P90x Lean no results?

I posted this question in another community I am in but wanted to see if anyone here at MFP has experience with P90x

Question: I took a break from this program (p90x lean) for about 4 weeks because a condition I had to work through. However, my weight and size didn't change at all. I am not sure if I should restart or quit. Maybe I need more cardio? I am hesitating because my future schedule may not always allow for 1hr+ so I may miss days.

Did anyone else experience this problem? Should I keep going for the rest of the program?

p.s. I completed about 5 weeks of the program with maybe a day or two missed. By the end of the last week, I was pretty much able to keep up with them all the way through the workout.


  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey! If you look at my pics that is the results of P90X. I too did not see results either for awhile. I was so frustrated, but one day Bam. I fit into pants that I never wore before. It took about 8 weeks. IT may seem like nothing is happening, but it is. Make sure you are also eating clean and enough calories.
  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    Don't give up!!!:)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    If your weight and size didn't change at all, you need to check a few things. You need to make sure that you are eating the correct amount of calories. When I did P90X the first time, if I would have followed their insanely laughable nutrition guide, I would have gained weight because 2400 calories is above my TDEE, and that's the level I was calculated to eat. That said, I would throw away the nutrition guide anyway...except for the recipes, some of them are palatable.

    Also remember it is not "P90X" that "works" or doesn't work. Weight loss is all about the calorie deficit. Exercise will increase that deficit, but it won't magically make you lose weight. The weight training will make you stronger and preserve your muscle mass in a deficit. The cardio will increase your calorie deficit making weight loss easier.

    So figure out how many calories you should be eating and compare that to what you really are eating by weighing and measuring everything (and logging everything). Give yourself at least 2-3 weeks to start seing small changes in your weight and measurements before you think to change something. And once again, remember that it is your calories that need to be worked on, not the exercise program. P90X has weight training and cardio, which is exactly what you need to lose weight and look awesome afterwards burning the fat...it probably isn't optimal since it is a pre-packaged one size fits all thing, but it's a good start. Just make sure you are eating a moderate deficit with plenty of protein and healthy fats.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    tell us more about your calorie deficit
  • rolemodel69
    How is your nutrition? Are you eating the right amount of calorie?

    I always recommend to people to do the Classic Version of P90X instead of the Lean. It has more resistance training and a little harder but will give you better results.

    4 Weeks into the program is not a lot but i would suspect your nutrition to be off for your lack of results.
  • Karizi
    Karizi Posts: 5
    littlesprite1, most people have been telling me that so I have been encouraged to start it up again and back up to week #3. I still have been working out but it's been mostly running/walking. Great before/after pics! This is encouraging!

    I have been eating on average 1600 cal per day sometimes 1800 cal on some of the more intense workout days. I have been pretty spotty about *what* I eat; even though I keep around the calories I set most of the time.

    The nutrition guide is pretty confusing because it has me set like at 2556 cals. That doesn't sound right. Should I just modify it so that it's lower? I actually like the meals that the nutrition guide has but don't know if I will be able to cook twice a day but I'm on here to try to change that. Nutrition in general is my biggest weak point.

    Also, I don't know where to check for my calorie deficit on MFP.

    Thanks for the responses everyone!