Overcoming Exhaustion? Tips needed for a tired overworked st

ashie075 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all,
I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on overcoming feelings of exhaustion. I'm going to school full time and working two jobs (all between the hours of 7-7 so no night shift or anything like that) and even though I'm getting enough sleep I can't find the energy to haul myself to the gym! I'm a regular gym goer (6 days a week) but since University has started up again I've been so exhausted I havent made it in three days! That's forever for me, and any times I have made it, i've been too tired to really put the effort that I normally do in. This concerns me as the work at school hasnt even started yet! Anyone have any tips pour moi? It woud be greatly appreciated.


  • it depends on what you are doing at work? can you fit in a 10 minute walk here and there? your body might not be able to accommodate a full work out on top of what you are doing at least at first. if school just started, i would start with working in those little walks, then add or switch to maybe 30 minutes at the gym until you start feeling like you are putting in your normal effort. this is a time to be careful not to exhaust yourself so much that you get sick. believe me, i've been there. you cant follow through on your commitments if you are sick. you can adjust your caloric needs so you're not getting "the freshman 15". :) hope that helps.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Heavy schedule - you should be exhausted. I find that exercise actually energizes me - the challenge is talking myself into doing it! Once I do it I feel GREAT. Just put air in my bike tires - a great aerobic exercise to do after work! Also - try eating small meals throughout the day. I have two breakfasts, 2 lunches, one dinner and dessert. All within my 1200 cal limit - I do eat SOME of the exercise cals. Look for easy, packable things you can eat on the run - like laughing cow light cheese, low fat string cheese, wraps with low cal and low carb tortillas, etc. I also almost always go over on my protein - and I think it helps with the energy. Good luck!
  • You should pay a visit to your doctor but I'll share what I did. I work 2jobs 11-7 and 9-5. I don't get enough sleep. I had to buy everything for home(Workout equipment). Right now I'm on the last leg of p90x(2weeks to go). I went from 163-134 from April till July and have been maintaining my current weight by only doing a light workout in the morning(10-20 minutes depending on the day and my time available) and P90x at night. I brought everything at home and only joined a gym for 1month in July to get me over the last hump of weight. I have just tried Insanity and it is intense. Heard about a hybrid workout that crosses the 2 and I think I'm going to do that b/c I like the muscle that I've gained and would actually like to keep and perhaps increase it. I've added all natural supplements to my diet like a multi vitamin,folic acid,green tea(pill and tea form),fish oil,vitamin E,CQ10,Glucosamine chondroitin(My job is physically demanding with alot of bending, lifting,pulling,and pushing). And I brought a Water Energizer from GNC that is L-Carnitine in pill form but it gives me that boost I need when I feel run down and tired and think that I don't have the energy to work out. If you really like to workout you might have to consider doing it at home and not at the gym so that you can fit it into your schedule. Tapes can actually work if you follow a schedule. During my 1st 3months I did everything from Kettle bell,pilates,yoga,to interval training and cardio. The more you mix it up and keep your body guessing the more chance that your body won't adapt to anyone particular workout and will get what it needs. This is actually the basis for p90x and insanity and it will work. Think about it.
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