To all my gamer, geek, and nerd girlfriends on MFP

ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
Check out this video! Put a tear in my eye! We are all geeks no matter our particular persuasion or gender!

Don't know how to make the link work so copy and paste to enjoy!


  • WTF? Beach, please.

  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I love that!
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    bump, more peeps need to see this!!
  • It's tricky cause it makes you watch it twice! Once to read everything that they're holding, then again cause you didn't hear a word of the song!
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I saw this yesterday. It brought me joy. So much joy. ^_^
  • As I am gearing up for OtaKon, one of the biggest anime conventions on the east coast, next week this video reminds me of what it is to truely be a geek. I am so excited and look back on the kids in middle and high school that told me I was weird and laugh. I'm a geek girl, gamer, anime watcher, cosplayer, coder, D&Der, comic reader, sci-fi lover. I am not greater or less than anyone else. I am not a thing to ogle and direct over to the "girly" comics, or cutesy jewlery. Geeks are geeks, regardless of who they are.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I am going to watch again at home. But its funny one of them was good, my daughter was 4 years old and I bought her a Star Wars book. She brought it to daycare and one of the boys said that it couldn't be her book because it was for boys. Well I didn't see this part what I did see was her running after the little boy with the book over head she was going to clobber him. I think this right here sums up so much of the issue.
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member
    That was super awesome.. and I wont lie, I had a mini Fan Girl moment when I saw Will Wheaton...:love:
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I would have laughed in the guys face who told the girl that the dice were for girls to accessorize with and guys to actually play with. He's not my boss! :laugh:
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 509 Member
    I am going to watch again at home. But its funny one of them was good, my daughter was 4 years old and I bought her a Star Wars book. She brought it to daycare and one of the boys said that it couldn't be her book because it was for boys. Well I didn't see this part what I did see was her running after the little boy with the book over head she was going to clobber him. I think this right here sums up so much of the issue.

    I dare a boy to give my daughter trouble for her Star Wars t-shirts. She is MY daughter after all. Those boys will need medical attention.
  • Bump to look at later....
  • Terra_Incognita
    Terra_Incognita Posts: 1,465 Member
    Wil - loved.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    That was really cool :) All of us female gamers have dealt with a lot of *kitten* over the years... "Girls don't MMO!!!" "OMG you're really a girl!!?!??!??!???!1111" :ohwell:
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    That was super awesome.. and I wont lie, I had a mini Fan Girl moment when I saw Will Wheaton...:love:

    My fangirl moment was seeing Adam Savage from "Mythbusters". This is my family's favorite show to sit and watch together :)
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    That was really cool :) All of us female gamers have dealt with a lot of *kitten* over the years... "Girls don't MMO!!!" "OMG you're really a girl!!?!??!??!???!1111" :ohwell:

    I must not be a girl then, and neither is my best friend. She started me playing and now I play or have played several!
    "For the Horde!"
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    That was really cool :) All of us female gamers have dealt with a lot of *kitten* over the years... "Girls don't MMO!!!" "OMG you're really a girl!!?!??!??!???!1111" :ohwell:

    I must not be a girl then, and neither is my best friend. She started me playing and now I play or have played several!
    "For the Horde!"

    Ha, I know, right? That was the reaction probably 3/4 of the time when people found out I was a girl, and it was even on an MMO that had a large female population! (LotRO)
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    First I just wanna say that ,..that video made me a little choked up,..awwwwww,.and Friday nights are our "Family Nights"-my 2 little boys & I watch old reruns of Star Trek The Next Generation! And my 8 yr old Proudly proclaims that he's a nerd,while building intergalactic spaceships that time travel,...they're made outtta Legos,...& I take pics of their creations!! to scrap book.
    Sincerely, Nerd Girl!:happy:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Totally awesome! I don't geek it out on video games anymore as I love working out more and seem to find other things to do, but I LOVED World of Warcraft when I played it. I had my first console (Super Nes) at like 4-5 as my parents bought it for themselves and let me stay up until 1 in the morning playing it with them. I have been on computers since the beginning and played Everquest as a 12 year old and learned how to do well on that game.

    I think, even if you like games, there's nothing wrong with you, guy or girl. My husband still loves them as he always has and I am happy I married a geek. These types of girls are so much better then druggies, high strung drama queens, or complete and utter bar hags and we know that! We are successful, usually making good money, stable, fun, and all around a great catch.

    Thanks for sharing this :)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    All of us female gamers have dealt with a lot of *kitten* over the years... "Girls don't MMO!!!" "OMG you're really a girl!!?!??!??!???!1111" :ohwell:

    I must not be a girl then, and neither is my best friend.

    Ditto - I've never, ever been given any *kitten* for being a geek, a gamer, or a girl! Maybe it's a cultural thing (I'm European)? Maybe it's a generational thing (I'm 50)?

    I was raised on Star Trek, Doctor Who, Timeslip, Lost in Space, Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants, The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, Hammer and Amicus films, The Avengers, The Prisoner, Planet of the Apes, etc. Plus I had weekly subs to Marvel comics, and monthly subs to Horror mags. I started playing video games in the mid-1970s, got my first computer in the early 80s, first 'real' console a couple of years later (I already had Pong consoles), and began working in the games industry in the 1990s. I own a (small) games company, and occasionally design games for others too, but I mostly work in editing now. Probably the most famous game I've worked for is Ubisoft's Driver: San Francisco. I adore videogames, and my trusty 360 travels the world with me (we're currently living in Thailand)!

    My partner is really geeky too! He has worked in the games industry for several decades now. He is also the author of Vampire: Dark Ages, Mistridge, Robotech, Ars Magica... and several other tabletop RPGs. He's currently working on an MMO project with Microsoft!

    Even at a time when no girls, let alone grown women (esp. not in the UK, where I mostly grew up), played video games, watched SciFi, loved superheroes, etc., I have never been denigrated or anything for being the way I am. And certainly not now, not these days! Quite the opposite, actually!

    And the expression, 'geek girl'?? Seriously? WTFrell has gender got to do with it? Is there a 'geek boy' label? No. So why is there 'geek girl'? Being female and into geeky stuff (however it manifests itself) is hardly an anomaly, so why the distinction? By continuing to use such labels, people are just perpetuating the notion of 'otherness' and difference, which becomes a magnet for bullies. If people want to be treated the same as others, they have to stop labelling themselves, and stop allowing others to label them. Labels say, "Hey, I'm different to you, so if you're an @r$3hole, please feel free to bully me."

    Just be yourself! :happy:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Great message.
  • That was adorable. I love will wheaten "Don't be a ****."