Bad Marriage? Mistress?



  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I think you should definitely let your husband wear his ring. You have nothing to hide, so don't act like you do. If someone thinks you are his mistress, they will probably ask the teacher or someone about it and the teacher will say "Oh, that is Mr. and Mrs. X, little Bobby's parents."

    If it bothers you not to wear them, find a chain to put your wedding ring and engagement ring on, and wear it so that people can see it. If anyone asks, just tell them proudly that you have lost weight and they don't fit anymore.

    Also, ask around at different jewelers in town, one of them may have a solution for you that isn't expensive :)
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I've been married for 15 years now, and we don't even wear rings.

    Do people even really notice these things?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I think you're worrying too much.

    I lost my ring while fishing over a year ago (just slid right off and into the lake), and my wife's doesn't fit anymore either.

    and really we don't think about it much.
  • Nlongenecker
    My hubby never wears his ring because he's a welder and a piece of molten metal can melt it into his finger or it can get caught in machinery he works on. We just look eternally engaged with me always wearing mine. He'll put it on for a special occasion. But I don't think much about it. I don't think you should worry that much. If people are that nosy, be sure to give them a whopper of a story :wink:
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I agree with everyone else! Don't worry about it. My husband has never worn his ring. I take mine off at night so there are days I forget to put it on, or I purposely do not wear it on the weekends. I don't think or care about whether or not other people are looking!
  • nikki91950
    it sounds like you're kind of strapped for time here. why don't you just find a nice, empty chain from your jewelry box and wear the ring around your neck, if you're really so stressed over it :D
  • MakeLifeBright
    Thank you every one!! You all are awesome.

    I am going to "let" hubby wear his ring. Go without Mine, and Forget about it!!
    I plan on having a great time with my daughter.
    If some one thinks bad things, then Oh Well. They can get over it .

    What would I do without my MFP 's :heart: :drinker: :smooched:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I've been married - happily I might add - for almost 9 years and haven't worn the ring in about 5. I'm not a jewelry person. My husband never takes his off. I can tell you that when we're in a restaurant and waiting for the food, we will sometimes hold hands and I know people notice that he's got one and I don't. I've never been called out on it so I don't think it matters much.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much...just enjoy your daughter..this means a lot to her....and you could always wear it on a necklace if you are worried, I always see the contestants on the biggest looser doing this....
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    never mind......:noway:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I honestly doubt anyone is going to notice. Neither of my parents ever wore a wedding ring. Honestly, people just don't care that much about you, sorry to say! :happy:
  • stringcheeze
    If you want to wear your ring but it doesn't fit on your finger any more, get a nice necklace and use the ring as a pendant. The same symbolism is there and you know you're married -- who cares what anyone else thinks (and completely agree with the other folks who said "who brings a mistress to a school open house!")
  • MakeLifeBright
    Never thought about a necklace .. Thank's soo much every one.
    You all have made me feel sooo much better!! :smooched:
  • becky123456
    becky123456 Posts: 75 Member
    I think you are worrying about it way too much.. Don't stress yourself out about this! I did not wear my wedding rings for years because they didn't fit, now they do and nobody has really noticed except people that are closest to me.... I would go, let him wear his rings if he wants to, and don't worry about what others might be thinking.. I think they probably won't notice anyway.
  • Dispathio
    Dispathio Posts: 22 Member
    I wish I had your problem. I can't get my wedding ring on. But hopefully that will change. I've been married 23 years. My husband wears his all the time.:smile:
  • mushie
    mushie Posts: 9 Member
    We will celebrate our 39th anniversary of wedded bliss the 18th of this month and neither one of us has worn a wedding ring. We are very married! Don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy the event.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    rings do not mean you are married...anybody can go out and buy rings. if you really want them to know that you are married, i would wear my marriage certificate.

    don't worry about it. people will find somethihng else to judge you about....unfortunately. and it's not their business, frankly.
  • MakeLifeBright
    OMG! You are so kidding right? If we all only had this to roll around in our heads... seriously you need to get a hobby, you're worrying about something others will spend no time even giving another thought to.

    Wonder why this is even in your head????? I mean really, and I'm serious here, perhaps talking to someone professional might help with these OCD thoughts. This is exactly normal stuff to worry about.:huh:

    Some ppl don't wear their rings at work so they don't get damaged, some don't wear them because they are to small, to big, afraid they will lose them.

    ohhhh and by all means, Let you Hubs wear his wedding ring, why tell him he can't wear his ring????? :noway: Seriously there's gotta be something way deeper bugging you than this!!:noway:

    Well thank you for the advice. Did not ever think I had OCD thoughts, that I needed to speak with some one professional about.
  • GliderGirl
    I honestly think you might be worrying a bit too much. I understand your concern, however, not too many people will notice. they way you and your husband act together tells more than the ring on your finger. Sometimes i see couples wearing very nice rings that are obviously not even speaking to each other. If its makes you feel any better wear the ring on a different finger. i had the same problem with my "promise" ring. we had to have it re-sized because i was GAINING weight, and as soon as we did that i started loosing weight and it would fall off. I learned two things 1) it is not as expensive as you would think to have a ring re sized (going up is more expensive than down because they add gold) 2) I don't really care what people think about a ring anymore, Most people catch on pretty quickly that my partner and i are in a happy relationship.
    So wear it if you feel you must, but remember, most people will notice behavior!! and if i were you, i would be VERY proud that it didn't fit anymore =]
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Yeah and I never take my mistress to an open house :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Cause that would just be wrong! LOL