Calories intake/exercize help?

Hello everyone, hope all is good.

Well basically, I have been doing this weight loss since the begining of June, and I have lost 16 pounds so far and I am loving life right now. First month I lost 9 pounds and last month was 7 pounds.

I am aiming to do a little bit more this month. And I have started to exercize 4 times a week(cardio and muscle toning, as i am weak). But it's mainly Cardio workouts generally 45mins a day in the 4 days i go to the gym.

According to a website my BMR is 2450.12. But I only eat around 1000-1400 a day, on top of that I do exercize. Is this a good way to lose fat fast? I got a 34% body fat by the way.

Since the start of this new month I have started to eat extra fruits, cut out the crisps now which I used to have for my dinner with a sandwich and a yogurt and fruit. I don't have sweets, chocolate or pop(i have not done so since I started). All I drink is water and always have done since I started the weight loss.

For dinner(tea time in the UK) I tend to have lettuce with chicken 2/3 times a week and I have chips once a week. I only eat Ham for lunch on my sandwich and chicken if anything else. Also I have fish once a week.

I basically wanted to see what other peoples views where on this and how I can improve my weight loss or is it a good plan to work on?


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    No, in my opinion, this is not a good plan. BMR is the amount of calories your body requires to keep itself alive without leaving bed. If yours actually is 2400+ you are definitely eating way too little. 1000-1400 is low for a woman.
  • GingaMilla
    GingaMilla Posts: 5 Member
    What would you suggest I'd do then? I will give you an example of a food intake and will take todays for example.


    2 Weetabix, semi skimmed milk.

    2 slices of white bread,
    Slice of Ham,
    Strawberry Yogurt.


    Mash Potatoes


    6 Strawberries
    8 Grapes.

    That is what I have had so far today, with no exercise. I don't eat anything past 7pm.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    are you sure your BMR is 2450? sounds like your TDEE. I'm 59 and 5'2 and my BMR is 1250. I realize I am probably a lot older and probably shorter but that seems very high. I personally think your diet looks fine and don't think 1400 is too low. Just one person's opinion but I would recalculate your BMR to see what that number really is. If it is 2450 than I guess you are eating too little
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Is 2450 your BMR or TDEE?

    BMR is the amount of calories you need for your body to perform basic life-sustaining functions.

    TDEE is the total energy expenditure in a day, it is your BMR plus the calories you burn by walking around, watching TV, doing your laundry, whatever you do on a daily basis.

    Eating 1000+ less than your BMR is not a good idea.
  • GingaMilla
    GingaMilla Posts: 5 Member
    Just used the BMR calculator on this website and it come up as 2,190? So I am unsure.. According to this site for my guidelines it expects no more than 1,700 calories a day intake so I am trying to not go over that.

    I am 22 and I weigh 264 pounds, and according to BMI I have obese so, yeah.
  • Congratulations on the weight loss.

    You've been doing great. You lost about 2 lbs a week for the past 2 months, so stick with eating about as much as you have been for the past 2 months. Or even a little more if you exercise more. If you were eating 1000-1400 calories for the past 2 months, your BMR is a lot lower than 2400.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    go to the Scooby website to calculate: and find the BMR calculator.. good luck
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    What would you suggest I'd do then? I will give you an example of a food intake and will take todays for example.


    2 Weetabix, semi skimmed milk.

    2 slices of white bread,
    Slice of Ham,
    Strawberry Yogurt.


    Mash Potatoes


    6 Strawberries
    8 Grapes.

    That is what I have had so far today, with no exercise. I don't eat anything past 7pm.

    You're going to get a lot of people saying you eat to little. And you will get those that say "you can lose weigh and be healthy eating Big Macs and fries all day" - Calories in vs Calories out - blah blah blah, but it sounds like you're in this for the long haul and changing your outlook on food is what you need to concentrate on to make the weigh loss stick.

    MY OPINION BASED ON ME - If you are going to eat so few calories (MFP put me at 1310 and I'm fine) I would up the 'quality' of your food. I would swap out the ham for something with less sodium and the white bread with something a little heartier (Don't go crazy with the darkest whole wheat you can find, but something with more vitamins in it) and swap out the mashed potatoes for wild rice - again I think you'll follow me here - something with more vitamins. Now keep in mind, this is just from looking at your one day example. I don't know what type of Strawberry yogurt you choose, I would swap it out to Greek yogurt that it is full fat and add your own fruit. I would also eat TONS more vegetables like leafy greens. They are super low in calories and sugars and high in vitamins.


    You absolutely need to eat back at least half if not all your exercise calories.

    This is what I am doing ONLY while I am losing and mainly to change my habits and educate myself - once I get on maintenance or up my calories to lose slower I will go back to the mashed potatoes with blue cheese and caramelized onions, Honey-Maple ham, and some sinful flavored yogurt.

    WATER - WATER - WATER - drink it all - 8 glasses or more if the weather is hot and you're super sweaty.

    For exercise - I AM walking at least 10,000 steps a day and doing 75 crunches a day, doing two days a week of C25K, I've completed a 30 day crunch challenge and am now doing a 30 day plank challenge. AND THAT IS IT FOR ME. I know that exercise is the first thing I give up on so I don't want to rely on exercise to lose the weight. I am only doing the C25K so I can have my Triple Scoop chocolate covered waffle cone of CoffeeCoffee BuzzBuzzBuzz at the Ben & Jerry's that is only open seasonally up the street from my house - and I MUST walk to go get it.

    Like I said that is WHAT I AM DOING and IT WORKS FOR ME

    the Caps are for the people who are going to act like I've given you horrible medical advice and crucify me and ignore your original question - not yelling at you :)
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    What would you suggest I'd do then? I will give you an example of a food intake and will take todays for example.


    2 Weetabix, semi skimmed milk.

    2 slices of white bread,
    Slice of Ham,
    Strawberry Yogurt.


    Mash Potatoes


    6 Strawberries
    8 Grapes.

    That is what I have had so far today, with no exercise. I don't eat anything past 7pm.

    Depending on the size of your slice of ham and chicken it looks like you're not getting very much protein at all. I've found time of day has had little effect on my weight loss so eating after 7pm (which I do quite often with my work schedule and hunger cues) isn't very important for me.

    I'm going to be one of those people who suggests you try eating more. Eat whatever it is you want and can sustain long term be it paleo, clean, 80/20, etc. It just feels like 1000-1400 calories for a young man is quite low considering you've figured your BMR at 2100something.

    Another consideration, the calorie goal on this site is something to be reached, not under. Your weight loss deficit has been figured in at 250, 500, 750, or 1000 calories depending on how much you are set to lose per week so eating under your calorie goal isn't necessary. When you exercise it is logged and those calories are expected to be eaten back to keep that original deficit intact. If you are worried that the calories burned might be too high try eating 3/4 or 1/2 back instead. If you set to lose 2 lbs a week the program takes 1000 calories away from you. If you burn 500 working out and don't replace them you're running a 1500 calorie deficit which is high.

    I do congratulate you on your weight loss though and wish you much success.
  • kestrels
    kestrels Posts: 9 Member
    hi just read your post, im 59 5ft 1 and my bmr is 1227, how many calories do you eat?. I keep getting different info, I was told to eat between 1300 and 1400 to lose a few pounds, cause I was eating 1200 or less and fairly active, so my body was in starvation mode.I want to get down to 127lbs im 132lb at moment, thanks
  • Just used the BMR calculator on this website and it come up as 2,190? So I am unsure.. According to this site for my guidelines it expects no more than 1,700 calories a day intake so I am trying to not go over that.

    I am 22 and I weigh 264 pounds, and according to BMI I have obese so, yeah.

    For Your Weight the BMR sounds right. The heavier you are the more energy your vital organs etc require to function. So as you lose the weight you need to check your BMR as it will drop with your weight. I'd say it is important to meet at least your absolute minimum energy requirement but don't go over too much unless you're doing insane exercises. Consider that at your weight it will take more energy to do the exercises too ... the lighter the harder it becomes to burn extra calories. ;) Hope this helps. All the Best :)
  • GingaMilla
    GingaMilla Posts: 5 Member
    After looking at all the links and reading all of the comments I am still getting a little confused on what to do but kind of got the jist of it all.. Basically for me to lose weight I'll need to make sure I get to my goal which is 1700 calories a day but make sure it's not 'crappy' foods.

    The problem is I don't feel hungry at all when I have these meals and set calories a day? I don't starve myself and I never feel the urge to get up and get some more food.

    I'll give it a go by adding more fruit and veg in my meals and see what happens.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    After looking at all the links and reading all of the comments I am still getting a little confused on what to do but kind of got the jist of it all.. Basically for me to lose weight I'll need to make sure I get to my goal which is 1700 calories a day but make sure it's not 'crappy' foods.

    The problem is I don't feel hungry at all when I have these meals and set calories a day? I don't starve myself and I never feel the urge to get up and get some more food.

    I'll give it a go by adding more fruit and veg in my meals and see what happens.

    It's easier if you don't use "diet" food. Avoid low fat or non- fat things like dairy. Add nuts, avocados, healthy oils.
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    Useful comments above about quality of food you are eating. I have read it can help blood sugars if you eat more whole foods. Which may help reduce fat around the waist. I have in the last two weeks tried:

    Sweet roast potatoes with spray oil (instead of chips or mash)
    Brown pasta shells with a little mayo just to make it bearable
    Pearl barley as side (maybe instead of potato)
    Wholegrain roll

    I did notice a difference and felt more energetic. Basically its low GI carbs. Surprisingly weetabix are hi gi foods. Albran is better but "the sticks" as we call them are better with full fat milk. Maybe try tuna in water or fish as very low calorie.

    Also if you try brown rice, pasta, barley useful to know they will cook more quickly if you soak for a good few hours before cooking.

    Hope this helps.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    1000 calories is way to low. Also keep in mind you also need to watch your protein intake. If that is low too than it will hinder you more than help. Protein is what our bodies use to repair and build muscle. my BMR is calculated at 2500 calories. However, I do not eat that amount. I do however eat at least 1200 calories a day on days I do not do exercise. and on days I do I have between 1600-2000 calories depending on what and how much exercise I did. This is also something my doctor has concurred is a good plan for me. I started 9/2012 and have lost over 100 pounds following this plan and watching my protein intake make sure it is not low. (when protein is left low your body will break down muscle to fix other don't want to break down muscle but fat instead) Dr. told me min protein is 70g on days I don't exercise and 80-100 on days I do