No Bread!



  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Bread is too awesome to give up. :noway: (eta: spelling)
  • TiredOfMyself
    TiredOfMyself Posts: 28 Member
    I cut out bread.. and I find myself rather deprived, really.. :ohwell:
  • shonaj80
    shonaj80 Posts: 16
    hmmmm toast and butter!! lol.....thankyou for all of your replies and advice....I think I will cut out the bread and pasta and see if I can notice a difference...I have tried wholewheat pasta but am not really a fan...I dont mind brown rice!..I hope it isnt gluten intolerance coz that would be mega hard work! Operation "No bread" day 1!!

    thanks again :) its nice to know that everyone here is happy to help, and sounds like everyone is doing so well on their healthy journey :)

    Shona x
  • meowmisu
    meowmisu Posts: 44 Member
    I cut out bread, though I have been eating low carb wraps or tortillas. Usually one serving a day. Josephs Lavash flax wraps are really good.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    I eat bread, but not that much. I vary it with brown rice, soba noodles, whole wheat tortillas, quinoa, and other stuff. But if it was a food pyramid for me it would be towards the top. Remember the old food pyramid? And grains used to be on the bottom. In mine, vegies would be on the bottom. Above that would be fruit, nuts, beans, dairy. Above that would be grains/bread and fish (not necessarily on a daily basis). Above that would be added oils. Over to the side would be land animal meat eaten in very small (like 2oz) size portions once in awhile, like every full moon.

    Unless there are true health concerns (speak to your doctor please!) I try to eat real foods in variety in moderation. I don't like to exclude whole food groups though, just cut them down.
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    Have been without bread for several years and have felt SO much better.

    I guess I've 'filled' the plate now with vegetables. Bread or pasta was always a 'filler-type' ingredient to me, so veggies took the place of it - Yeah, not the same, but I guess I'm use to it now.

    However, I use a mandoline to 'shave' my veggies into 'noodle' type ingredients and it's the best! Ie: cucumber/zucchini/sweet potato/daikon 'noodles' are a great way to substitute for traditional noodles.

    For that 'chip/crisp/cracker' fix, I'll bake kale or other vegetable 'chips/crisps' instead of crackers, etc.,) Again, the mandoline works well here too.

    I use nori sheets/romaine/ kale or chard leaves instead of 'tortilla' or wheat wraps for my 'sandwiches'

    Also, when I need that pasta 'fix' I use Shirataki noodles (can be made from tofu or Japanese yam 'starch')

    There are lots of recipes (or you can buy) bread that is made from other 'flours' like almond/rice, etc., as I'm sure you've seen.
    Here's an easy one:
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    Before I couldnt even imagine my life without bread and pasta. So get rid of them was a very big thing for me. I experimented a lot with doing high protein, wheat free breads, and I now I can make some good ones. I eat zucchini or sometimes carrots instead of pasta, and I love them.

    I got rid of my migraine thanks to being gluteen free. When I occasionally eat pasta I feel so bad, that I think twice if worth it or not.

    You can live without wheat. There are plenty of amazing alternatives. And as eating gluteen free becomes more and more popular you can find so many famtastic products and ideas.:) But the first 2 weeks very, very terrible. I felt so sick. Then things changed, and I have so much more energy.:)
  • FrankieTrailBlazer
    FrankieTrailBlazer Posts: 124 Member
    Dump it!
  • crankn
    crankn Posts: 1
    As someone who was recently diagnosed with Celiacs, I recommend you see your doctor before giving up bread and pasta. They can do a simple blood test to see if you have a medical problem. Giving up wheat is no longer a "fad". It is a true medical condition that needs to be recognized. If you have Celiac, then it is important that you remove all wheat, barley, rye and oats from your diet. Gluten from these damages the small intestines resulting in your body's inability to absorb nutrients. The longer you eat these things, the more damage being done. The damage can be reversed but it takes a long time and a lot of discipline. Please speak to your doctor.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Do you maybe have a gluten intolerance if you are getting bloated/uncomfortable when eating bread?

    I have been low-carbing for 2 weeks now, and my body has been feeling so bloating, no crappy tummy feeling, etc. It's really amazing. I will add breads back in eventually, but it's going to be bread that I make myself, so I know what goes into it- no sugar, 100% whole grains, high fiber etc

    Honestly just go to your doctor, tell him or her what is going on, and see what is wrong. Then figure out what you need to do to fix it. That's the only way you're going to know for sure.