Eating Clean - Lost 10 lbs in July



  • fitobsessed

    Sorry, trying to shorten this quoted text. Low carb is great if you need to see drastic movements on the scale as you're starting to get motivated, but you do have to understand that unless you plan on going low carb for the rest of your life, the moment you go back to eating a normal amount of carbs, you are going to see an inevitable drastic increase in weight so you need to be prepared for that. Also, eat whatever foods make you feel good and hit your calories and macros. This can be done eating mostly lean beef, chicken, vegetables, and what most people consider to be clean foods, or it can be done eating some processed and fast foods. Both paths will lead to the same result, granted you take a multivitamin, as hard as it is to believe. Nobody is telling you that you have to eat carbs, or processed food, or junk food, but you can, and you can be perfectly healthy doing it, that's all I'm saying. It's good that you're tailoring your diet to your personal needs, everybody should be doing that. There is not one diet plan with foods on it that are perfect for everybody. Anyway, once again, congratulations on your weight loss, and you look great if I may say so. :flowerforyou:

    This thing deleted everything I said and I'm annoyed lol. So basically I can see myself sticking to just eating brown rice and sweet potatoes as my carbs and probably a couple of times a week bring back my corn and rice. I could literally eat just corn and rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner (with lots of butter and salt). I'm happy at the weight I'm at but I would LOVE a six pack lol - now how can I get that?! And thank you so much for the compliment.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    LOL I'm sorry, but that guy needs to learn his place. i understand where he's coming from about the carb timing, but clean eating has many benefits, and the lowered sodium intake WILL help you shed that water weight! If you eat 1600 calories a day of BAD, junky food, you will more than likely gain or not lose any weight. but 1800 calories of clean eating, PLUS lifting, will most definitely help you lose weight!


    Edit: Congratulations on your loss, OP. I'm glad eating clean works for you. :)