Novels you're reading?

zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
What novels are you reading and do you recommend them?

For me-

Brisingr by Christopher Paolini - one of the sequels of Eragon. The "inheritance" series is very worth it if you enjoy fantasy!!
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - very well written and a classic


  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
  • platinumpink
    platinumpink Posts: 61 Member
    My favorite book of all time is She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb. I've read it probably 5-6 times.

    I'm just now finishing up Outlander, the first book of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I think there are currently 8 books total, and if they're all as good as Outlander, I'm sure I'll read them all.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm reading the Outlander series right now. It's very good. Sometimes it gets a little too romance novel for my taste, but for the most part it's very good.

    Mostly, I read history books. I'm a painter, and love finding inspiration in different cultures, their legends, and their landscapes. It's more of a reference rather than an actual book since it's written like and encyclopedia, but I just read Giants, Monsters, and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, Legend, and Myth by Carol Rose. I love looking through it. So many ideas. I'm not doing a painting of a Baku. I also just read Augustus. That was a great read too. I've never really gotten into much about the Crusades or the Middle Ages in general, so if anyone has some good recommendations on that, I'd love to more.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    i have a few cracked and in various states of completion.

    S. King's The Stand, Patti Smith's Just Kids, Ken McAlpine's Off Season, and I just got Carl Hiaasen's latest novel Bad Monkey that i can't wait to dive into. I think i might save that one for the plane ride on a trip i have coming up in a few weeks though :)

    I've also been told i should get into Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game series. A co-worker keeps telling me how much he thinks i'd dig them. So, i'm thinking i'll check those out soon-ish.
  • Sparkle_Princess
    Still Waters - Camilla Noli

    Its a very disturbing story about a woman who has 2 children but for her everything is conditional even her love for her children. And everyone is in danger
  • platinumpink
    platinumpink Posts: 61 Member
    Still Waters - Camilla Noli

    Its a very disturbing story about a woman who has 2 children but for her everything is conditional even her love for her children. And everyone is in danger

    Ooh....I had to write that one down, it sounds good.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    The Women of the Otherworld Series, I'm usually not that much into Scifi or vampires and werewolves but its really good!!! And waaaayyyy better than Twilight LOL, plus I read a lot of Ted Dekker books I like really twisted stuff, my favorite book of his is
    "The Bride Collector"
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    I'm reading Alan Partridge's autobiography, which is hilarious, rereading If Chins Could Kill by Bruce Campbell, trying to get back into Contact - it's incredible but I stopped for two weeks when I lost it and haven't gotten back into it yet, and The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami, it's a collection of shorts so it's not really a book, well, it is, but, ya know, it's short stories so you can come and go as you please
  • LordOberon
    LordOberon Posts: 73 Member
    Working on The Twelve by Justin Cronin. Really looking forward to Naomi Novak's next book The Blood of Tyrants.
  • LordOberon
    LordOberon Posts: 73 Member
    What novels are you reading and do you recommend them?

    For me-

    Brisingr by Christopher Paolini - one of the sequels of Eragon. The "inheritance" series is very worth it if you enjoy fantasy!!
    Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - very well written and a classic

    I loved the Inheritance series of books when they came out!