Set to 2 lbs a week

Does it really mean that? Because yesterday I had a calorie deficit and it said in 5 weeks is lose 5 lbs. I thought if I was under my goal everyday id lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks


  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    I set mine to 2 lbs/week, but I guess I'm too close to my goal weight to be able to create a deficit that would do that. The minimum calorie setting was 1200, which is a 0.4/lb weight loss per week for me. :(
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    the "if you had same day as today you will weight xxx in 5 weeks" blah blah is purely cosmetic. It is highly unreliable and I still have no idea why MFP kept that feature. DO NOT focus on that.

    The 2 lbs a week thing is more accurate but there are many factors. On the day of your weight in, if you did strength training or ate high sodium food the night before (making you retain water). If what you logged in for food was PERFECT (most foods calories are off by 20%. Some of the non-western cuisines like Asian foods are known to be 100% off calories too).

    I would suggest to keep doing your thing and moving forward and focus less on trying to lose 2 lbs a week and focus more on how you are feeling and your pants fitting better etc.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Check your profile and see if it actually says 2 pounds a week. If you have lost 10 or more pounds it will adjust it even if you kept it at 2 lbsa week. It will do this if MFP has you set down to 1200 calories.....because it won't go lower than 1200, it will change the amount loss.

    Could be you agreed to update changes after 10 pounds

    If you eat near calorie goal or over and don't exercise, that number will drop.

    Best to ignore those numbers though.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to eat 1000 calories less than your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure -- the amount of calories your body burns in a day). MFP won't go lower than 1200 calories because it's really hard to get proper nutrition on less than that. So if your TDEE is less than 2200, you'll lose less than two pounds a week.

    In short, you don't have enough weight to lose to aim for 2 pounds a week.
  • Telpa
    Telpa Posts: 21 Member
    Ok that makes sense.., I wanted to lose 7 lbs this month for a wedding, but I guess I'd be going under 1200 to do that. Thanks for the explanations!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Ok that makes sense.., I wanted to lose 7 lbs this month for a wedding, but I guess I'd be going under 1200 to do that. Thanks for the explanations!

    Not a good plan.

    You'd be better off eating to lose a half pound a week and adding strength training. You won't lose as many "pounds" but the ones you lose will be almost pure body fat, not a combination of fat and muscle, so you'll LOOK like you lost more.

    Plus, you won't feel like crap. :wink:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Ok that makes sense.., I wanted to lose 7 lbs this month for a wedding, but I guess I'd be going under 1200 to do that. Thanks for the explanations!

    OK, that doesn't make sense. Setting your sights on a goal and then taking any measure possible to achieve it isn't smart, healthy or realistic. You may not lose by seriously under eating but will feel like crap and jeopardize your health. Eat properly and take up some exercise to reshape your body.
  • Telpa
    Telpa Posts: 21 Member
    So the judgement wasn't needed, but if you read my post you would see I am eating 1200 a day (actually more but exercising). I'm not starving myself, I was hoping to lose that much but as the others pointed out this wont be possible on 1200
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    And if you do your research you'll find out that eating less than 1200 calories is not healthy and probably even eating 1200 isn't healthy unless you are a very small older person.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Ha, when I tried out my food diary it said I should reach my goal in about 5 weeks. Well this is the 5th week and I lost 6.2 lb so far, so it might damn well speed up a bit will I reach 40 lb at the end of the week. Totally ignore that part! and I agree with Mokey. 1200 is very low, probable too low. Loosing weight is not about eating less and starving yourself!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Basically that means you can't lose 2lbs a week safely, and most likely your activity setting is wrong.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    And if you do your research you'll find out that eating less than 1200 calories is not healthy and probably even eating 1200 isn't healthy unless you are a very small older person.

    If you read what she says, you will see that she doesn't intend to eat under 1200. She asked a different question, and now understands.
  • Telpa
    Telpa Posts: 21 Member
    And if you do your research you'll find out that eating less than 1200 calories is not healthy and probably even eating 1200 isn't healthy unless you are a very small older person.

    Yup was never suggesting I was going to eat less...

    Thanks everyone else for your help, makes sense now
  • flori204
    You can eat any amount of calories below 1200 and still be healthy. As long as you take your multivitamins and other vitamins so you wont be deficient in your nutrients. The reason we eat is to provide our body with the proper and appropriate nutrients.....Everyone have a idea of what is healthy, but you can eat 500 calories and taking all your necessary vitamins and you will be fine. however its better to get those nutrients from food. So much so call research and so much myth out there.....but in reality you have to take necessary test and check on ur entire health record before you start to loose weight. See where you are and what you are lacking in nutrients....then you can take those supplement or eat those foods that contains them...the reason we get fat, is because our body does not have the proper nutrients to digest the food and throw out what is not needed....then it stays in and stores as fat.......everyone is different and everyone requires different methods of handle their weight loss. But the Golden rule to loose weight is to eat less, get the appropiate nutrients that your body requires and exercise at least 6 times a week. get one day to rest.... u must give your body one day of rest and get enough sleep...but you have to be active 95% of the time.