Young Moms losing weight

mamabearr Posts: 304
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I searched for some support groups for young moms trying to get into shape but they were extremely inactive, so I thought I'd make a new thread for it.

Anyone else like me here? I'm 21 and 5'3 with 30+ pounds to lose!


  • I'm 21, 5'5" with 100+ pounds to lose. Pre-pregnancy, DH and I were kicking butt in the gym and I was well on my way to losing weight. Over the pregnancy, I had a TON of swelling and it made exercising very difficult. I'm 5 weeks PP and cleared to go to the gym. Definitely ready to lose this extra weight.
  • 21, 5'9" with about 35 lbs to loose.
  • I had lots of swelling too. It was no good.
  • We have the same amount to lose Krys.

    SO I'm thinking we should have a weekly weigh in. Post the goal you want to meet by halloween, and every week will post our progress.
  • tiffanyjade09
    tiffanyjade09 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 19, 5'0 with about 35 lbs to lose!
  • Mom start by looking at the food in your house. Read the back of what you eat. Look at calories YES but also look at sugar,fat,etc.,.
    If your still eating bread switch to whole wheat. For example:Have a slice in the morning with almond butter on it or peanut butter instead of regular butter,slice up a bananna some mornings and add it to the bread. A boiled egg or an egg white omlete with some fresh veggies like mushrooms,or spinach(Also good for flattening stomachs) Drink a cup of green tea with it. The antioxidents in it are good for you. Add some fresh fruit if still hungry.
    Get a book on nutrition and you will learn whats good for you. You can change habits without buying "diet foods and drinks". Try greek yogurt with bearnaked granola,or blueberries as a snack. Or a peice of fresh fruit. A bowl of fruit. Melons are good for you.
    Then you have to ease into getting active. Try walking, get a beginners exercise tape that might start you off with 10 minutes and work you up to 40 minutes a session. Like the Special K challenge tape. It is a process. I did this till I was doing 40minutes in the morning and 40-1hr and 15minutes at night. Begin to mix it up. Beginners' yoga,beginners pilates,beginners aerobics/cardio. Although you don't want to lose too much too fast. If you eat right and ease yourself into moderate exercise not only will you see results but you'll see results you like and it will be in line with your schedule.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Is 27 too old?!
  • haha 27 isn't old. My SO is 25.
  • im 23...need to loose least.....
  • You ladies can do it. I got serious in last week of March 1st week of April and by July I was down From 163-133. I flux from 133-135 and have even cut my morning workout from 40 minutes to 10-20. I'm on the last leg of p90x(My night time work out) and about to try insanity. Couldn't do this months ago. But now I feel I can do anything and Yes I did it mostly at home with exercise tapes and equipment. I joined the gym for the last month in July when I plateaued at 140. And that 1month help me get down to 135 and I went back to doing my thing at home in Aug and now Sept. Like I said. Start with cleaning out your pantry. Changing how you eat and what you eat(Healthy isn't always nasty). Then ease into being active. Talk to your doctor who might have some awesome ideas also on exercise that is fitting for you. Everybodys' body is different and reacts differently to different things. Take this into account. But it is good to learn what works for you and what doesn't get a scale too which will help you. Good Luck Ladies. And I am in my early 30's
  • Im 17 and I have about 23lbs to loose. I am 153 and 5'0 right now :/ I would like to loose atleast 7/8lbs by halloween
  • You ladies can do it. I got serious in last week of March 1st week of April and by July I was down From 163-133. I flux from 133-135 and have even cut my morning workout from 40 minutes to 10-20. I'm on the last leg of p90x(My night time work out) and about to try insanity. Couldn't do this months ago. But now I feel I can do anything and Yes I did it mostly at home with exercise tapes and equipment. I joined the gym for the last month in July when I plateaued at 140. And that 1month help me get down to 135 and I went back to doing my thing at home in Aug and now Sept. Like I said. Start with cleaning out your pantry. Changing how you eat and what you eat(Healthy isn't always nasty). Then ease into being active. Talk to your doctor who might have some awesome ideas also on exercise that is fitting for you. Everybodys' body is different and reacts differently to different things. Take this into account. But it is good to learn what works for you and what doesn't get a scale too which will help you. Good Luck Ladies. And I am in my early 30's

    I'm going to do my best. I'm sick of being chubby. And I figure I should do it while I'm still young and in between babies haha,
  • Oh yeah.

    GOAL WEIGHT: -10 LBS by Halloween.
    Current weight- 150 lbs.
  • Ok here is some of the tapes in my arsenal Kettlenetics-purchased at Target came with the Kettlebell3lbs started dvd 1 until I could move on to dvd 2(also in the pack) 2-3 days a week 20 minutes dvd #2 is 40 minutes but it was a month and a 1/2 b4 I could do it. She has a way of working your middle too thats not bad

    Denise Austin 3week bootcamp Cardio and strength intervals 20minutes and athletic trainng also 20minutes. She has a 6minute ab blaster on there that is good. 2 or 3 times a week.

    Rodney Yees Beginners Yoga 1-2 a week he also has a 15 minutes result Yoga dvd that is cool and easy to follow.

    Pilates for begginners with Kristin McGee and Ana Caban's Quick Start Pilates(2 aweek).

    If your looking to ease into exercise Leslie Sansone's Walk your way thin seris may be the way to go. She doesn't get on the floor unless you want to do that part. She just moves and it's like walking 1,2 and even 3miles. I mixed it up in there 1-2 a week.

    When I became good with exercise I did SHAPE Best ever Hollywood workout(Yes Gunner Peterson) That guy has shaped everyone from Ben Affleck to Jlo. Kim K is currently "supposidly" one of his current clients. He has 2 10 minute routines and 2 20 min routines. There are 7 days in a week and you should pick 2 days of rest. But mix it up and keep your body guessing so that it doesn't get use to any one particular routine. Try 4-5days one way and then the next week reverse everything. Drink plenty of plain old WATER too at least the regular 8 that your suppose to a day. I don't do soda or fruit drinks. I do drink unsweetened tea(Green) though or a packet or two of Splenda . Have you ever seen all of the sugar and sodium in soda and juice? And if I do juice it is all natural. Fad diets will get you no where or only temp results. Know your food and how to play with it and you will see results. How good is your will power? YOU CAN DO IT MOMS:~)
  • Well I just got 30 Day Shred and I also have Brazillian Butt Lift by Beachbody. So I'm going to try those out first. But I will keep those DVDs in mind!
  • Oww. I will be checking for your results. Heard the Brazillian butt lift is a nice work out. Need a next after insanity. Good luck and by the way I have 3kids.
  • I'll make sure to let you know how it works for me. I did it once before but wasn't eating right so I didn't see any results. Then at the very end I did slimfast while doing it and lost 5 lbs in a week. BUT right after we went on vacation and when we got back I didn't start working out again.
  • I'm 22 5'8" with 50 lbs to lose i was bed ridden during my pregnancies and lost 50 after i had my second child but have at least 50 more to go
  • I'm 20 years old and looking to tone up and lose about 5-10 lbs. I'm not chubby per se but I have a very unattractive pudge on my stomach. I'm not too concerned with weight lose more so losing inches. Anyway, I currently weigh 141 at 5'7. I would love to be fit by Halloween!! Maybe for the first time I can wear one of those sexy costumes, lol!!! I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow! Hopefully I can stick with it ...I'm pretty bad about losing interest.
  • I'll keep you in check woman.
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