Does anyone ever make fun of you for dieting?

So today I had just got back from my lunch walk and a group of my co-workers were heading out to get ice cream and asked me to come along. I go, nope, I'm on a diet. And then they proceeded to make fun of me for dieting.... I was like: REALLY!!!! To think back, lots of people have made fun of me for dieting, Why do people do this??? I'm VERY dedicated to my diet and people seem to poke fun at it and make jokes all the time. They don't take it seriously. It's very annoying people!!!!!! I started at around 190 when I had my daughter and now I'm down to 137 almost in a size 6. I've worked very hard to loose that weight and people just think it's funny! I don't get it.......... Grrrrrrrrr to the people who do this!

I forgot to mention, that it doesn't really bother me that much, it's just an observation that I made today that I never really noticed before. It doesn't bother me to tell people I'm dieting, but for some reason it bothers other people in society to hear that people are dieting. Interesting!!!!


  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Don't tell people you're on a diet. Just say no. You don't owe them any more explanation than that. Personally, I don't consider myself to be on a diet. A diet, to me, implies what I'm doing is temporary. The way I'm eating now cannot be temporary. Diets fail, everyone knows that - so it becomes a joke to hear someone say they're on a diet. Just say no thanks and keep on walking next time someone asks.
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    Jealous! Plain and simple. If you have made that much of a transformation they clearly have notice and are wanting to sabitage your efforts. Let them eat their ice cream and be miserable in their own skin, you don't need to feed into it.

    You don't own them any kind of explination either. Next time, just say "nope, none for me today"

    Keep working hard and don't worry about what they think. :wink:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Jealous! Plain and simple. If you have made that much of a transformation they clearly have notice and are wanting to sabitage your efforts. Let them eat their ice cream and be miserable in their own skin, you don't need to feed into it.

    You don't own them any kind of explination either. Next time, just say "nope, none for me today"

    Keep working hard and don't worry about what they think. :wink:

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    its your life, do what you want.
    who cares what others think
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    ALL THE TIME. MY COWORKERS SWEAR I EAT MORE THAN THEM because I eat 5-6 times a day. I eat in an entire day what some of my peers eat in one sitting (no joke).
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Don't tell people you're on a diet. Just say no. You don't owe them any more explanation than that. Personally, I don't consider myself to be on a diet. A diet, to me, implies what I'm doing is temporary. The way I'm eating now cannot be temporary. Diets fail, everyone knows that - so it becomes a joke to hear someone say they're on a diet. Just say no thanks and keep on walking next time someone asks.

    this ^
  • Majda1234_wechange
    Majda1234_wechange Posts: 100 Member
    While i was dietng everyone made fun of me, literally my best friend was the worst nd all the time you old feel the "yeh yu are dieting again...we all know how that ends" and when i reached my goal weight and wanted to lead a healthy lifestyle i was made fun of because of eating bananas and milk as a school snack instead f ice creams/pancakes etc. That is what 90 % of population is like,jealous of your success. Not to mention that everone were saying how i used drugs and bla bla wwhat not to loose weight, then there were all kinda comments, not to detail about it. But i saw it as an opportunity to get used to what people are like and that is something i'll have to deal with tommorow in life just with different situations.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    No. They're afraid of me now that I lift.:laugh:
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    Yep.... I've said no what seems like hundreds of times. And I said no again this time, actually I said no about 5 times and one of them already knows I'm on a diet (diet for life) so I figured that saying I'm on a diet would get them off by back, but I guess not so much. Oh well, people are going to do it anyway! It's doesn't bother me that much just an observation, but it is a bit annoying!!!
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    They know how I am at the gym. If they make fun of my diet, they will get a 45lb plate to the FACE.
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    They are just jealous of you! I've never actually experienced negativity when I tell people I'm dieting -- a co-worker once said, "Yeah so I am" after offering me something not healthy, but I don't tell a lot of people unless directly asked. Like the others say, you owe them no explanation, just say no thank you and know how good you feel for sticking to it! You've got this :D
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I just try to avoid using the word diet. Just tell them "no thanks, I'm full" or something along those lines. Then maybe down the road when they notice you've lost weight and they ask you how you did it, you can tell them in part it was thanks to saying no to the trips for ice cream. :P
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i make fun of them for being fatties. but in like a really really hurtful way.
  • lindakoke
    I know the feeling, my class mates always think I'm insane when I take out my salad in the canteen... But we're not doing it for them but for ourselves :)!
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I have had people say things like, "Oh just this once won't hurt!" or they will then proceed to tell me how to exercise or what I should eat, as if they are certified nutritionists or trainers.

    Personally, I like to keep people in the loop about my weight loss journey, but I don't want opinions or unsought advice.

    And in my book, just that once does hurt, a lot. Just ignore the fail trolls, they aren't worth it. At the end of the day most of them are subconsciously miserable with themselves and that's why they are being so bold.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    caue people are jerks.

  • Twisted_Wrister
    Twisted_Wrister Posts: 762 Member
    Yes! I catch plenty of hell from co-workers and friends about my "diet". I just roll my eyes. I'm not on a diet, never was. I changed my life which included changing what I eat.

    It's more ball-busting than being made fun of in a malicious tone, (it's the environment I work in, we're all a bunch of "alphas"). The guys that give me crap are the same one's that'll stop me when no one is around and seriously ask what I did to lose all the weight and start getting some muscle tone
  • kassieisafirework
    kassieisafirework Posts: 6 Member
    People spread anorexia rumors about me, I remember my friends approaching me and saying "so-and-so was talking about how much weight you've lost, she asked me if you weren't eating anymore." Hell, even professors talked about me as the "girl thats probably not eating." It's tough, but just remember, people only rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade. :)
  • michellechawner
    Because you already weigh less than them (I assume), they don't see why you're on a "diet" "Diet" is for obese people (That's how society views it), and you are not obese, so they think it's funny.

    That's my guess. I don't tell people I'm dieting, and that solves that issue. Just say you're trying to be healthier, but maybe next time you'd join them. After all, this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    oops, I'm a jerk for double posting!
