I am not loosing weight??? Feeling discouraged.:-(



  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Go to MyPlate.gov if you aren't sure what a healthy diet for you and your children looks like. It will help immensely. I see too many fried, prepackaged and unhealthy foods and no dairy, fruit and vegetables. I know people like to think it doesn't matter what you eat just so you stay in your macros, but it does if you want to be successful at losing and keeping the weight off.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I've looked at your diary. You live on very nutritionally poor processed foods and have no natural fiber in your diet at all.

    Of course you would be backed up.

    Last week, out of 11,912 calories you consumed, only 199 were from fruits and vegetables. That is 1%.

    You really need to increase your unprocessed food percentage in your diet. Few of us are perfect, and most of us have "off days", but 1% is bad.
  • LitheVixen
    LitheVixen Posts: 27 Member
    It looks like it might be a combination of a lot of different things, and people here have already given you a summary of those. ;)

    - You're probably retaining weight because of the lack of bowel movement. The lack of bowel movement is influenced by your food; you're not eating fruits/vegetables and most of your calories come from deep-fried foods.
    In general, deep-fried foods are dense in calories, but low in volume. If you consume more vegetables, you'll be able to eat a LOT more (of the vegetables), but you'll be consuming a LOT less calories. And you'll be able to poop. ;)

    - You're compensating the calories you burn from exercise, but if those calories are overestimated (and that's what they look like, to me), you'll get nowhere!
    Looking at Thursday, in particular. You had a little over one hour of exercise, and it says you earned 1200 calories extra. That's a LOT of calories for just one hour of moving!
    You consumed 2500 calories during that day, and that's, in general, enough for one very active female who's NOT on a diet. Since you're trying to lose weight, you need to consume less calories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I completely agree with the likely overestimation of exercise calories. Even if you're getting numbers from the machines, they too tend to overestimate. One trick that works for walking, running and elliptical/cross-trainer is to figure about 100 calories per mile. I've tested it out in comparison to my HRM (Polar FT4) and it's pretty spot on.

    Ditto on trying to clean up your diet a bit. No need to go 100% clean but more fruits, veg and whole grains might help you with yuor digestive issues. Eat yogurt daily too if you don't already.

    In the meantime, I have quite a few friends that swear by Smooth Move tea - you should be able to find it in your local grocery store.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    If what is in your diary is actually everything you're eating, you must be hungry all the time. Get some fruits and veggies in there. They are much less calorie dense and will fill you up.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Speaking from my personal experience, it's all diet.

    It's totally up to you if you want to "clean up" your diet or not. Sticking to a calorie deficit is really all you need to lose weight. Making healthier food choices will for sure help you feel and look better though. Great for overall health.

    The main reason you should thinking about eating healthier/cleaner foods.... going to the bathroom. Since this is a problem for you, for sure need to start increasing your fiber and track it on MFP. I aim for 30-40g per day. Increase it gradually so you won't get too bloated or gassy.

    *Make sure you're eating the proper amount of calories each day. There are plenty of online calculators to check that. If you are using MFP, eat back some of those workout calories, but not all. For me the workouts are over estimated, I eat back maybe 50% of what it says I burn.
    Finding that sweet spot of calories is key.

    *Measure your food, and weigh it if you can. You'll be surprised how eyeballing portions can be way off at times.
    This totally shocked me at first, lol.

    Hope that helps.

    I don't eat 100% healthy/clean foods, but I do my best to make better choices for the most part. It has worked just fine for me that way. Key is to really track meals correctly, know exactly what you're eating.

    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    If the bowel movements aren't moving like they should - you might try getting more fiber in your diet. I like the protein/fiber bars at www.healthsmartfoods.com
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    It may be a little too soon.
    I have a constipation problem as well, I take 2 tsp of Benefiber twice a day.
    That has eased my problem and I have now lost my weight.
    I also eat yogurt twice a day.
  • Yourdonis
    Yourdonis Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks. Yeah im trying to tackle a little bit at a time! I cant just change my whole life over night. TOM just visited me after a year with the IUD. SO that is probably why I have been craving sweets,fried foods, and no weight loss! I appreciate you alls input. I will be incorporating more veggies and fruits in as I really dont eat them. :-)
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Weigh/measure everything.
    Also, stop with the fast food/processed food. Most are full of fat and salt.
    Add fruits and veggies to your diet.
    Get a heart rate monitor to get a better estimate of calories burned. MFP overestimates.

    1. Are you weighing/measuring your food? You could be overestimating/underestimating your calorie intake. If you don't have one, get a food scale. They're like $20 at Target.
    2. Are you using MFP to track your exercise calories, or do you have a HRM? MFP is notorious for overestimating calorie burns

    You need to be 100% honest with your food diary. Not saying you're not, but if you're just eyeballing it, you could be way off. I noticed alot of fried foods on your diary, which is fine, but needs to be in moderation. You didn't have any fruits or vegetables. You really need to incorporate those into your diet. Cracker and chips and processed foods won't fill you up or keep you satisfied like fruits/veggies. Eat more lean meats like turkey, chicken, fish. These are all things you should be having but aren't. They will help you feel fuller and last longer than the stuff you've been having, and you'll feel 1000% better and satisfied. The rest will fall into place and you will start losing. Remember, moderation! Weigh everything and make sure your portion sizes are accurate.
  • Yourdonis
    Yourdonis Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks I have been looking for some good fiber bars. Im gonna order some now and i went to walgreens and bout a fiber gummy to take every day. They are yummy.
  • Yourdonis
    Yourdonis Posts: 16 Member
    Im looking online at walmart.com any good brand food scale and heart rate monitor. Oh and this may be a stupid question. Does the heart rate monitor track your calories based upon the heart rate it picks up?
  • Yourdonis
    Yourdonis Posts: 16 Member
    :-) Thank you.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    A lot of dirty calories in your diary. Much easier to accurately track clean calories. Your diet is the problem. You need to do some research on the foods you should be eating, when to eat and how much protein, fat, carbs should be clocked up daily.

    First of all, dirty v clean is broscience when it comes down to weight loss. It comes into play slightly more in terms of weight training performance, but not for weight loss. Just hit your macros properly and up your fat and protein.

    Second of all, 2 weeks is a grain of sand. It didn't take two weeks to get you to this point, and it won't take you two weeks to reach your destination.

    Finally, it's useful to note that most people overestimate their energy expenditure and underestimate their intake. Reevaluate and weigh your food, and invest in a HRM.

    I didn't say that clean calories would speed up weight loss. I said clean calories are easier to track. So your point is kind of pointless???

    In actuality most dirty foods (i.e processed foods) come in a package, with clear labels. They are just as easy to track if not more than clean foods such as produce and "healthy" foods with labels.

    Please calm down.

    I agree on that, the dirty stuff has it clearly labeled. I have a more difficult time tracking the healthy foods. At any rate, like someone else said, the weight did not show up in two weeks so it won't be gone in two weeks! Hang in there and try to eat foods that will stay with you, keep you full- drink tons of water!
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    Im looking online at walmart.com any good brand food scale and heart rate monitor. Oh and this may be a stupid question. Does the heart rate monitor track your calories based upon the heart rate it picks up?

    Yes. I don't know the exact science behind it, but at least my HRM shows significantly higher calorie burn when my heart rate is higher etc. Just remember to keep your personal info updated on your monitor when (I'm sure you will!) you lose weight so it's more accurate.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I didn't lose for the first 3 weeks.

    Some people have this major drop of calories right off the bat, then start losing 1-2 lbs a week after that. Well that wasn't me. It took me a few weeks to lose anything, then when I did, it's been averaging about 1.5 lbs a week. I'm halfway to my goal, and though I thought that this would take me about 3-4 months to lose the 30 lbs I wanted to lose (I know...crazy), I realized pretty quickly that it will take me much longer. BTW...I've been at this (seriously) since 5/20/13 and have lost 15 lbs. 11 weeks...15 lbs.

    If you quit, will you be the same or heavier in 6 months. Or will you work hard and be a few pounds lighter, healthier, and fit into a smaller size.

    It really doesn't make sense to give up so soon after you started.
  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    The Heart rate monitor and a good scale will make tracking easier! Like everyone has said it's a matter of burning more than you eat at this point so don't eat your exercise calories back unless you are hungry and then try to eat only 1/2 or them.

    I haven't seen anyone mention how much water you are drinking, you should shoot for half your body weight in water. (ex. if you weigh 100lbs, you should drink 50oz. of water daily) If you aren't used to drinking that much water then start small and work up to it.

    More veggies and raw fruits would be the best idea especially if you aren't drinking enough water. Those fiber bars are going to make matters worse if you drink enough water with them! Fruits and veggies come with their own water!

    Something else I didn't see mentioned but might have missed because I skimmed, water retention! You may be losing fat and retaining water!

    Water retention is caused by: A. change in your diet. B. change in your exercise routine and C. your TOM.... changing your diet will cause your body to hold on to water as it adjusts to your new eating habits. If you are exercising differently or have never done so before and your muscles are the least bit sore, then you are retaining the water they need to heal. And of course we all know what that monthly visitor can do to our bodies!

    Please give it another 2 or 3 weeks before you make decisions regarding quitting. If you are eating less than you burn, having regular bowel movements and getting enough sleep, you WILL see results but it may take 4 to 6 weeks to see.

    Take weekly pics of yourself. Do weekly body measurements too and see if there are changes in these areas and don't put so much importance into what the scale is telling you!

    Good luck to you!
  • Stupid question. What is an HMR?:smile: Opps didn't read the last post...
  • tiffanytshai11
    tiffanytshai11 Posts: 4 Member
    I actually gained weight before I started losing and I really became discouraged! I knew that I wanted a change and I've tried times before and nothing worked. I found the will to keep going by encouraging myself that this was going to work and it HAS... I have been exercising now 3-4 times a week and have lost 12lbs. my goal is 170. Just remember that you can do it. Whatever it takes, YOU WILL GET THERE. FAILURE IS "NOT" AN OPTION!!!:smile:

    I did join this site in Jan BUT I started working out in May so the results are from May until now.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Stupid question. What is an HMR?:smile:

    Heart Rate Monitor