Constantly in a call centre..



  • Fieldyvond
    You can do what a lot of us do, exercise after work.

    I cant because i live with disabled parents and they go to bed early so i very much doubt they would be happy with me jumping about at midnight doing a work out. my nearest gym from my work is 10 miles away & i dont fancy walking there.

    I came here looking for proper advice of things i can do in my work. not afterwards.

    Ok. So don't work out at out before you go to work. You have a gym that is 10 miles away and if you truly wanted to get a workout in (in or out of work), you would figure out a way to make the time for it.

    If you read the above quote you will see i do work out before work.
  • Fieldyvond
    I have an under desk bike I use to do my workout. Maybe your boss would allow you to have one to use between calls?

    im also going to ask about this, brilliant idea!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    see if your supervisor will let you sit on a ball instead of a chair- take a walk on your lunch break out in the parking lot, spent many years in call centers and these are things that worked
  • Fieldyvond
    Can't have everything in life. Great social life v real training program? The trick is finding a balance between the two. Find that balance and you may also find that you are closer to your health and fitness goals than you think.

    i dont have a social life at all haha. my days off im on dance central or out on my bike, i occasionally do go out on the weekends :)
  • Fieldyvond
    How long is your lunch break? If it's an hour, sacrifice the last 15-20 minutes and walk. You won't burn 100's of calories, but you'll be moving.

    its only half an hour :(
    i normally have a quick bite to eat then i go on a wander :)
  • Fieldyvond
    yay someone who understands! :)
    i sometimes stand but i do get funny looks & asked to sit down..
  • Fieldyvond
    see if your supervisor will let you sit on a ball instead of a chair- take a walk on your lunch break out in the parking lot, spent many years in call centers and these are things that worked

    that would be good, be hilarious for my team watching me fall off it all the time! :)
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    You can do what a lot of us do, exercise after work.

    I cant because i live with disabled parents and they go to bed early so i very much doubt they would be happy with me jumping about at midnight doing a work out. my nearest gym from my work is 10 miles away & i dont fancy walking there.

    I came here looking for proper advice of things i can do in my work. not afterwards.

    Ok. So don't work out at out before you go to work. You have a gym that is 10 miles away and if you truly wanted to get a workout in (in or out of work), you would figure out a way to make the time for it.

    If you read the above quote you will see i do work out before work.

    OK. So why do you want to work out at work then? Your OP made it sound like you work certain hours, had limited time on your lunch break and were asking for suggestions on when to exercise, which is why you received some of the responses that you did.....
  • Fieldyvond
    You can do what a lot of us do, exercise after work.

    I cant because i live with disabled parents and they go to bed early so i very much doubt they would be happy with me jumping about at midnight doing a work out. my nearest gym from my work is 10 miles away & i dont fancy walking there.

    I came here looking for proper advice of things i can do in my work. not afterwards.

    Ok. So don't work out at out before you go to work. You have a gym that is 10 miles away and if you truly wanted to get a workout in (in or out of work), you would figure out a way to make the time for it.

    If you read the above quote you will see i do work out before work.

    OK. So why do you want to work out at work then? Your OP made it sound like you work certain hours, had limited time on your lunch break and were asking for suggestions on when to exercise, which is why you received some of the responses that you did.....

    im not here for an argument.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I used to work in a call centre many moons ago. I used to catch the train to and from work, so there was a 30 minute walk each way everyday, so that kind of counteracted the fact I was sat on my *kitten* most of the day.

    Try walking to work perhaps? Or set off 30 minutes earlier, park the car away from your work, and walk the rest of the way? Those steps add up!
  • italian_bella_xo
    workout before you go in to work! :)
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I worked at a call center for 5 years on the evening shift. My shift ended at 10, so I got home around 11 pm. I would still get up at 7:30 or 8 the next day. That gave me time to do any chores, errands, or whatever. I usually did my workout early and then got ready for the day.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    You can do what a lot of us do, exercise after work.

    I cant because i live with disabled parents and they go to bed early so i very much doubt they would be happy with me jumping about at midnight doing a work out. my nearest gym from my work is 10 miles away & i dont fancy walking there.

    I came here looking for proper advice of things i can do in my work. not afterwards.

    Ok. So don't work out at out before you go to work. You have a gym that is 10 miles away and if you truly wanted to get a workout in (in or out of work), you would figure out a way to make the time for it.

    If you read the above quote you will see i do work out before work.

    OK. So why do you want to work out at work then? Your OP made it sound like you work certain hours, had limited time on your lunch break and were asking for suggestions on when to exercise, which is why you received some of the responses that you did.....

    im not here for an argument.

    no ones trying to argue...
    we're trying to figure out this complex conundrum of yours.

    you workout before work....thats been established.

    why do you feel the need to workout DURING work?

    maybe bump up the intensity of your prework workout, and just work at work.

    work. work. work.

  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I have been in your shoes for 10 years, 5 of which, I was working 3rd shift.
    I know what you are going through.
    There are gyms that are 24hrs, if you drive.

    Like everybody else says, go to bed at 12/1am.- Sleep until 9am/10am
    Work out for 3hrs. go to work

    You dont have have to sit, just because they ask you to. If you need to bring in HR, and let them tell you how standing interfears with your work.
    You can also offer to work an extra 30min to have a 60min lunch break.
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I used to work in a call centre many moons ago. I used to catch the train to and from work, so there was a 30 minute walk each way everyday, so that kind of counteracted the fact I was sat on my *kitten* most of the day.

    Try walking to work perhaps? Or set off 30 minutes earlier, park the car away from your work, and walk the rest of the way? Those steps add up!

    I agree with him. You said you take two different busses. Try getting off the last bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way, or walk to a few bus stops away from your home, and catch the bus there. Other than that, I have no suggestions. I sit on my butt all day too, and have a lunch hour where I can't leave my desk. I wish I could go for walks at lunch too!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Heh. I work for a company that has multiple call centers. I wouldn't get any closer to the carpeting than I absolutely have to, so all of the floor exercises (planks, situps, burpees) would be flat out. The industry I work in is male-dominated, so you won't catch me doing squats in the helpdesk area either.

    I also "get" the fact that you might not be able to get up and walk around - management frowns at that, you might have a wired-headset, and well, you need to be at your desk if the phone rings.

    So, having an understanding of the limitations you're up against, here's what I've got to offer while you're there.

    - Get to work early and walk around the building (if it's safe to do so)
    - If you get an hour for lunch, walk half of it and bring your lunch to eat for the other half. 30 mins? 15/15
    - Take the stairs if it's safe to do so and you don't work on the first floor
    - If you can, see if you can elevate your work station (monitor, maybe kbd and mouse) so that you can at least stand while you're talking. When I'm tethered to my headset, sometimes I stand and just do side steps (touch step, touch step) and calf raises.

    There's also something called office yoga, which involves stretches that you can do in your chair, without getting too many weird looks from co-workers.

    And on trips to the rest room, see if you can get some side bends/stretches in before going back out to the floor.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You can do what a lot of us do, exercise after work.

    I cant because i live with disabled parents and they go to bed early so i very much doubt they would be happy with me jumping about at midnight doing a work out. my nearest gym from my work is 10 miles away & i dont fancy walking there.

    I came here looking for proper advice of things i can do in my work. not afterwards.

    Ok. So don't work out at out before you go to work. You have a gym that is 10 miles away and if you truly wanted to get a workout in (in or out of work), you would figure out a way to make the time for it.

    If you read the above quote you will see i do work out before work.

    OK. So why do you want to work out at work then? Your OP made it sound like you work certain hours, had limited time on your lunch break and were asking for suggestions on when to exercise, which is why you received some of the responses that you did.....

    im not here for an argument.

    no ones trying to argue...
    we're trying to figure out this complex conundrum of yours.

    you workout before work....thats been established.

    why do you feel the need to workout DURING work?

    maybe bump up the intensity of your prework workout, and just work at work.

    work. work. work.


    ^ This.

    I'm really confused as to the issue here..
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Most of us don't exercise during work, unless we have active jobs. You exercise before work. That's good. Maybe you could get off the bus a few stops early and get in a bit of a walk on your way in, as well.

    I'm not sure what you are looking for, but I hope someone's response will be helpful.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    You can do what a lot of us do, exercise after work.

    I cant because i live with disabled parents and they go to bed early so i very much doubt they would be happy with me jumping about at midnight doing a work out. my nearest gym from my work is 10 miles away & i dont fancy walking there.

    I came here looking for proper advice of things i can do in my work. not afterwards.

    Ok. So don't work out at out before you go to work. You have a gym that is 10 miles away and if you truly wanted to get a workout in (in or out of work), you would figure out a way to make the time for it.

    If you read the above quote you will see i do work out before work.

    OK. So why do you want to work out at work then? Your OP made it sound like you work certain hours, had limited time on your lunch break and were asking for suggestions on when to exercise, which is why you received some of the responses that you did.....

    im not here for an argument.
    Just ignore them... everyone can see they aren't being helpful but they seem to think their opinion is sooooo important anyway.

    Here is a link I saved from a similar thread. I also work in an office so I am not looking for this so much as to lose weight... but to keep moving and my blood flowing. I do walk at lunch but weather doesn't always make it possible.
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    Inbetween calls:
    do Pushups, squats, lunges
    Stand while you are talking
    Bring in a dumbell and do curls & hammers
    Stand on your Toes
    maybe you can do:
    Mountain climbers
    Plank Jacks

    Any or all of this would get someone wrote up in the call center I work in...