17 day diet accountability partner~



  • Nory143
    Nory143 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm doing the 17 day and would love to have a partner to discuss this with. I have been on it a few months already and lost 25 lbs. It's really not a diet, it's basically just eating clean but layed out in format that can be easily worked into my lifestyle. Love it and making this a way of life. I would also like to add that I really like my fitness pal, but I don't understand why when anyone says they are on any type of diet, people go nuts. Live and let live...some people need a outlined format to help them reach there goal. If you don't like it keep it to yourself. It's so dissappointing everytime I read these negative comments. I feel we should just cheer each other on, no matter what...just saying
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I think this is a great idea. You SHOULD do the 17 day diet. It is NOT a gimmick. What it is, is a healthier way to eat for 17 days and if you lose weight, that is the HEALTHIEST thing for you. Being at 260 is NOT healthy. That said, losing weight from this diet WILL make you healthier in the end and not hurt you. With ANY diet or weight loss plan (no matter what it is) there WILL be a risk in gaining it back if you go back to old ways. That said, even if you lose weight slowly and steadily with plain ole healthy eating (not a format) you are at just as much risk of gaining it back. Anyway as i stated previously, this is 17 days of pure diet/eating focus and better eating. Focus on weight loss and there is NOTHING wrong with that and everything right with that. It seems the only time I lose weight is through diet focus like the one you mentioned above. Healthy eating only makes me maintain. This will tell you what to eat and is proven to work. I lost 17 lbs in 14 days on the Master Cleanse. It has been 6 mos and I only gained 5 of it back. And four of that was between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I didn't change any habits, I still eat like crap and miss workouts, but it was just that I needed an extra boost to kick off the old weight. I am going to Google this plan now. I may try it too. GOOD LUCK! Would you mind posting your progress and results here? I am not a texter. But would love to be here for you online. We can maybe email or you can add me as a friend.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    Sorry trogalicious, but the 17 day diet really does work. I watched my daughter drop over 50 pounds on it. When she gains 5 pounds, she goes to cycle 1 and drops it off. It happened very quickly for her and it's staying off. Just saying...

    Since I can't edit my last response (silly 30 minute window) I'm just gonna add that the "I eat baby powder, vodka, marshmallows, and paint thinner" diet could work too, so long as I'm in a caloric deficit. I choose to not follow that plan, eat a good balance of healthy foods and some other really enjoyable stuff in moderation, and I'm still losing weight.

    If you want to jump on board some sort of ridiculous fad, that's fine.. but what happens when you can't remember what to do on a certain day? Not a problem here, since there's no ridiculous schedule. Eat good, eat enough, and exercise... it's not a complicated formula.

    Don't believe my ticker? That's cool too. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/885191-153-lbs-in-365-days-pics
    there's pics to go with it.
    I immediately looked up the diet...and saw the calorie deficit and closed the window. Great loss by the way.
  • dani22105
    dani22105 Posts: 94 Member
    Hey sweet girl,

    My advice is to try it out!! I am on day 8 of C1 and it is awesome so far. It truly isn't too hard to eat healthy and exercise. If your life depended on losing weight, I'm sure you would do it. For me, this little motto changed my way of thinking. My weight was holding me back from so many things, but I took a stand and have lost almost 30 lbs. So far on the 17 day diet, I'm down 8.5 lbs. It's remarkable :)

    Again, try it out, it's not for everyone. This isn't a diet either. It's a lifestyle that helps you maintain in the end. No matter if you have to lose 10 lbs or 100 lbs, you will lose weight by following a plan like this. My diet has changed drastically and so has my mentality. A little over a week ago I was eating so many unnecessary carbs. It's crazy how we feed our bodies with things we just do not need. I have so much more energy and stamina in just 8 days. My cravings for carbs is gone and it's not killing me by not eating them all the time! I am almost done with C1 and in C2 I can add back some healthy starchy foods like sweet potatoes, beans and oatmeal.

    Message me if you need anything, best of luck!
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    I love 17 day diet and it is so super healthy! It has taught me to eat healthy since I was raised on junk. I would love to be a partner w/ you. Just message me if you are interested and I will give you my cell
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I don't think the OP is still following the 17 day diet. I may be wrong, but I don't think that's the case. I friended her and it seemed to not be manageable for her. I've tried time and time again to help her with a few tips, but never seem to get any response.
  • roniron23
    I can be your partner as well. I am starting up with the 17 day diet on Sunday. I tried this about three months ago, I lost about 15 pounds, then the Holidays came and I lost total control. But it definitely was working and I was so happy with the results and my eating habits def. changed.

    Feel free to add me if you like :-)
  • sensual_sloth
    sensual_sloth Posts: 6 Member
    The 17 day diet is not a diet ... it's healthy eating. The word 'diet' is misleading ... I've started it 4 days ago and would love if anyone added me to be my accountability partners as well ... Won't be able to text unless any of you have roaming or whatsapp as I'm in South Africa :)
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    I am starting this soon...I grocery shop every other Friday, so next Friday will be my food day and I will stock up for the stuff I need for cycle 1. I have already lost 50 lbs and have pretty much hit a plateau, so I borrowed the book off of someone who has lost weight on it to see if this would work. Can't hurt to try :-)
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Hi Guys there is a group on here if you're interested. Only listen to comments on the 17DD from people who have actually read the book. Some people...... :flowerforyou:

    Just tell them you are doing a clean-eating plan, that doesn't focus on calories but rather emphasizes eating until you are full and satisfied. A plan that incorporates carb and calorie cycling elements in order to prevent plateaus. A low glycemic plan that reduces sugar, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, fast food, but still periodically allows alcohol in moderation. A plan that encourages a gradual increase in activity, and starts with a jumpstart but gradually phases in all foods. A plan that teaches you how to select foods that work best fro your body, rather than cutting out entire food groups. Wow what a "fad".
  • smfh
    smfh Posts: 17 Member