes should be brought back in high school, and not for just a semester :(
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Bump to watch after work.

    Yes, feeding children can be hard but I think if you feed them a wide variety of foods from the get go (as soon as they start soft foods, whether you're buying baby food or making your own) definitely helps. Also eating at the table without a tv on is very important.
  • I just started watching it right now. A little upsetting to be honest. However, I think this could just be more than "Bad Parenting." There was a PBS documentary about poor families on a budget who can't afford to feed their children healthier foods so they buy the fast food alternative. I haven't seen it, but I read how it explores the choices families make (sometimes single moms) who have to decide what's more important: Paying the rent or buying better food. One kid was so sick of eating pizza everyday. Imagine, pizza!!!! Sometimes the struggle is real out there.

    I do remember when my mom worked late nights and me and my siblings were left with buying mcdonalds every night. I think this went on for at least 3 months. This is why I rarely eat mcdonalds anymore.