Is having a fitbit or something similar worth it?

I've been toying with the idea of getting a fitbit or something similar to replace my pedometer. Does anyone here use one? Do you think it is worth the cost?


  • MarriedLadyTara
    MarriedLadyTara Posts: 5 Member
    I think so. I actually just got a new one today (I accidentally went swimming with my old one on yesterday - oops!). It motivates me to move just a little bit more so that I can make it to 10,000 steps a day. Does it do anything incredible? Not really. But I love mine.
  • I have the fitbit zip. It counts steps, distance and calories burned. Does a little more than a regular pedometer and only costs $59.99, which if I am correct, is not that much more than a lot of pedometers. If you want to monitor sleep or have the altimeter (height reading function for stairs) one of those fitbits will run $99.99 and I don't have one so I can't say anything.

    I love mine though :)
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    I have a fitbit One. My daughter, mother and BFF all have the Flex.
    We all love them. The info and motivation are well worth the money.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I have the Fitbit One and love it!! Does everything like the Zip, but not the sleep pattern and I paid $60 for it!!!
  • keith_w61
    keith_w61 Posts: 20 Member
    I just replaced my Fitbit One, which does everything including monitor my sleep pattern. I wouldnt be without it.
  • LiziAB
    LiziAB Posts: 55
    It has worked for my husband and for me.

    Forgot to mention we have fit bit zips. It keeps me moving during the day and in the evening so I just don`t get home and veg.
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    I love, love, love my Fitbit! I have the One because I was afraid I'd ruin a bracelet type tracker. Does it do anything special except track steps, floors, calories & sleep? Well it motivates me which is a pretty big job. I want to see the big green smiley faces on the dashboard everyday so now I take the stairs, the long way & random walking around so I can meet the goals. It's was a bit shocking to see how little I was actually moving around when I first got it. It would only be worth it if you think you would be motivated by tracking. I got mine on Amazon for less than $99, but the prices of both colors fluctuate frequently. Did I mention that I love my fitbit?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I had the Ultra ( no longer available) for about 6 months and woke up one day to find it cracked. I emailed the company and they offered me a free replacement/upgrade to the One.

    What I like is that I can tell exactly how sedentary I am on my lazy days, and when I feel like I have been running all day, the fitbit confirms it! I basically wear mine 24/7 with the exception of bathing.
  • snweber79
    snweber79 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on my second Fitbit (lost my first one at the gym), and I wear it 24 hours a day! As others have said, I wouldn't be without it. The main thing that keeps me motivated is the unofficial competition I have with my husband and my cousin, who both have Fitbits. If you're "friends" with them on the Fitbit website, it tracks and ranks everyone's steps for that day. Except while I was waiting for my replacement, I'm usually in 1st and walking/running/dancing as much as I can every day helps me beat them all! :)

    I have to say, too, that the Fitbit customer service is absolutely amazing. They helped me take care of my lost Fitbit problem within days, and it was so easy and convenient. I have nothing but great things to say about them!
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I've had a Fitbit for over three years now and I can't imagine myself without it's feedback :) It's just SO simple, the syncing is automatic and wireless. I love the graphs on the website, I'm such a visual person. My two boys have Fitbits, as to my parents, and we have a friendly family competition going! *Ü* (I'm usually #1) I really like the sleep tracking too. I even did a blog post about it

    There are also several "reward" sites that you can link your Fitbit to. I don't do anything more than I would already, but it's nice to get a few perks. I've earned a couple $5 reward certificates for Amazon using Everymove, donated to charity (often the "rewards" are really discounts in disguise, but Everymove and Earndit also have charity options). I'm earning balance rewards with Walgreens and I'm waiting to see if Achievemint will really send me a $25 check ...

    And I love how it works with MFP. Just tracking your activity isn't enough (as I'm a testament to) ... I still gained weight, but now using it together with MFP, I'm moving in the right direction.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I love my FitBit One ($99) - It encourages me to look for ways to move more. I have had mine since May 27 of this year and the latest badge I earned is Lifetime 250 miles walked!

    I love making a game out of getting fit! :-)
  • jenk7356
    jenk7356 Posts: 43 Member
    Totally love my fitbit flex! The only time I take it off is to recharge.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Totally love my fitbit flex! The only time I take it off is to recharge.

    Same here! Mine has soap scum on it.
  • Thanks for asking this as I have been wondering too. I see different types are mentioned. Is there one that is better then the other? Can you see your progress on the wristband or do you just go by the lights. I saw a reference to a Jawbone - that one seems to track food too. Wondering if anyone has any experience with that one?
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Love my Fitbit one! I got the flex for my hubby and his business partner and so funny that now they are competing to see who can do more during the day! lol

    I love that the One counts flights of stairs! I have been hiking, and it counts hills that way. On one hike we were out for 3 hrs and climbed hills that amounted to 89 flights of stairs!

    I am now obsessed with making sure I get happy faces on my web page every day! I have to reach all my goals or I am bummed! It is a good motivator!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I got the Flex last month. Not sure exactly how accurate it is, but again, have not bothered to figure out & plug in my stride info. I find wearing the band to be very comfortable, I don't even realize it's on (but again, I wore a POW bracelet for years as a teen). I sleep like crap and the band shows that. I charge it about once a week or so (it lets you know when it needs it) and it charges fast.

    What I like most about it, and would be most likely the same with any Fitbit product, the Jawbone UP, Nike Fuelband and other fitness gadgets out there, it MOTIVATES me to do more and for that fact alone, it's worth the price to me. I don't have to remember to put it on, it won't fall off, I won't throw it in the washing machine and it works with my cell (Samsung SG3) and of course here on MFP. I like being able to see the data (syncs in real time on the cell using Bluetooth), you can manually enter sleep if you fall asleep before tapping it to record.

    I wish it showed steps and wish it showed the time on the device though. I'm wearing it on my non dominant hand and wearing a watch is a bit problematic but do able. I am on a computer 8 hrs a day for work and then practically from work till bedtime on my laptop. ..I have not seen added steps from typing. You can wear it in the shower but I advise taking it off as water does collect in the thing and I'd rather not have some creeping crud or mold set up camp on my wrist, lol

    So yep, I do love it. Got mine at Best Buy as they had them in stock, black only. I just won the slate (band only) in small off ebay so can swap them out. Am sure there are better ones out there but this works for me. I've been walking consistently (outside & on treadmill) since I got it (had done NOTHING prior) and make an effort to go up & down each aisle in the stores and even so far as parking further away just to get more steps in LOL
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    ValerieL214 - I think that functionality wise the Flex & One do mostly the same things. Differences are the Flex is worn on the arm and doesn't have a screen. The One is small and can be clipped pretty much any where (bra!) out of sight. Being small also makes it easier to get lost or forget! Personally I just don't like a bracelet type because I am more likely to ruin it (dishes, bathing kids/animals, ripping it off while trimming shrubs, paint splatter etc), but now I'm always touching my chest to make sure it's still on securely....I get strange looks occasionally :)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I am on my second FitBit and don't regret a single cent. The first one I got used on eBay and used it until the charging cable wore out. It actually still works despite my washing it twice and cracking the housing! The info garnered from it has been priceless; I'd not have been nearly as successful without it.
  • amyegm
    amyegm Posts: 8 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the input. This is really great information.
  • Thanks for the info, Blitz! I already store my phone and work id in my bra so maybe I should go with the wristband - getting a bit crowded in there.... :-)