yo-yo weight loss

I startedto go to gym & hired a personal trainer to loose weight before my holidays.I acheived d weight I wanted buy after my holiday,I stop all workout,now I gain d same weight I lost earlier,and trying to loose it without trainer,it is a struggle.especially,on controlling my food

Help!..anyone can share how to loose weight without cutting too.mch of my food regime :(


  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    You've got to make sustainable changes. You look like you've only got a little bit to lose but the last few kg are the hardest. Exercise regularly, find something that you like doing and do it regularly but not to intensely or you will have trouble sustaining it. With diet you can either log everything and keep to the calories (this is my choice) which means you have to bother logging everything even when maintaining or you can make rules about what you can and can't eat and adjust them to achieve your goal weight eg no chocolate, no soft drinks, no food after 8 pm, only eat sitting down, whatever suits you and your lifestyle - just make it sustainable.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Open your diary and give your goals etc then people will be able to give more specific advice
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    Ok,i did that.I m trying to keep my dairy updated
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks,I m currently trying to stop eating aft 7pm and drink warm water in the morning before my breakfast

    Hope,I c sm chges soon :)
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    You need to eat green salads, include more vegetables -zucchini not potato, and eat fruits. Your meals are full of fried and processed food.
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    I'm feeling the same way (first time here). I was feeling I was at a reasonable weight for me (175 lbs, size 12, medium tops). This after being 300-350 lbs for most of my adult life and getting gastric bypass weight loss surgery in 2005, after which I weighed 170. Pepole may think "that's cheating" but let me tell you, I am still struggling, eight years later. In 2011 I got on the scale and was 235. Dieted down to 180. Summer 2013 got on the scale, 230. Exercised down to 175. Maintained that for several months, but got on the scale this a.m. and 187.4. I'm discouraged as I cannot seem to maintain either a healthy diet or an exercise regime. However, as they say, "try, try again". So here I am. Trying to get back down to 175, at the very least. I guess I'm not really asking for advice... I'm just complaining to see if that helps. :)
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    I'm feeling the same way (first time here). I was feeling I was at a reasonable weight for me (175 lbs, size 12, medium tops). This after being 300-350 lbs for most of my adult life and getting gastric bypass weight loss surgery in 2005, after which I weighed 170. Pepole may think "that's cheating" but let me tell you, I am still struggling, eight years later. In 2011 I got on the scale and was 235. Dieted down to 180. Summer 2013 got on the scale, 230. Exercised down to 175. Maintained that for several months, but got on the scale this a.m. and 187.4. I'm discouraged as I cannot seem to maintain either a healthy diet or an exercise regime. However, as they say, "try, try again". So here I am. Trying to get back down to 175, at the very least. I guess I'm not really asking for advice... I'm just complaining to see if that helps. :)

    :wink: yeah.. I understd,
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    yep.. i just loved fried food and bread, biscuits, cookies.

    Water and veggies -- struggling

    I lost weight last year by eating zucchini at nite, but now I have to decide whether to include zucchini as part of nite diet.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    All that fried food is giving you no nutrition and spiking your blood sugar, which just makes you more hungry. It has to go. It will be hard the first month, but you must be strong. I finally did it, I broke the cycle, I cut the crap from my diet and now eat "clean" I eat more veggies than ever before, I rarely feel hungry, I am rarely bloated like I used to be, I feel more energised than ever before. It has taken me 20 years to learn what I was doing wrong, and a few weeks to put in to practice what I learnt. There is no easy option, no magic pill, no quick fix, just hard work and perseverance, but after 6 months of not lying to myself that just one biscuit wont hurt, the results are bloody fantastic :-)
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    My opinion is to Eat what you want but stay with in your calorie goal! There is no reason to label food 'good' and 'bad', if you want a biscuit eat it and enjoy it but COUNT it in our totals. When you eat enjoy your food and don't feel guilty over what you are eating. I lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over trying to eat 'perfect' and 'healthy' only to find myself obsessing all the time. Eat what you like like but count it! After a while your body will probably crave the healthier food anyhow or it won't be worth it to you to have your calories on something with out nutritional value. Good luck!
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    My opinion is to Eat what you want but stay with in your calorie goal! There is no reason to label food 'good' and 'bad', if you want a biscuit eat it and enjoy it but COUNT it in our totals. When you eat enjoy your food and don't feel guilty over what you are eating. I lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over trying to eat 'perfect' and 'healthy' only to find myself obsessing all the time. Eat what you like like but count it! After a while your body will probably crave the healthier food anyhow or it won't be worth it to you to have your calories on something with out nutritional value. Good luck!


  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    Funny thing is, for my weirdo body, I do find that I can over my calorie count with protein and still lose; but if I go anywhere near my calorie count with carbs I gain! Plus I have a fat belly the next day! (I physically feel myself getting fatter!! What the heck?!!) In fact, whenever I plateau with weight-loss, I usually eat a steak. Weird, I know, but it works for me. Just goes to show you we're all build differently. :)
  • pbekkerh
    pbekkerh Posts: 12 Member
    My opinion is to Eat what you want but stay with in your calorie goal! There is no reason to label food 'good' and 'bad', if you want a biscuit eat it and enjoy it but COUNT it in our totals. When you eat enjoy your food and don't feel guilty over what you are eating. I lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over trying to eat 'perfect' and 'healthy' only to find myself obsessing all the time. Eat what you like like but count it! After a while your body will probably crave the healthier food anyhow or it won't be worth it to you to have your calories on something with out nutritional value. Good luck!

    Agree. Don't make it a scientific project or you'll fail. Eat what you like but count it,
    After a while you'll find out that its not worth eating that pint of icecream because then you can't eat for the rest of the day, instead you'll eat 2 x 400g of vetables and feel much fuller.
    Also get some spices, to make your food more interesting without adding fat.
    Set some times too: Only breakfast before noon, no lunch before 12am. No dinner before 6 p.m.
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    I tried to eat more veg and less fried food today managed to control but I gave in to pastry !! I bought two custard puff and that's for my dinner tonight. Cos if I eat more, I will definitely exceed my calorie for today
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Sounds like a great plan! I use to eat veges I hated because I thought is should,I would over eat later eating what I really wanted. When I first adapted the approach to eat what ever I wanted within my calories it was a lot of junk. Recently though as I look at my food it is less and less junk. I also have found ways to make dull, boring food taste better, haha!
  • Cclye
    Cclye Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday was first session with my personal trainer...another cycle of me trying to get back to my ideal weight.
    In my last two sessions with him,I managed to reach my ideal weight.each time I stopped,I gained 4kg,basically gain back wht I lost during the sessions!

    Now,I am determined to maintain and start eating healthy,more veg,less(very) less junk food esp while watching TV.
    More self control

    Wish me all the best....
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I would just try really controlling your food intake.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Yesterday was first session with my personal trainer...another cycle of me trying to get back to my ideal weight.
    In my last two sessions with him,I managed to reach my ideal weight.each time I stopped,I gained 4kg,basically gain back wht I lost during the sessions!

    Now,I am determined to maintain and start eating healthy,more veg,less(very) less junk food esp while watching TV.
    More self control

    Wish me all the best....

    Change the food you eat while watching TV. Try the popsmart 100 calories bag pop corn, cereal with milk, fruit, drink tea, decaf coffee, make broth for soup, celery sticks and dip them in Greek yogurt that has garlic, Greek yogurt with tomatoes and salt and vinegar and dripple of olive oil, Greek yogurt with 1/2 tspoon honey.

    You can do video workouts at home, try fitnessblender.com; go at youtube and check the exercise videos at the Befit channel
  • grampajimmy
    My middle name is Yo-yo! I have gained and lost the same 2-3 lbs, for weeks on end, Here's the thing. You don't do this just to get some new close for the holidays, You do this to Change your life and stop the bad habits that got you at your present weight in the first place. I speak from experience. I waited till I was 65 years old and 315 lbs to do something, and now I have realized there is never going to be a time when "I can leat like I used to". Not if I want to see my Grand kids grow up!

    Start at a caloric level you can live with and then after a few weeks play with it to see if you can up your weight loss mayve by a poud a week! Personal trainers are fine if you can afford that kind of thing, most of us are living pay check to pay check and have to learn to take care of our own bodies!

    Don't get discouraged, you didn't put the weight on over nite, and it sure as hell isn't going to come off any faster than it went on.

    Most of all, be happy! I mean it! Like yourself, and be all you can be! That will include slimmer! Good Luck!:-}}
  • bob_day
    bob_day Posts: 87
    Losing weight is difficult. It's a long, lonely, and solitary road. It's not just a matter of going on a diet for a while, and it requires changing much more than just your diet. It requires a permanent change in your life, including discarding friends who disparage or try to discourage your efforts. If you over eat because your job or the city you live in is too stressful, you may have to change jobs or move. If you over eat to combat depression you may need to change your social life. You, yourself, inside your soul, have to decide that losing weight is something you want to do. Not because friends said you should lose some weight; not because your doctor is on your case about it. You look at yourself in the mirror and decide you don't like the way you are and decide that you want to change your life.

    I know all this for a fact. I've lost over 50 pounds, gone from being overweight to being a few pounds above underweight, and have kept it off for more than ten years.