


  • walzllw
    walzllw Posts: 105 Member
    I used to run 70-80 miles a week, sadly fractured my foot so that's out, but I love it too, and find it really relaxing

    You can't ever run again?
  • bfletch
    bfletch Posts: 1 Member
    Posting at the risk of someone getting all up in arms about my 'advice'...

    I've had 'knee problems' dating back to my early childhood and always 'ran through' the issues when competing. At 33 I quit competing (just got burned out after 26 years). From 33-41 I put on about 55 lbs. Now I'm 43, back down to 172 and have NO knee issues whatsoever for the first time in my life... Just ran my first half marathon (never could go that far in high school or college due to knees).

    (said without knowing about how to treat a 'broken knee'...) it might help you to perform some regular (weekly), light - to - mid resistance training on the muscle groups around your knee joints. 80% of the strength of any joint comes from the muscle surrounding it.

    (Again... be sure to make appropriate decisions regarding YOUR training)

    I'd consider getting with a trainer and set up a 'leg day' in the gym that included all muscle groups, but certainly the quads and hamstrings.

    Go to a REAL athletic shoe store and have them assess your running style and put you in a shoe that works for you. there is a store here in honolulu that actually puts you in half pairs (one type on each foot) and has you go outside and run around the block, time and again, switching shoes up until you find the perfect pair. absolutely awesome.

    Be sure to use 'fresh' shoes. shoes have a mileage life and a shelf life (they will go stale and become unrunnable even if they go unused).

    Finally, your running shoes should be only used for running. walking and gym should be in a different pair, as the two activities wear a shoe differently.

    Be sure you learn and know what you're doing...

    Hope this helps you get out there...
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    How does a fat girl get started with running? Mind you, I'm overweight (5'2 at 240) but I do Zumba and walk, I still just get winded really easily. I've always wanted to start (or try to start) but I can't afford a trainer and don't really know what to do. Any pointers/advice?
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    How does a fat girl get started with running? Mind you, I'm overweight (5'2 at 240) but I do Zumba and walk, I still just get winded really easily. I've always wanted to start (or try to start) but I can't afford a trainer and don't really know what to do. Any pointers/advice?

    Find a couch to 5k program that starts you off with short intervals and builds. They're all over the internet. The one I did a few years back started me with 1 minute running, 4 minutes walking, repeat for 30 minutes. I could barely breathe after that first 1 minute - I seriously thought I was going to collapse on the spot. Now I can run a couple of miles without having to walk and it's my feet/legs that limit how far I can go, not my lungs. You'll get there!
  • walzllw
    walzllw Posts: 105 Member
    How does a fat girl get started with running? Mind you, I'm overweight (5'2 at 240) but I do Zumba and walk, I still just get winded really easily. I've always wanted to start (or try to start) but I can't afford a trainer and don't really know what to do. Any pointers/advice?

    I started out walking about 2 miles a day, then up to 3,4,5,6 miles of walking per day. In time I was walking faster and decided to jog on the treadmill. At first I could only jog about 3 minutes at a time but gradually went longer and longer. I doesn't take too long before you will be able to jog. Hope this helps.