No Bread!

Hello all!

I am sure someone may have asked this before, But I have been reading up on the benefits of cutting out bread from my diet. When I eat bread I am just so bloated and have stomach problems etc. I was just wondering if anybody else doesnt eat bread and how they are managing? I love bread! Its my first day without it today! Does anyone have any tips for substitutes or lunchtime meals? As I nearly always have a sandwich!!



  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    I replaced bread/bagel/muffins with an apple and peanut butter in my breakfast so I still have some carbs. I don't miss it at all. For lunch, I often make quinoa salad or sald with chicken breast/eggs and lots of fruit/veggies.
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    I don't eat wheat bread because they are empty calories and wheat crop has turned to GMO trash. I rarely eat bread, but when I do it's Ezekiel bread (sprouted), or spelt slices, or rye bread. Find a local bread baker, they probably offer real, hearty, non-Wheat bread. The stuff we normally call bread is featherlight chemical trash. Real bread is supposed to be heavy almost like pound cake or banana bread and is usually fewer calories.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    I am wondering if it could be the yeast which is causing you problems. Are you able to eat other foods with wheat in them. There is so much we take for-granted about what we eat and wheat is often seen as the problem when it could be the yeast.

    I am salicylate sensitive and I have to adapt the general advice to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and ignore tv chefs saying add herbs and spices because our food is so bland. Going my own way has given me a new lease of life in so many ways.

    By the way I use Rivita, a very plain one.
  • shonaj80
    shonaj80 Posts: 16
    I have wondered if it may be something more...if I eat pasta I have the same reaction :( It is only as I have done some more research that I have recognized the reactions I am getting. I had pasta the other night and I suffered so badly the next day. I dont want to label myself, but I think what i am worried about is that bread and pasta make up a large part of my diet and I am concerned how I will manage to cut them out!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I eat bread but I eat the basic no-frills stuff. I often eat potato (microwaved) instead - much less sodium, no additives, etc. I LOVE bread and I usually load it with butter so doubly difficult :frown:
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    Most of the problems with bread started when the production methods were changed in the 1950's giving us the white sliced loaf. Before this bread was given many hours to prove 16 or more during which time the gluten was all worked out so someone needing to be gluten free was not as common as it is now.
  • MaggieMaeB
    I was (am) a major bread lover - then a friend had me read "Wheat Belly", I recommend this book. A year ago my husband and I cut wheat out entirely and we lost weight ( me 60 him 30). The first three days of no wheat was really difficult but after that got easier. Then we started to back slide - a burger bun here, pasta there and the weight started creeping up so now we have cut it out completely again. It came as kind of a shock in the beginning how much of our diet was wheat / carbs - we feel so much better without them and the weight comes off.
  • UNLESS19
    UNLESS19 Posts: 118
    i tend to use warburtons sandwich pittas as they're easier/lower cal than other pittas :) though i do sometimes use tortilla wraps but they are higher in calls- although corn wraps are apparently better :)
    Sometimes i will treat myself to some bread/a bagel now and then though :)
    Just take a look when you go shopping at what's in the bread isle and you'll find alternatives :)
    good luck!
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Absolutely gluten intolerant I am and I used to be a bread eater! Mostly I make crackers these days made from almondflour and seeds and last week I discovered the oopsies, low carb bread substitutes. Tho I really eat bread or crackers these days, even if gluten free.
  • 21july2013
    I cut bread for months after "wheat belly" and all the craze about wheat ... i also went low carb for a while ... that didn't work for me as i found out that grains and wheat are vital for "my" well being ... what i changed was that i no longer eat white bread ... only whole wheat bread that i make at home or good quality bakery bread ... that solved all my problems (bloating ...etc) ... the minute i eat white bread or buy your average machine-made store bought bread i develop gut problems ...

    After a long journey i discovered that cutting out certain food (natural whole foods that is) is never a good thing ... unless of course one has specific health problems
  • Vee7889
    Vee7889 Posts: 20
    Instead of bread I use rice cakes... For example I will have 1 tomato basil rice cake & put tuna with onion on it then top with lettuce so I can still hold it like a sandwich.. Delish!!
  • waipepe
    waipepe Posts: 110 Member
    I only eat 100% Rye bread (from local bakery), 1-2 thin slices a day or rice cakes.

    I have an intolerance to wheat.
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    without being a medic or anything, it sounds like a gluten intolerance. Try cutting out all bread, pasta and flour based product-cakes biscuits etc. Yes you'll have to work harder, loads of fresh vegetables, salads instead of sandwiches, you can buy gluten free bread at supermarkets but its pricey. Im not gluten intolerant but have cut bread out of my diet, and make my own if i am going to eat it. Refined white bread/rice/pasta are empty carbs anyhow, so opt for wholewheat pasta is you must have it, and brown rice.
    Good luck.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    It sounds like you might be allergic or intolerant to gluten.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    without being a medic or anything, it sounds like a gluten intolerance. Try cutting out all bread, pasta and flour based product-cakes biscuits etc. Yes you'll have to work harder, loads of fresh vegetables, salads instead of sandwiches, you can buy gluten free bread at supermarkets but its pricey. Im not gluten intolerant but have cut bread out of my diet, and make my own if i am going to eat it. Refined white bread/rice/pasta are empty carbs anyhow, so opt for wholewheat pasta is you must have it, and brown rice.
    Good luck.

    If it is gluten intolerance check all the labels! There are many foods which do contain gluten, even candy and stock cubes can have them!
  • goodnamegone
    I stopped eating bread about three weeks ago or more can't remember but within one week I felt totally different. More energy, have not had that bloated feeling I used to get all the time.

    Then I took it further to eating less carbs and I started for the first time in ages to lose weight.

    Not eating bread also gave me more energy and I started wanting to exercise again so I'm happy about that.

    Instead of bread I eat those rice cakes, don't know if they are healthy but it works for me right now. I also know it's not low carbs but this is my journey right now.

    Don't miss the bread at all! Good luck with that.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I avoid wheat for medical reasons. Many places (Red Robin, Jimmy John's, etc.) will lettuce-wrap your sandwich instead of using bread or will put the sandwich ingredients on top of lettuce in the form of a salad.

    I use thin corn tortillas at home instead of bread, most of the time. Quesadillas are my grilled cheese.

    At Chipotle, you can get your burrito in a bowl, without the tortilla, or you can get a salad.

    Seems like most pizza places anymore have a gluten-free crust available, and it's usually pretty good.

    Most of the breakfast places I have been to are happy to substitute a small bowl of fruit in place of the bread.
  • jonsey_s
    jonsey_s Posts: 222
    I love bread...seriously. I have eaten full loves tasted with butter and eaten a slice of bread whilst waiting for the toaster to pop. I crave buttered toast and thick cut bread wrapped around good cheese and ham.....but there is only one way to cure it.

    STOP. that's it.

    If you cant, then restrict your self to a few slices, but buy GOOD bread. Rolls are great because you can buy just one at a bakery, cant buy just a few slices. :smile: I am now down to one or two rolls a week.

    I wish you luck.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Do you maybe have a gluten intolerance if you are getting bloated/uncomfortable when eating bread?

    I have been low-carbing for 2 weeks now, and my body has been feeling so bloating, no crappy tummy feeling, etc. It's really amazing. I will add breads back in eventually, but it's going to be bread that I make myself, so I know what goes into it- no sugar, 100% whole grains, high fiber etc
  • tschram12
    tschram12 Posts: 28 Member
    I make an almond bread it is made with almond flour, eggs, honey, farmers cheese, and baking soda. It is pretty good and my kids like it. It will not taste like the processed bread that you are used to. But it is a good alternative. I am not sure how much I use of what but if you google SCD diet almond bread you will find it. We dont make it in loaf pans, we put the mixture on a cookie sheet and bake it like cookies.

    SCD= Specific Carbohydrate Diet. Hope this helps.

    Here is the website I use. I replace the cheese curd with farmers cheese. The yogurt in some of the recipes is a homade yogurt. I have never made any of the recipes with the yogurt. The honey can be adjusted to your taste.