Tired of being hungry, sore, and tired

So I commented to my hubby that it will be SOOO nice to be at goal weight and then I can just eat to maintain and not be so hungry all the time. Then I realized that I am not really losing and therefore am eating to maintain...is there no hope? When will the hunger end???


  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    only 12 lbs to go !!! Maybe switch up your exercise, your calorie intake to shock your system and wake it up. Are you drinking a lot of water? I find that the massive quantities of water I am drinking is helping with hunger. Have you adjusted your BMR calories as you have been losing weight?

    It will work out and think about how great you will feel when you do get those final 12. Sounds like you have hit a plateau.
  • scarlettbleu
    If your body is telling you that you're hungry (and not just psychological) then you should eat. Just make sure what you eat is good for you. No junky, fatty foods. If you're hungry have something high in protein and low in fat. The protein will fill you up and is good for those sore muscles. Drink plenty of water and stretch before exercise, both will help with the pain and fatigue. Bananas also help break up the lactic acid and they have tryptophan so they're comfort food (hurray for warm fuzzies). Above all, don't despair. You can do this, and the life change is worth it!!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    My go to snack when I am hungry is almonds or cashews. I start with 10 almonds...yes I count them out...22 is a serving ...LOL...I eat them slowly, one at a time. IF I am still hungry 30 minutes later I will eat the other 10-12. By then I am just done chewing.

    Also, I was told at a running store that before you run you should do dynamic stretches instead of static stretches. Stretching cold muscles is not good. So while stretching is imperative make sure you warm the muscles up a bit first. Before a run I will stand by a fence and do the leg swings. I will do some grape vines etc before I do any calf or hamstring stretches etc. Afterwards I will stretch a bit too but do butterflies, flamingos(that is what the 4 year old soccer team calls the quad stretch where you stand on one leg and hold the foot of the other to stretch your quads...) etc...I haven't being feeling sore since I switched up my stretching unless I really do a tough workout.

    One last thing...from your recent 1/2 marathon performance it seems like your body is doing great things. From your ticker you look fantastic. I know we all have our goals that we are striving for but don't forget to celebrate the amazing things your body is doing.