Finished week one of insanity

Glad to have finished week one. First time working out at home and I have to say I am really enjoying it. Getting up at 5:00 to get the workout in before everyone gets up. I was really sore the first 3 days but pushed through. Looking forward to next week. Feel free to friend me if you are just starting insanity too.


  • Wellman52
    Wellman52 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting this week, tonight probably. Good luck to you! Maybe we can keep each other going?
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Your doing great! It's definitely tough doing workouts at home, but I love it. Keep killing it, and just keep your goals in mind while your doing it because that's the one thing that will push you and keep you going. A job well done :)
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member

    I would love to have more friends and encouragement. I am one of those long sad stories :( Cut to the chase, I have a thyroid and PCOS condition and it is really tough for me to lose weight. The one time I did lose 60 pounds I gained it all back.... (I lost it with medication and light if not any excersize.) Anyway, Im at 215 and need all the encouragement I can get.

    Also would love to figure out how to input the insanity workouts on the MFP calorie Counter.
  • fitKT2B
    fitKT2B Posts: 39 Member
    I just finished week 1as well and loved/hated it. Add me and we can motivate each other.
  • ukaggirl
    ukaggirl Posts: 70 Member
    I just started Insanity this morning with the fit test...phew, kicked my rear! :) Up at 4am to get it in and I already feel better today than I usually do. I'll let you know if I die tomorrow.

    I would also like to know how you input the workouts into MFP. I know I was sweating like crazy this morning. I feel like such a wuss!
  • lottogirly
    lottogirly Posts: 26 Member
    The warm up whips me so don't feel so bad, lol!
  • You can probably find charts online that will let you put in your weight and give you a average calorie burn. Insanity is pretty popular. The best way would be to buy a heart rate monitor and just wear it as you work out.
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    I started insanity this morning as well. Fit test kicked my butt. would love to have someone to keep me motivated.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    I just got out of the first week moving into the 3rd day of the 2nd week. It is hard but it is fun. :P I will more then gladly encourage you while you encourage me. And all of us.
  • vicky_85
    vicky_85 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All, I am just about to finish week one today. Cannot wait to get stuck into week two :-)
  • I am 225 pounds and just finished my first week. Never had a workout like this! I know I still have a lot of work to do.. I can't do the moves for as long or at the intensity.. I guess I just have to keep pressing play!
  • jsalzat
    jsalzat Posts: 225 Member
    Yay! Way to go... I'm on day 3 and I'm also having to modify some of exercises because I hurt my back in motorcycle wreck... Keep pressing play; I will too :D
  • covens04
    covens04 Posts: 76 Member
    Keep up the good work. It will get somewhat easier in that you know what to expect. Either way, you are working hard. Feel free to add me for support! Currently doing P90x3!
  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    tali00 wrote: »
    Glad to have finished week one. First time working out at home and I have to say I am really enjoying it. Getting up at 5:00 to get the workout in before everyone gets up. I was really sore the first 3 days but pushed through. Looking forward to next week. Feel free to friend me if you are just starting insanity too.

  • exelbyplumpton
    exelbyplumpton Posts: 30 Member
    Hi cannot. Get. Motivated what is insanity

  • How do you add insanity as a workout?
  • claireb12
    claireb12 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been using my polar FT7 to track the calories and adding it as a new exercise each day i.e. W1 D2 Insanity