Myth or not?

When I used to "diet" before I started my life style change, I used to be an incredibly fussy eater. I would have the same thing for breakfast every morning and the same thing for lunch and my dinner would vary between chicken or fish and veg. Everyone used to tell me that eating like that would mean that my body would get used to breaking down the same food all the time and then would mean that I would stop losing weight. Is this true? Even if you eat a balanced diet of fruit, veg, meat or whatever will eating the same thing over and over stop your weight loss? TIA


  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Myth, Myth, Myth, Myth.

    Eat what you want, when you want, just hit your goals.
  • katz6910
    katz6910 Posts: 156 Member
    Myth, Myth, Myth, Myth.

    Eat what you want, when you want, just hit your goals.

    Thank you, it always sounded daft to me too :blushing:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Myth, Myth, Myth, Myth.

    Eat what you want, when you want, just hit your goals.

    Thank you, it always sounded daft to me too :blushing:

    Kind of makes you wonder, how anyone even thought the idea up, doesn't it?
  • katz6910
    katz6910 Posts: 156 Member
    The one that gets me every time is "muscle weighs more than fat" I know what they're trying to say but they are still so adamant that it "weighs" more. Now I just smile and nod :huh:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    The one that gets me every time is "muscle weighs more than fat" I know what they're trying to say but they are still so adamant that it "weighs" more. Now I just smile and nod :huh:

    Indeed, it's amazing how many people say that.

    Same with the "you MUST eat breakfast" or "you need to eat 6 meals a day"

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so boring lol
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    Weight-loss wise that doesn't matter, but there are some problems that might arise:

    1. Having the same food all the time may cause a decrease in the diversity of your intestinal flora that is associated with all sorts of problems (including obesity).
    2. Along the same lines, you might (at extremes) actually lack a certain vitamin or have an excess of some minerals if you keep eating the same thing over and over.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Weight-loss wise that doesn't matter, but there are some problems that might arise:

    1. Having the same food all the time may cause a decrease in the diversity of your intestinal flora that is associated with all sorts of problems (including obesity).
    2. Along the same lines, you might (at extremes) actually lack a certain vitamin or have an excess of some minerals if you keep eating the same thing over and over.

    The last meal she consumes changes, and there is vegetables in her diet and it sounds fairly balanced.

    As for #1 - just stop, you're trying to worry people for no reason, its unneeded.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member

    The last meal she consumes changes, and there is vegetables in her diet and it sounds fairly balanced.

    As for #1 - just stop, you're trying to worry people for no reason, its unneeded.

    It does sound balanced which is why I added as many "softeners" as I could. I said it might, in extreme cases. You can never know for sure, which is why if it's not too much trouble, diversity can't hurt.

    As for worrying people needlessly I really don't see how that could be true. By principle, not mentioning certain facts because they're deemed irrelevant by a certain person doesn't make them "unneeded". It's every individual's right to decide what's relevant to them and what is not.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member

    The last meal she consumes changes, and there is vegetables in her diet and it sounds fairly balanced.

    As for #1 - just stop, you're trying to worry people for no reason, its unneeded.

    It does sound balanced which is why I added as many "softeners" as I could. I said it might, in extreme cases. You can never know for sure, which is why if it's not too much trouble, diversity can't hurt.

    As for worrying people needlessly I really don't see how that could be true. By principle, not mentioning certain facts because they're deemed irrelevant by a certain person doesn't make them "unneeded". It's every individual's right to decide what's relevant to them and what is not.

    Sure, but you can see yourself really that the woman has a balanced diet, and there wasn't much need to say anything like you did. Don't take it as a personal attack on you or anything, I just think it wasn't relevant to her.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member

    Sure, but you can see yourself really that the woman has a balanced diet, and there wasn't much need to say anything like you did. Don't take it as a personal attack on you or anything, I just think it wasn't relevant to her.

    Isn't it her right to decide if it's relevant or not? It's her post, not yours - no offense:)
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Myth. Especially if your staying within your macros and eating the same good food. Great job on that! Your body will thank you!

    On a side note:
    I think people when people run into problems are when they focus just on the calories and not on all the other macros though.

    Lets say, you eat 2k worth of fruits, veggies, complex carbs and you lose weight. Then after a while you start eating 2k worth of sugar, fat, bad carbs, and processed foods. Its not going to have the same affect on your body because you have all the extra crap along with that food. So, its about macros, not just calories.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member

    Sure, but you can see yourself really that the woman has a balanced diet, and there wasn't much need to say anything like you did. Don't take it as a personal attack on you or anything, I just think it wasn't relevant to her.

    Isn't it her right to decide if it's relevant or not? It's her post, not yours - no offense:)

    Sure, it is - but I'm just making it clear to her its not a problem in response to your post and I think you're being overly dramatic.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Myth. Especially if your staying within your macros and eating the same good food. Great job on that! Your body will thank you!

    On a side note:
    I think people when people run into problems are when they focus just on the calories and not on all the other macros though.

    Lets say, you eat 2k worth of fruits, veggies, complex carbs and you lose weight. Then after a while you start eating 2k worth of sugar, fat, bad carbs, and processed foods. Its not going to have the same affect on your body because you have all the extra crap along with that food. So, its about macros, not just calories.

    When you say the same affect what do you mean? The way her body performs or her weight loss?
  • BrunoRoughCut
    What they are saying is actually true....

    You said: will eating the same thing over and over stop your weight loss?

    Yes of course it would.
    You cannot keep on losing x weight eating x amount of calories for ever.
    At some stage you have to change your diet regime, your caloric needs would change after x time with the change in your metabolic rate.

    That's why every so often you have to change your intact values you plateau
    so yes they are correct in the statement ..
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    What they are saying is actually true....

    You said: if you ate the same thing - all the time, would your weight loss stop.

    Yes of course it would.
    You cannot keep on losing x weight eating x amount of calories for ever.
    At some stage you have to change your diet regime, your caloric needs would change after x time with the change in your metabolic rate.

    That's why every so often you have to change your intact values you plateau
    so yes they are correct in the statement ..

    Obviously not what she meant.. lol
  • BrunoRoughCut
    She said " I would have the same thing for breakfast every morning and the same thing for lunch and my dinner would vary between chicken or fish and veg"
    Changing your protein from chicken to fish in one meal ok still , you will plateau.

    The term breaking down the same food is incorrect

    the same food all the time and then would mean that I would stop losing weight. Is this true?
    Yes it is in the long term...

    Your goal posts keep moving but you know how to score every time they do

    Now we all work under the umbrella IIFYM so we have a lot more fun than minor protein changes in one me.
    We all just hit our Macros.....
    I know where ritchiebulk is coming from so were on the same page bro IIFYM.
    Im with Dauntlessness where on the same page also staying within your guide lines on intake amount
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    She said " I would have the same thing for breakfast every morning and the same thing for lunch and my dinner would vary between chicken or fish and veg"
    Changing your protein from chicken to fish in one meal ok still , you will plateau.

    The term breaking down the same food is incorrect

    the same food all the time and then would mean that I would stop losing weight. Is this true?
    Yes it is in the long term...

    Your goal posts keep moving but you know how to score every time they do

    Now we all work under the umbrella IIFYM so we have a lot more fun than minor protein changes in one me.
    We all just hit our Macros.....
    I know where ritchiebulk is coming from so were on the same page bro IIFYM.
    Im with Dauntlessness where on the same page also staying within your guide lines on intake amount

    Yes but still, this isn't what she meant..

    She meant her friends were telling her eating the same FOODS would stop fat loss, even if she ate less of those foods.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    It sounds as if they took the way the body adapts to exercise and mistakenly applied it to diet.

    If you do the same exercise over and over again, without increasing the duration or itensity, your body will adapt to it and you will no longer trigger a training effect.

    True for exercise. Completely false when it comes to nutrition.
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    I find this thread interesting because I have a hard time with balancing my diet. As soon as I start logging food, I get into this weird loop where I eat only about 5-8 different foods and then I start to slowly just stop eating even those so that I hardly get in any calories. It's not deliberate, but I do it every time. Since joining mfp, I've done a better job at keeping calories up somewhat. I do not "love" food so prepping & stopping to take the time to eat it just plain annoys me.
  • katz6910
    katz6910 Posts: 156 Member
    That's how I used to eat BTW, not how I eat now. Now I love all different types of foods and I try to vary my diet a lot. Since finding these boards I've learned about macros and how different food groups will help towards fat loss etc. I've also learned that as I've hit a plateau it's best to shake things up (within certain limits still)

    Thank you all for the hint tips and advice. I greatly appreciate it :drinker:

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