26 year old female looking t gain her life back

Hello. My name is Rachael.

I have actually been on the site for a long while but have not utilized up until this week. I started a week ago today and lost 5 1/2 pounds this week. I have a long journey ahead of me. I have 100 pounds to lose and I know it will take hard work and dedication! And I prepared to do it and gain my life back.

Today I did not eat well. Because last week at my 4 day mark I weighed in with a 5 pound weight loss and today 3 days later only lost an additional 1/2 a pound and was discouraged and ate over it. How can I have lost so little in 3 days??? I am working out 5 hours a week - an hours 5x/wk... and I have yet to reach my calorie goal (until today). Can eating too little slow down my process? Any and all answers would be helpful.

In any case introducing myself as I hope to be an active member here and share my success with all of you. Looking for all the friends and support I can get along this journey.

Ive been dieting for years and have yet to be successful but I am feeling this one.

I have a lovly husband a beautiful 2 1/2 year old little princess. And I need to be around for them!!! Also I cannot conceive more until I lose my weight and I am so ready :(

Thanks for being here!!

With much appreciation and support to all my fellows,



  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Hi Rachael, welcome to MFP!

    Its important to keep your head held high and your eyes on the prize, you can do it! I learned a couple years ago (while working on weight-loss research) that it takes a FULL week for your body to actually lose weight. What you are experiencing is probably water loss. Your retained water is the first to go before you really start losing any fat. You have only been at this for a week and this is a life journey, so please don't get discouraged. You should be shooting to lose no more than 2lbs/week.

    Also, yes eating too little can slow down your process, especially if you don't eat back your exercise calories as that is how MFP is designed.. If you open up your diary to the public and give us some idea of what you are eating, you can get more answers.
  • SuARogue
    SuARogue Posts: 17 Member
    I am 26 also. I've just stated using MFP and hope it will help me. I have about 50lbs to lose. I've tried diets lost some and then I always gain it back. We can do it this time! :D
  • Izumimon
    Izumimon Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, a week? Some days I get on the scale and see it rise and think "Damn...I overdid it yesterday."

    Could that have really been from the previous week? Or were you referring to the very beginning of a diet?
  • laneice78
    laneice78 Posts: 5 Member
    We are all here to encourage each other, and YOU CAN DO IT!! I think consistency and patience is key, and it seems like you're doing good. Just stay focused. I have also been dieting for years and feel like this time I finally have a handle on things. Keep up the good work!
  • want2lovemybody
    Wow! Thank you all so much for all your love and support!! For once I no longer feel alone!!!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Would it help if you aimed to lose your first 10% ? I found it very validating to have that amount gone, and it immediately put my long term goal into better perspective.

    I also need sometimes to break the day into small increments in order to avoid eating in a way I don't want to.

    I will be happy to encourage you!