any over 40s in UK to swap ideas

Hi i joined yesterday and got a great response to friends, however quite a few are overseas and lots of their foods ive unheard of. I would like to make friends with people in same position as me to swap ideas


  • GillSt555
    Hi, I have just joined today. I live in the UK, over 40 (in fact just over 50) and could really do with some support myself as well.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi, over 40 adn from the UK, have sent a FR request to you both :smile:
  • jomhendo
    Hi All , I joined last week I've sent requests :)
  • stayingatgoal
    i have sent requests too . :smile:
  • KT0104
    KT0104 Posts: 33
    Hi there. Welcome to MFP :)
    I'm over 40 (just!) and have been here 2-years.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm 40 (41 in a few weeks) and I've just recently started again. I'll send you a request. If anyone else wants to add me, you're welcome to :smile:
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I turned 40 a few months ago, I am in the UK. Feel free to add me, my food diary is opened to friends.
  • Joanne22o6
    Joanne22o6 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 41 and training for a marathon but not doing very well with my weight : ( Add me if you like to share some ideas : )
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member
    i've been here a week. UK and over 40 too. add me if you like :)
  • Slappydap
    Slappydap Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I will be 44 in a couple of weeks, previously lost 3st before MFP, joined here to lose the last 14lbs or so, please feel free to add me (open to other friend requests from others reading this thread), very happy to share motivation, support, my diary is always open for ideas, I will send you a request. :-)
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    me me me :) in UK and 40 - always keen to swap ideas :)
  • Marks281172
    Marks281172 Posts: 127 Member
    Im 40 and in the UK, feel free to add me :)
  • 72mw1969
    72mw1969 Posts: 1 Member
    44 and lost 7.5lbs so far, but myfitnesspal won't let me but 1/2 lbs on.
  • MutterGans
    MutterGans Posts: 45 Member
    Not in the UK, but I'm a Brit and I miss English humour like you wouldn't I'm sending friend requests to you all!!!!!
  • Jca67
    Jca67 Posts: 29
    Request sent and if any uk wish to add me that would be great :smile:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I live in the UK, new friends are always welcome :-)
  • slimster1970
    slimster1970 Posts: 65 Member
    43 year old guy in UK, happy to hear from any new friends in same time zone :-)
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    43 and in Wiltshire. Happy to be added. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    46 from Bucks and log everyday... Friends request on the way...
    Jules xx
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I'm 43 living in the UK, I'll send you a friend request, anyone else feel free to add me, the more the merrier!!
    Good luck everyone.