How to be motivated

We've all read the recent posts discussing how motivation is not what's needed to become healthy (causing some more than others to question their identities...) but we all also know that while motivation might not get/keep you there, it's defintely a great kick in the pants to start.

And so, here are some great tips I've just come across on how to become motivated:

1. Always act with a purpose.

If you don't know why you're doing something, you're making that part of your life utterly meaningless. String together enough meaningless acts in your life and your entire life will be literally pointless--without a point.

Starting every action with a review of your purpose, however, puts everything you do into context. Having a purpose for every act keeps you aimed at your life goals rather than cooling your heels.

2. Take responsibility for your own results.

Most people misinterpret this concept. They think it means taking the credit when things go well and taking the blame when things go wrong. But taking responsibility is not about blame or credit; it's about what you do next.

If you're responsible for your own results, you take ownership of whatever future that emerges from those results. You continue to move forward towards your goals, even when you encounter setbacks.

3. Don't wait for perfection, just do it now!

Perfectionists are the hugest losers in life because they either expect things to be perfect before they take action or, if they do take action, they can't enjoy whatever happens because it's not the perfect outcome.

The real joy of achievement doesn't come from what you achieve but from your efforts in trying to achieve it. The only thing that's perfect in this world is that you're perfectly free to take action. Now, as in right now.

4. Eat wisely because success takes energy.

Our civilization currently suffers from a self-induced plague of obesity, caused by the mass consumption of addictive food products that give people life-shortening diseases after first making them listless and drained.

I'm not saying you don't eat the occasional donut. However, if you want the energy to act, the energy to achieve your goals, you need to give your body the kind of fuel that can create that energy. And it's not refined sugar.

5. Surround yourself with motivated people.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that the people around you influence your behavior. They define what you consider "normal" and thereby either bring you up (or down) to their level.

If you hang around people who are energized, purposeful and committed to making a difference in the world, that's what you'll consider "normal." Being motivated will stop being something that you do and instead become who you are.

Hope this helps anyone looking for that extra push to get started today :)
If not, I kinda feel like kicking someone today so feel free to msg me :)


  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
    You helped push me today. I was looking for motivation to restart my MFP/weight loss journey and pull myself out of this denial I've been in. Thanks!